Friday, April 20, 2012

a question from anonymous

This question was sent to me anonymously -  anyone want to comment - Pauly

Was CS off today or working (Friday)? She spent over an hour today at the Matsons home....What could she be doing over there?? Any ideas?


  1. Perhaps it is time to load up the advisory board with like minded individuals who will vote to move money into the salary account for the town coordinator? You will not get good government supporting tyrants.

  2. There is probably a perfectly reasonable explanation. Maybe she was buying lunch at Lee's for the office staff, and then her Cadillac broke down and she was simply waiting for AAA.

  3. Ok so the "interim/temporary Town Coordinator" is seen at the house of the Chairman of the advisory board. Can everyone say ethics violation? or was she telling momma matson what to have sonny boy do?

    1. These people must stay up at night, thinking of ways to get everything they want. Ms Matson must have got a ear full, Carol pushing to make sure sonny stays on script. Maybe sonny does not want to be moderator? He's just a kid, even he knows he can not handle a big meeting, and is looking for a way out.

  4. I hope the town by-laws provide depends ultra for the moderator should such an item be needed. When that Ox bow mentality comes your way as moderator its a bad feeling. What goes around comes around.

  5. The "eyes" of Templeton are upon you CS! Maybe it was just tea and crumpets in a comfort zone. There aren't many of those places for her right now. Then again, she may be getting home schooled, or catching up on the newest read at the library. harumph! Whatever it is, it ain't good, and, yes I would say it is right on the edge of an ethics violation of "politicking" (engaging in political campaigning, vote getting).

  6. sighting alert - Bob C and Virginia W at echo hill ranch after the advisory meeting tonight.
