Sunday, April 15, 2012

Sick-mentally sick

Sick-mentally sick - That is my opinion select chair Bob Columbus I gave my opinion of Columbus is a mental state to the state police and our chief David Whittaker and our past "railroaded" coordinator Jeff Ritter. So no one can say I just made that statement up. And Columbus, I know you read my blog, did you check out how many hits I have over 81,000 to date. I am going to force the police to have you evaluated for three days  (under MGL chapter 123 section 12.)
By a psychiatrist (bug Dr.) because I believed you all going to hurt yourself or someone else. Because of your mental state, you have pissed me off to no end. I just watched the DVD of that meeting of April 12. The police should have arrested you and Virginia Wilder for inciting a riot. I am not going to mention Mullins because in my opinion the police are about ready to invite him to a judgment room anyway. You, Columbus broke the law and what a better witness-a DVD. You started a riot and the Templeton police ignored the taxpayers in that room. You did not tell us you and those other two,-“you name them Joe Boyd”. The police acknowledged the whole incident and ignored Chris Stewart and Jeff Bennett opposing Columbus's action. Columbus had no right appointing Skelton because it was not on the agenda. And we the people were not allowed to be represented by our lawyers  against this dangerous move. Everyone tells me to let the law take care of Columbus. While I was accused of doing something wrong once. Well I got my warning from the selectmen all five selectmen and the chief of police. And it was all wrong but I was patient. Well that F---a--- wipe has made me sick. And I don't mean sick like he is. I mean sick physically not mentally. If you people can make a peaceful protest Tuesday a.m., bring your friends and your camera phones or your video camera. In my opinion justice will prevail. I want action from the police in front of Fox news, and what ever others I have been promised. State rep Denise Andrews said she would get back to me in a couple of days but "well you know the rest". I was asked by a law enforcement official what proof I had about what is going on here in Templeton. After I explained he said good luck and I will be at 690 Patriots Rd., Tuesday morning. I know we will gain national attention with "help is on the way" move over Sal DiMasi and his accomplices, it's my opinion and the my opinion only because what I say is gospel. Thanks
PS do you the taxpayers think that a sane person would pull the sh---Columbus pulled in front of hundreds of us taxpayers in the three policemen that stopped the riot Columbus started on Thursday night April 12. Bev is right about Columbus being the worst selectmen in the history of Templeton, nice title, huh -although there is some debate of possibly a tie for worst selectmen with Gerald Skelton, and of course right behind these guys is Dennis O'Brien. In case you're wondering under Mass General law chapter 123 section 12 who has he harmed-how about a population of Templeton 8000 people, taxpayers, voters, residents. By hiring back a person who has caused financial harm to all of us. Not to mention putting us in danger when he incites riots. Is a violent protest on its way ? Why doesn’t Chief   Whittaker call the State Police for help? Columbus, Wilder and Mullins can’t fire the state police. The Athol State Police came to my aid a few weeks ago, but Columbus didn’t listen. He was hiding under a desk in the selectmens office. When I asked Chief Whittaker and Lt Capps from the State police to sit in on a hearing in front of Jeff Ritter as our town coordinator, re: chain of command. By the way people – Jeff Ritter did not resign and you can take my word for this statement. Put Columbus and Wilder and Mullins under oath and watch the response from those 3 lying Ba----ds. My civil complaint will cost a lot of money but I am promised many big buck donations and you will be amazed at who they are nd it is no secret. If these 3 people run to Mexico today we will chase them down with the law. Obstruction of Justice, Harrassment I the work place and bullying brings jail time, get it? How about it Ms Andrews, state Rep? you witnessed it with your own eyes. Help is on the way and I PHC Sr do not want Carol Skelton on or in our town property to be a temp coordinator or anything else. I proved her to be dishonest and that’s all there is to it. - PHC
Join the peaceful protest Tuesday April 17 at 690 Patriots Rd– we would like people to be there well before 9am so if some could show up very early - thanks


  1. I been around long enough to know when the watering hole has got poisen in it. First have Columbus get his head examined for fluoride poisen. We all seem a little off if you ask me.

  2. Have Wilder examined for too much bully in her pulpit. She may have drunk too much skeleton koolaid, grape flavor and she needs to go to that der wallyworld for some of dat blonde tint to match the other soon to be entering the hall bloomin fruitcake dat be bleached blonde

  3. Being verbally abusive and calling Bob names is not helpful. Keep your temper and wits about you, or you will fail to overcome.
    I really don't know Bob or any of you, but I know the Town of Templeton has had it's share of corruption and is in need of a clean sweep throughout the town authorities and politicos...
    Whitaker is hardly a knight in shining armor.
    Satan cannot drive out Satan. It's the Families-land&business owners, etc. and their influence on the courts and authorities in this town that have so corrupted it. But it was not always so, and a lot of righteous minded ppl live in this town and a lot of faithful ppl as well. Greed, fear, pride and envy are subject to judgment. This kind of stuff happens when a ppl don't repent of sins but whitewash and cover their tracks. If we are a community, we are guilty all as one and need to collectively repent and atone for the past by making better decisions about the future, and choosing people of humility and sacrifice to lead the way further out of darkness and error into a new age eager to live and thrive. It's going to take an inter-generational agreement and collective effort to make the final push and succeed. If the Head is sick then whole body will likewise be ill. But accusing Bob of being mentally unstable is about as useful as selecting him in the first place...
    Argue the issues and stick to the truth rather than trying to play the legalese game, because they will beat you with experience....the statutes and laws of this state are akin to witchcraft born of rebellion and greed and the enforcers use them as spellbound drones who do as they are told. You cannot blame them for doing their jobs. But you may correct them by rising above and countering their efforts with efforts of your own that negate their power.
    Go looking for a fight and you play right into their hands and feed the fire...

    Pro 26:20 Where no wood is, there the fire goeth out: so where there is no talebearer, the strife ceaseth.

  4. Go to the root of the problem and clean up around it if that is the best you may do for now, justice will follow and God will avenge His own...

    2Ki 9:22 And it came to pass, when Joram saw Jehu, that he said, Is it peace, Jehu? And he answered, What peace, so long as the whoredoms of thy mother Jezebel and her witchcrafts are so many?

  5. Last point, then I'll shut up..:)

    Act 5:39 But if it be of God, ye cannot overthrow it; lest haply ye be found even to fight against God.

  6. OK I said anyone could comment ..........

  7. "When a stupid man is doing something he is ashamed of, he always declares that it is his duty."
    -George Bernard Shaw

  8. God said go forth and vote bob columbus out of office and ye will see the sun shine forthwith. Elect Julie Farrell and thy will enjoy much wine flowing from your cup. So when no wood is left, the fire goeth out. Yeah, when the red barn is burned down and the antiques are ashes, the wood is gone and the fire goeth out. God is calling for a bonfire. Ya know, I could dig this jesus guy

    1. Sometimes you just need a release. For all the really terriable things these people have done to the town, the taxpayers and the people who have been abused so badly, they had to leave their jobs , saying someone is mentally ill, is not the worst thing that could be said. Everyone has to vent in their own way. For some of our group this abuse has lasted for years. BdG@@g13,we understand where you are coming from and you are right, to a point. That is why we have agreed to keep things in control. We have a right to agree or disagree . This is life.

    2. Every one has to vent in their own way. After all of the terrable things some of these people have done to their town, calling someone a mental case is not the worse thing that could have been said. Some of our group have been abused for years. Some have had to leave good jobs working for the town, because of the abuse handed out, for no reason. We have been pretty good about keeping things civil. We can agree to disagree. OH YAH, If you don't want to be called a thief, don't steal...
