Saturday, April 21, 2012

We need a Team Columbus sightings page. I just saw Ginny frolicking east through the blueberry field at Echo Hill Farm with her dear friend Carol. They must be strategizing; even Virginia's not stupid enough to think that the berries are ripe this time of year!

And then there was Carol at Mattson's yesterday. Can you imagine what the conversations are like during these pow wows?
Who will spot who where?? let us know!!!!


  1. Hello: This question is for Jeff,Pauly or Julie or anyone.You think we can get a microphone.For the people asking questions to the board.Julie had alot of good questions but it's hard to hear her.Even when you watch it on tv.It's hard to hear anyone that have questions they wanted answered.It's not good if you can only hear the chair speak.If they can buy 3 desk for 3 thousand dollars.I think they can find some money for a microphone or 2.PS Jeff can you look into this.Thank you.

    1. Unknown, you are asking for this majority of the board of selectmen to do too many things. Run a financially sound office budget, run an organized office, care about the people they work for (other than the skeltons) and spend your money wisely. I will certainly ask and inquire and perhaps after the election we can get this done. All columbus wilder and mullins care about right now is getting more money for carol skelton as is demonstrated by a special town meeting article to transfer money of selectmen office salary account to the coordinators salary account.

  2. Pauly, ok I think we have enough money in the account for the surveillance drone you wanted to buy. HA HA

  3. And here I thought all the home schooling was happening at the Library.

  4. I think the microphones would be a better investment than the desks at the BOS office. they could be used for town meetings as well. Team Columbus seems intent on spending every dime in FY 2012's budget, might as well buy something useful.
