made such a fool of himself that Mr. Will Spring had to be put on the advisory board to quell another near riot. Who does Isaac think he is, (Dora) from the kids show on TV. Do you know who I am talking about? Who put him as chair? Did that happen like the chair of selectmen? In my opinion they both sizes up about the same after Mr. Will Spring and Charlie Perkins took control and shamed (again) Columbus and Wilder out of the room. Columbus as usual had another meeting to go to, so cut his quest for more money $9000 to make sure Carol Skelton got paid until fiscal 2013. Well he got shot down, this time, by Will Spring (our new member) the meeting was not televised, but you all should have been there. This was a real to life (finance) advisory board meeting. And Columbus and Wilder left with heads bowed looking at the floor saying we will retaliate against you #@%##*@, under their breaths of course as usual. So if anyone has a problem with either one of those selectmen call me and I will saddle up my white horse and call Tonto and uphold justice. Get it? Read Jeff Bennett's comment to the editor in the Gardner news? While as we are talking about the advisory board meeting, it's that Isaac is going to be the moderator at the town meeting, we are in trouble. He Isaac showed his true colors at that meeting, he Isaac is another appointed official that has embarrassed us taxpayers. Someone like that kid on the finance board is a disaster if we (all us taxpayers) were not at that meeting Columbus and Wilder would have bullied that board into releasing $9000 for the interim coordinators position. Isaac was ready to agree to anything that Columbus wanted. We barely could hear Columbus and started saying, we can't hear you. Then he took the mike, it was going to be a big scam to take $9000 from the finance board and put it to the coordinators payroll. Isaac Matson should have stepped down as chairman because of his direct association with Columbus and Wilder before and after the recall. Bull----- that's how they pressured, bullied and harassed Ritter into resigning under duress. Look up-duress, in the dictionary. That issue is not "end of story" as Columbus and Wilder says. Ritter may not want to take the "issue" to court but our new citizens 4 Templeton Inc., will and it is going to happen. One friend of ours stopped by the other day and says he is donating $1400 to citizens 4 Templeton Inc. because he lost his house and that was all he had to pay his taxes $2940. He said let the mortgage company pay the taxes on that house am done, anyone else feel that way? These stories are being told everywhere and the majority of the board of selectmen think (3-2) that nothing is wrong in Templeton. Please attend every board and committee meeting as you can to help stop this insane bull. It is going on with other boards and committees, especially the 252 Baldwinsville Rd. committee. Here's a new argument starting against the senior center project. John Driscoll the light and water Department manager wants the soil tested at Sadie’s pit that came from the senior center construction site. He said "that our water is contaminated with PBC’s from that fill" let's see the water test, let them do the soil test the federal government cleaned any area of that end the town years ago. Don't bother the seniors, go to the agency that was paid millions to clean up that area, check with Alan Mayo from the cemetery department he knows all about that area, again lets see a water sample, or who complained why doesn't someone talk to Donald Cutting? He has knowledge of that whole issue, call him in to help answer questions. Most of us know where the complaint came from. I believe Mr. Driscoll when he said he got complaints, by any honest person that was "curious" after the town dumped that nice rich loam at Sadie's pit would put his fears on paper and sign the same. What say complaintant, get Driscoll out of a bad situation now. Before the issue gets out of control. Bud Chase can dump that $20 per yard "retail" loom on my front lawn or at WJ Graves co. I'll bet they won't refuse, lol. If Driscoll has the soil at Sadie's pit tested, hang on to your wallets. I have already moved my first communion money to another city. If the tests found anything who would pay for the cleanup? My answer to Mr. Driscoll would be to get positive proof then act. I wonder what happened to Mark Moschetti "yelling" at Randy Brown for wrecking the sewer department truck, my info is that the water Department borrowed the sewer truck without permission and the truck got wrapped, and the story. Also note to "isteach" I will not wait and watch, I have been waiting and watching too long, it is time to act on all of the wrongdoings, now! Not after the alligators stopped eating, get it, about the "swamp" and the alligators. Another note to "Huffy” we should not pay the interim part-time coordinator a dime. Don't you remember Julie Farrell's words "I don't trust her" she owes Templeton many more hours than she could possibly ever repay. And I reference the interim coordinator with a few more town employees that I accuse of getting paid for hours not worked, want proof what's for my investigation when it starts. That appointment was a direct act by the majority of the board of selectmen that tells us taxpayers that we are nobody. Get it, us taxpayers are nobody. Please note to "observer" do you think she was splitting the money with you know who? Did you forget all of PHC Sr’s plaints about that type of issue, Con Comm agent for 23 months. What say observer? The outcry of all "hundreds" of us taxpayers means nothing to the board of selectmen. Here is a few reminders Castro, Saddam Hussein, Gaddafi, Osama bin Laden and all those other dictators. On national news channels why is the media doing this to us people shouldn't it be a secret, like here in Templeton? In my opinion of course, any comment from Iraq or Cuba? I "in my opinion" would like to ask again about another town employee, not like Donald Perini when he left the job at the highway barn we all heard it from Don that he got a better job in Winchendon, the more money, nice explanation Donald now after seven months working in Winchendon you resign from that job. But you will not tell me an old friend why and I respect you for that, but could you answer one question to satisfy my fears. "Did you work with Mullins" nevermind on, you don't have to answer. Just because this is a free country,lol. Let's make a note about Scott Sawyer leaving Templeton, because he got another job. Do you taxpayers think Scott's resignation is similar to Jeff Ritter’s resigning? Come on people let's have some honest comments about this issue. Read Joan Gould’s letter to the editor April 20, 2012. Does Joan sound familiar with Templeton? "Is wrong, right in Gardner also"? There is nothing wrong chicken Little the sky has not fallen "yet" I PHC Sr is still looking for help in dealing with these three selectmen that has gotten out of control. I called them renegade selectmen, in my opinion. Thanks for reading my blog.
My Name is Paul H Cosentino. I started this Blog in 2011 because of what I believe to be wrongdoings in town government. This Blog is to keep the citizens of Templeton informed. It is also for the citizens of Templeton to post their comments and concerns.
Paul working for you.
Saturday, April 21, 2012
When, what, why, where, etc. etc.
Let's start out by saying in my opinion okay? Does that
cover the law? Now I was watching the news this morning and it is said that
swearing (cussing) is good for your health. While I would be (one) sick son of
a gun oops, can't say gun. That word can
get you in trouble so I'll change my wording, to my “God" would I be sick
if it wasn't for the lousy %#@&## politicians and their helpers in
Templeton. #@&*#@ see Columbus and his partner Wilder at the advisory board
meeting Thursday night at the school cafeteria at 6 PM. To start with the chair
Isaac Matson,
made such a fool of himself that Mr. Will Spring had to be put on the advisory board to quell another near riot. Who does Isaac think he is, (Dora) from the kids show on TV. Do you know who I am talking about? Who put him as chair? Did that happen like the chair of selectmen? In my opinion they both sizes up about the same after Mr. Will Spring and Charlie Perkins took control and shamed (again) Columbus and Wilder out of the room. Columbus as usual had another meeting to go to, so cut his quest for more money $9000 to make sure Carol Skelton got paid until fiscal 2013. Well he got shot down, this time, by Will Spring (our new member) the meeting was not televised, but you all should have been there. This was a real to life (finance) advisory board meeting. And Columbus and Wilder left with heads bowed looking at the floor saying we will retaliate against you #@%##*@, under their breaths of course as usual. So if anyone has a problem with either one of those selectmen call me and I will saddle up my white horse and call Tonto and uphold justice. Get it? Read Jeff Bennett's comment to the editor in the Gardner news? While as we are talking about the advisory board meeting, it's that Isaac is going to be the moderator at the town meeting, we are in trouble. He Isaac showed his true colors at that meeting, he Isaac is another appointed official that has embarrassed us taxpayers. Someone like that kid on the finance board is a disaster if we (all us taxpayers) were not at that meeting Columbus and Wilder would have bullied that board into releasing $9000 for the interim coordinators position. Isaac was ready to agree to anything that Columbus wanted. We barely could hear Columbus and started saying, we can't hear you. Then he took the mike, it was going to be a big scam to take $9000 from the finance board and put it to the coordinators payroll. Isaac Matson should have stepped down as chairman because of his direct association with Columbus and Wilder before and after the recall. Bull----- that's how they pressured, bullied and harassed Ritter into resigning under duress. Look up-duress, in the dictionary. That issue is not "end of story" as Columbus and Wilder says. Ritter may not want to take the "issue" to court but our new citizens 4 Templeton Inc., will and it is going to happen. One friend of ours stopped by the other day and says he is donating $1400 to citizens 4 Templeton Inc. because he lost his house and that was all he had to pay his taxes $2940. He said let the mortgage company pay the taxes on that house am done, anyone else feel that way? These stories are being told everywhere and the majority of the board of selectmen think (3-2) that nothing is wrong in Templeton. Please attend every board and committee meeting as you can to help stop this insane bull. It is going on with other boards and committees, especially the 252 Baldwinsville Rd. committee. Here's a new argument starting against the senior center project. John Driscoll the light and water Department manager wants the soil tested at Sadie’s pit that came from the senior center construction site. He said "that our water is contaminated with PBC’s from that fill" let's see the water test, let them do the soil test the federal government cleaned any area of that end the town years ago. Don't bother the seniors, go to the agency that was paid millions to clean up that area, check with Alan Mayo from the cemetery department he knows all about that area, again lets see a water sample, or who complained why doesn't someone talk to Donald Cutting? He has knowledge of that whole issue, call him in to help answer questions. Most of us know where the complaint came from. I believe Mr. Driscoll when he said he got complaints, by any honest person that was "curious" after the town dumped that nice rich loam at Sadie's pit would put his fears on paper and sign the same. What say complaintant, get Driscoll out of a bad situation now. Before the issue gets out of control. Bud Chase can dump that $20 per yard "retail" loom on my front lawn or at WJ Graves co. I'll bet they won't refuse, lol. If Driscoll has the soil at Sadie's pit tested, hang on to your wallets. I have already moved my first communion money to another city. If the tests found anything who would pay for the cleanup? My answer to Mr. Driscoll would be to get positive proof then act. I wonder what happened to Mark Moschetti "yelling" at Randy Brown for wrecking the sewer department truck, my info is that the water Department borrowed the sewer truck without permission and the truck got wrapped, and the story. Also note to "isteach" I will not wait and watch, I have been waiting and watching too long, it is time to act on all of the wrongdoings, now! Not after the alligators stopped eating, get it, about the "swamp" and the alligators. Another note to "Huffy” we should not pay the interim part-time coordinator a dime. Don't you remember Julie Farrell's words "I don't trust her" she owes Templeton many more hours than she could possibly ever repay. And I reference the interim coordinator with a few more town employees that I accuse of getting paid for hours not worked, want proof what's for my investigation when it starts. That appointment was a direct act by the majority of the board of selectmen that tells us taxpayers that we are nobody. Get it, us taxpayers are nobody. Please note to "observer" do you think she was splitting the money with you know who? Did you forget all of PHC Sr’s plaints about that type of issue, Con Comm agent for 23 months. What say observer? The outcry of all "hundreds" of us taxpayers means nothing to the board of selectmen. Here is a few reminders Castro, Saddam Hussein, Gaddafi, Osama bin Laden and all those other dictators. On national news channels why is the media doing this to us people shouldn't it be a secret, like here in Templeton? In my opinion of course, any comment from Iraq or Cuba? I "in my opinion" would like to ask again about another town employee, not like Donald Perini when he left the job at the highway barn we all heard it from Don that he got a better job in Winchendon, the more money, nice explanation Donald now after seven months working in Winchendon you resign from that job. But you will not tell me an old friend why and I respect you for that, but could you answer one question to satisfy my fears. "Did you work with Mullins" nevermind on, you don't have to answer. Just because this is a free country,lol. Let's make a note about Scott Sawyer leaving Templeton, because he got another job. Do you taxpayers think Scott's resignation is similar to Jeff Ritter’s resigning? Come on people let's have some honest comments about this issue. Read Joan Gould’s letter to the editor April 20, 2012. Does Joan sound familiar with Templeton? "Is wrong, right in Gardner also"? There is nothing wrong chicken Little the sky has not fallen "yet" I PHC Sr is still looking for help in dealing with these three selectmen that has gotten out of control. I called them renegade selectmen, in my opinion. Thanks for reading my blog.
made such a fool of himself that Mr. Will Spring had to be put on the advisory board to quell another near riot. Who does Isaac think he is, (Dora) from the kids show on TV. Do you know who I am talking about? Who put him as chair? Did that happen like the chair of selectmen? In my opinion they both sizes up about the same after Mr. Will Spring and Charlie Perkins took control and shamed (again) Columbus and Wilder out of the room. Columbus as usual had another meeting to go to, so cut his quest for more money $9000 to make sure Carol Skelton got paid until fiscal 2013. Well he got shot down, this time, by Will Spring (our new member) the meeting was not televised, but you all should have been there. This was a real to life (finance) advisory board meeting. And Columbus and Wilder left with heads bowed looking at the floor saying we will retaliate against you #@%##*@, under their breaths of course as usual. So if anyone has a problem with either one of those selectmen call me and I will saddle up my white horse and call Tonto and uphold justice. Get it? Read Jeff Bennett's comment to the editor in the Gardner news? While as we are talking about the advisory board meeting, it's that Isaac is going to be the moderator at the town meeting, we are in trouble. He Isaac showed his true colors at that meeting, he Isaac is another appointed official that has embarrassed us taxpayers. Someone like that kid on the finance board is a disaster if we (all us taxpayers) were not at that meeting Columbus and Wilder would have bullied that board into releasing $9000 for the interim coordinators position. Isaac was ready to agree to anything that Columbus wanted. We barely could hear Columbus and started saying, we can't hear you. Then he took the mike, it was going to be a big scam to take $9000 from the finance board and put it to the coordinators payroll. Isaac Matson should have stepped down as chairman because of his direct association with Columbus and Wilder before and after the recall. Bull----- that's how they pressured, bullied and harassed Ritter into resigning under duress. Look up-duress, in the dictionary. That issue is not "end of story" as Columbus and Wilder says. Ritter may not want to take the "issue" to court but our new citizens 4 Templeton Inc., will and it is going to happen. One friend of ours stopped by the other day and says he is donating $1400 to citizens 4 Templeton Inc. because he lost his house and that was all he had to pay his taxes $2940. He said let the mortgage company pay the taxes on that house am done, anyone else feel that way? These stories are being told everywhere and the majority of the board of selectmen think (3-2) that nothing is wrong in Templeton. Please attend every board and committee meeting as you can to help stop this insane bull. It is going on with other boards and committees, especially the 252 Baldwinsville Rd. committee. Here's a new argument starting against the senior center project. John Driscoll the light and water Department manager wants the soil tested at Sadie’s pit that came from the senior center construction site. He said "that our water is contaminated with PBC’s from that fill" let's see the water test, let them do the soil test the federal government cleaned any area of that end the town years ago. Don't bother the seniors, go to the agency that was paid millions to clean up that area, check with Alan Mayo from the cemetery department he knows all about that area, again lets see a water sample, or who complained why doesn't someone talk to Donald Cutting? He has knowledge of that whole issue, call him in to help answer questions. Most of us know where the complaint came from. I believe Mr. Driscoll when he said he got complaints, by any honest person that was "curious" after the town dumped that nice rich loam at Sadie's pit would put his fears on paper and sign the same. What say complaintant, get Driscoll out of a bad situation now. Before the issue gets out of control. Bud Chase can dump that $20 per yard "retail" loom on my front lawn or at WJ Graves co. I'll bet they won't refuse, lol. If Driscoll has the soil at Sadie's pit tested, hang on to your wallets. I have already moved my first communion money to another city. If the tests found anything who would pay for the cleanup? My answer to Mr. Driscoll would be to get positive proof then act. I wonder what happened to Mark Moschetti "yelling" at Randy Brown for wrecking the sewer department truck, my info is that the water Department borrowed the sewer truck without permission and the truck got wrapped, and the story. Also note to "isteach" I will not wait and watch, I have been waiting and watching too long, it is time to act on all of the wrongdoings, now! Not after the alligators stopped eating, get it, about the "swamp" and the alligators. Another note to "Huffy” we should not pay the interim part-time coordinator a dime. Don't you remember Julie Farrell's words "I don't trust her" she owes Templeton many more hours than she could possibly ever repay. And I reference the interim coordinator with a few more town employees that I accuse of getting paid for hours not worked, want proof what's for my investigation when it starts. That appointment was a direct act by the majority of the board of selectmen that tells us taxpayers that we are nobody. Get it, us taxpayers are nobody. Please note to "observer" do you think she was splitting the money with you know who? Did you forget all of PHC Sr’s plaints about that type of issue, Con Comm agent for 23 months. What say observer? The outcry of all "hundreds" of us taxpayers means nothing to the board of selectmen. Here is a few reminders Castro, Saddam Hussein, Gaddafi, Osama bin Laden and all those other dictators. On national news channels why is the media doing this to us people shouldn't it be a secret, like here in Templeton? In my opinion of course, any comment from Iraq or Cuba? I "in my opinion" would like to ask again about another town employee, not like Donald Perini when he left the job at the highway barn we all heard it from Don that he got a better job in Winchendon, the more money, nice explanation Donald now after seven months working in Winchendon you resign from that job. But you will not tell me an old friend why and I respect you for that, but could you answer one question to satisfy my fears. "Did you work with Mullins" nevermind on, you don't have to answer. Just because this is a free country,lol. Let's make a note about Scott Sawyer leaving Templeton, because he got another job. Do you taxpayers think Scott's resignation is similar to Jeff Ritter’s resigning? Come on people let's have some honest comments about this issue. Read Joan Gould’s letter to the editor April 20, 2012. Does Joan sound familiar with Templeton? "Is wrong, right in Gardner also"? There is nothing wrong chicken Little the sky has not fallen "yet" I PHC Sr is still looking for help in dealing with these three selectmen that has gotten out of control. I called them renegade selectmen, in my opinion. Thanks for reading my blog.
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Pauly, I am not sure where I said for you to wait & watch? I don't think I've Ever said for YOU to wait & watch. I am WITH you all the way. I have been saying the same thing as you from the beginning & backing you up as best I can. I might have said for one of the employees to wait & watch (trying to reassure them because they were bullied) but certainly Not you. If you read all my blogs, I think you know I am 100% WITH you & have been from the start. I KNOW somewhat how you feel. I have been a victim of that regime & have tried to get the word out, too but, I am not quite as strong & solid as you are but have done my best to help in exposing the swindling & cheating that has gone on in town. Those few made my life a nightmare years ago so the sooner they are Gotten, the better for me, too!! I don't want to wait & watch anymore either!! Thank you, Pauly, for all you have done & are still doing!! My prayer is that you will get them Fast & Soon!! So sorry if you thought my message was wrong somewhere. All my messages are meant to be in your favor because I KNOW gut level & in my heart you are right!!
ReplyDeletePauly, did you read my last April 20 blog under the Advisory Board Meetin April 19th heading? It is in the last one where you'll see I have been saying you have been trying to get the bums for years!!
Deleteyes years years you are right - back to 2003 when the Con Comm gave $1400.00 left in the Con Comm expense acct to volunteer JoAnn Burdin instead of just paying her for expenses (stamps etc) they didn't want to give it back to the town! oh and just a note on this, that started it all - Shaun Grimley - a skelton supported was on the Con Comm and voted to do this. and another note the Planner that is getting paid for more that the hours she works is JoAnn Burdins niece - are we seeing a pattern here?
DeletePauly, I have read isteach's comments and have not found them to be anything but supportive to you and what this town is up against. I believe the bloggers here are a unified group and want the same things. We want a working selectmen's group. We want oour tax dollars spent wisely. We don't want to pay employees who are irresponsible slackers who show up as they please, get nothing done, and collect a salary. We are willing to live wit core services and don't need a grandiose town hall and state of the art elementary school until the economy gets better. We want this town to flourish and not become "SKELTONVILLE" again. In other words, we are working and supporting you in your efforts Pauly. Lets not have in-house disagreements.
ReplyDeleteMy opinion only.
Quote for the day: War does not determine who is right-only those who are left.
Thank you Checkn000!! Thank you for that! I felt like what I have been writing & saying hasn't mattered in the least. I have tried to write things as clear as can be even though at times using hypotheses, out of town examples, analogies, references, etc. without actually mentioning full names here that could be used aginst me, against us as a group of concerned citizens until the proof has been presented & discovered by the authorities (if there are any willing to look here). I know Pauly has a lot of proof & I still don't understand WHY the FBI, Attorney General, or even any investigative news agency will not take a closer look? Even the Gardner snooze has not done any fair or balanced reporting on the issues here! One day, I will tell Pauly all the agencies I went to, as well. Right now, I think I am about blogged out!! I want to THANK YOU AGAIN, Checkn000, for your back up & support of what I have said thus far & reconfirm to Pauly that I am on his side & it is NOT me that is not with him all the way. I have lose a bit of steam but you have helped me get some back. I understand how everyone is on edge because this situation has gone on for so long sometimes people just don't know who to trust anymore. Take care & God Bless you on this Sunday & always, isteach :)
DeleteSorry I think what I tried to say came out wrong - I thank everyonee for their support- help - ideas - comments etc. this has been an almost 10 year fight for me as I said before since 2003. I have been trying to do away with Skeltonville lets bring Templeton to democracy - here here!!!! May 7th will be the start!!!!!
ReplyDeleteYes, Pauly, I do know. It was almost 9 years ago I first starting noticing things were not "adding" up for the townspeople, taxpayers! But, the money was going for a few (we know now who they are) Nobody believed me then either so now we have this full blown Disease we are trying to eradicate. It's like all afflictions, if you get it quickly the damage is not so bad but if left to fester & boil, it becomes almost impossible to treat! So, thanking you once more for this Blogspot outlet for those of us who have had enough & are trying to remedy the Huge Boils we have here!! God Bless you, too Pauly! isteach
DeleteThanks to both of you. Just to add a bit more to my frustrations:
Delete1. I am sick of the Select Chairman ask for a motion...pause....poke...Virginia? I motion...
pause....second?.....poke...Mullins...I second!
Why the pauses and pokes? Not sure? Don't know what the motion was? Forgot why they're here?
2. I fortell that the Skelts are doing this so that their heirs will see a placque over the doors of the Town Hall and the Elementary School that says: "FOUNDED BY G & C SKELTON IN 2012"
I think this period of time will go down in Templeton's History as the most difficult the town has ever had. Sorry for the Sk.& his followers. I doubt anything would be named for the likes of them. Maybe one of "Scotties Potties" The sad thing is I think VW does not really understand how badly she is being used. Once this is all over, we will see how much time CS spends with her.
DeleteI agree with naming a potty after the Notorious SK gang. That's all they warrant. In fact, I think that is insulting a potty. At least they have a good purpose. LOL...I think you are also right as far as VW goes. I think she, BC & PM will get thrown under the bus when they are no longer needed. They are probably setting them up to take the fall. We'll see as this saga plays out. Don't need soaps on TV. We're living one. Can't wait for this dark period in Templeton's history to be over. I agree it is the worst time I can remember ever, having lived here my whole life. Longer than I care to mention. LOL
DeleteI know My husband and I are not the only ones to come home from some of these meetings, wired. No way can we sleep. Some of the stuff that is going on, at times leaves me at a loss for words. To try to explain to anyone is next to impossible..I just say you have to read the blog..We can't let this stuff go on. Some one has to take a stand. Pauly has a long time ago. Now he is not in this alone. The thing JS and company did wrong was to piss the wrong people off. I am stubborn, must be the yankee in me. I can shut my eyes and hear Gladys say "Beverly, You can't let them get away with this!" She would be "fit to be tied", " at the end of her rope"," All old sayings," but what it comes down to is she would not have quit, and neither are we. The plus side is, good people like Jeff, Julie, Will Spring and the rest of you on the blog are doing the best service to this town. You have given people a voice, that K&P along with BUBBA and company can't shut up.