Tuesday, May 8, 2012

From Jeff Bennett

Just so there is no mistake, this blog entry is by Jeffrey Bennett. I read the article in The Gardner News on Saturday, May 5, 2012 where Mr. Columbus stated "I want to hopefully send a message for a second time that people support the current board." I think a message was sent to you Mr. Columbus by the voters that they do not support you. Again, in my opinion, you sent a message that you were not about change and you are not about moving forward. By bringing out the same folks, spouting the same insulting material at the same people, you showed your true colors. Brehios, Skeltons, Matsons, O'Brien (big mistake having a man who called taxpayers stupid holding any of your signs, in my opinion) Mr. Bernard Heaney did come over and speak with me, about the Marine Corps, we skipped the political BS. I thank Mr. Heaney for doing that, a sign of possible civility. One of your sign holders Mr. Columbus referring to a man from "the other camp" as move on boy was not very becoming of someone who claimed in many political ads as the one who wanted to move forward and work for the town. I stood out on the sidelines for the first time, even when I ran in May 2011 I did not stand out there. I did this time because I thought it important enough to make a change on the board of Selectmen to try and get moving in a new direction. A direction where at the very least, voters and taxpayers can get questions answered. There is one political move that has to be made very soon, in my opinion, and that is the dismissal of Carol Skelton. I believe she is to polarizing of a person in the position she is in, that whether she is or is not responsible for things like town meeting warrant articles being changed after the selectmen voted on them and they are sent for review to town attorneys, I believe the perception is there that she did do these things and for the tow to move forward, she needs to go, nothing personal, just business. Just like the selectmen need to forgo any salary this year and some other positions need to be unfunded, it is business, not personal. Another thing I witnessed and was involved in was the issue of whether or not a trailer brought to the political table, as it were, was in violation of the law by being parked on the side of the road in a planned event without a registration plate attached. In my opinion, Templeton police chief David Whitaker took a political side by failing to act on this matter and that is unfortunate. Unfortunately the Massachusetts State Police failed to investigate this issue as well after I made an inquiry. So a written complaint to the Colonel of the Massachusetts State Police and the Registrar of Motor Vehicles is on the way. We cannot pick and chose what laws will be enforced at our convenience. An improperly attached repair plate is not only a violation of the law, it takes away excise tax from the town of Templeton. Mr. Steve Brehio should know better and should know how to follow the law. Again this did not bode well for Mr. Columbus seeking re-election. People were already upset enough over your majority of the board running an undemocratic board, unfair dismissal of a town employee, poor use of taxpayer funds, lack of response to taxpayer questions and failure to listen to public opinion. Mr. Columbus failed to put Templeton first and he paid a political price. I hope his counter parts learn the lesson and change sooner rather than later. Besides a town meeting that will most probably be very difficult because of a lack of leadership on the part of Robert Columbus, there is about 6 thousand dollars that has to come from somewhere to pay for the short term borrowing involving the money wasted on 252 baldwinville road because a few people on a committee failed to act in a responsible manner in spending other people's money. Yes I voted to spend some of it on contracts and bids, hoping somewhere along the line, common sense and being truthful to the people would occur, sadly it did not. There is also a contract with SBS, involving $989,318.00 concerning the elementary school building and committee, of which only $550,000.00 was ever appropriated by taxpayers at town meeting. Yes I remind myself and the taxpayers of things that were done in the past and by whom they were done so as to not repeat them and so taxpayers will hopefully stay ever vigilant to not be fooled again. I did not sign up for the Worcester County retirement system because I do not think the taxpayers should be burdened with looking after my later years and I do not think selectmen should take any money for the following year when we as a town are in such a financial bind. People often say they do not serve for the money, well talk is cheap and good whiskey costs money. Time for elected folks to pony up and do without for a while, just like some taxpayers have been doing for quite a while. Time for Templeton to live within its means and if that means part-time positions or one person offices, then that is the way we need to go. We simply cannot sustain an ever increasing budget with no cap in sight, for pretty soon there will be no town of Templeton because we will not even be able to afford to pay the light bill, never mind pay employees. This is fixable and there are many people in Templeton a whole lot smarter than I who I believe would be willing to help if they thought someone would listen. Here is my message to them, there has been a change on the board of selectmen, for the better in my opinion, taxpayer input is now welcome at selectmen meetings and you should now be getting answers to your questions. I hope citizens of Templeton send a message to the selectmen, by way of continuing to attend meetings in good numbers, to show us you still care and you still wish to verify! As always, I appreciate your attendance and your support. Jeffrey Bennett


  1. congrats to all that came out and voted !!

    the next few weeks should be interesting you could have the pro skelton crew making noise now and testing the new majority selectman and being vocal at meetings . i hope you guys do not bend and just let them speak you do not want your selfs using the same approach as the 3 puppets did having the police escort people out !!

    1. Good job Jeff. The people need to realize that alot of money has spent, bad decisions have been made, by JS and crew. Like I have said it is not going to be easy, but we need to work together to figure out how to make ends meet. Please try to attend town meeting. We need every ones input. I don't see any problems with people at the meetings in the future. The difference is we were not wrong. It is hard to defend their actions. Not much right with anything they have done. Again, my opinion. Bev.

    2. Bennett for chairman of the BOS.
