Thursday, May 10, 2012

From Julie

MassWorks Grant

The application process for Mass Works  grants has opened. I received this message from Senator Brewer’s Office:
Dear Town Official,
Senator Brewer is pleased to announce that the 2012 MassWorks Infrastructure Program application materials are now online! The second annual MassWorks Infrastructure Program grant round will be open to new applications through an online system between Monday, Aug. 27 and Monday, Sept. 10.
A copy of the 2012 application, guidelines, scoring, FAQ and other relevant materials are now available on the Executive Office of Housing and Economic Development’s website at The electronic application system will open on June 1, providing applicants with more than 12 weeks to complete their application before the submittal period opens on Aug. 27.  All of the data submitted during the 2011 grant round will be available for updating, providing for the easy reapplication of a project submitted in 2011. All decisions will be rendered by the end of October.

Could someone please forward this information to the Otter River Sportsmen Club? They were looking to tie into town water, but it is very expensive. Representatives from the club approached the Light & Water Commissioners to see if the club could be connected to the town’s water supply. I know the manager of the Light and Water department is an avid reader of this blog. He has been known to print out copies of blog postings- in color no less! I hope this information is helpful to the town and the Otter River Sportsmen Club.

Julie Farrell


  1. I'm not a fan of such grants.

    Federal and state largesse is ultimately paid for with tax money. If every municipal entity stopped applying for this "free money" it would go a long way toward easing our national debt crisis.

  2. I am not a big fan of grants as well. Grants are a way to compete for our tax dollars again! However, grants will be the only way Templeton will be able to complete major infrastructure projects
