Thursday, May 3, 2012

more on 252 Baldwinville Rd

252 Baldwinville Rd.- Why I do NOT trust Kopelman & Paige

A few documents of interest regarding 252 Baldwinville road are:  

Please click on the “blue words” they will open up the documents. 

The Municipal Lien Certificate indicates the assessed value of 252 Baldwinville Rd at $366,500. This assessed value is from the year 2007, because commercial /industrial property is not assessed as often as residential property.

Please review the E-mail as an Invoice document. Once again, please note the three signatures on this document that released $399,925 as payment for 252 Baldwinville Road. This release of payment was made on the basis of an e-mail. This is highly irregular and certainly not good accounting practice. 

A few concerns:

This is not a proper invoice!

Who negotiated a higher price for the building than its assessed value?

WITHOUT an appraisal?

WITHOUT a building inspection?  

Settlement Statement is a one page document, signed by attorney Shirin Everett of Kopelman and Paige. There is no address on this document. It is not signed by the sellers attorney. I believe this document is shoddy workmanship at best.

It is apparent that K&P attorney Shirin Everett was not following the procedures on the checklist for purchasing a municipal building as posted on the K& P website. If the 21E on the property comes back and indicates contamination, I believe the town should pursue legal action against K&P for not protecting the Town of Templeton’s interest (the taxpayers) in this real estate transaction.

Julie Farrell
24 Myrtle St.
Baldwinville, MA 01436
978-939-2501  home
978-340-2503 mobile


  1. probably put that package together in one of them many red barns in Templeton, I think there are at least 4 on Baldwinville road alone. Maybe ed mcclure open his nap sack up and broke open the vodka that he carries with him. What ever the case may be, it is a good thing for taxpayers that the thing is dead, would have been 4 to 5 million when done, When is the last time a government project came in under budget. Too bad ya have to pay off the 600K they blew. Maybe jay paul has an idea, he seems to care bout templeton.

  2. There is some interesting commentary on the site, including a link to a letter from Len Kopelman regarding the town's legal costs. It would have been interesting to see how much a complete year with Blatman, Meade, and Bobrowski would have cost vs. a K+P bill. I suspect the flat fee in the end would have been the less expensive of the two. Team Columbus should have thought about this before they changed law firms; they could have had all the executive sessions in the world to discuss terminating Mr. Ritter, and it wound't have cost them more than the standard 5,000!

    1. In my opinion the law firm of Kopelman and Paige were supposed to protect the town's interest not just the home team's interest in regards to buying the property on 252 Baldwinville Rd. K&P may have violated all of their own rules in regards to buying property for a town. This locations would be perfect for a satellite office for Lenny after he reimburses the town for all expenses. Add this latest alleged screw up to all the others and if we were able to get reimbursement from K&P we would have the money for a new school,fire station,police station and an all expenses paid holiday for two weeks for everyone in town to Las Vegas with an open bar and ten thousand dollars each for gambling and other assorted adult entertainment and still have money left over to take the fluoride out of the water system in Templeton.

    2. Any chance we can get an actual copy of the bill and not a letter full of double talk from LS - I reeally want to see the itemized bill and just a note the "Repucci v Sewer" comes out of the Sewer budget. I don't want "averages" I want to know what it cost us to have Bob C get rid of Mr Ritter, I also can't wait to see the April bill with all the warrent rewrites by ?????

  3. "SIX cops at the meeting
    Per order of BOB
    King of Selectmen
    He's trying to rob
    The citizens of rights
    He's made it his job.

    He gets his ideas
    From the has-been-in-charge
    The guy selling berries
    Whose pension is large.

    Bob's got some supporters
    There's Scrappy, for sure
    And reliable Ginny,
    With intention so "pure"!

    With escorts by cops
    To their cars, off they run
    They peel out and speed off
    From the cops, nothing done.

    Destination reached,
    They make their reports
    Ginny: "I Motioned"
    Scrappy: "I seconded"
    Bob: "I ejected"
    They say.
    The Great Man just smiles
    And then doth he say:

    "You've done well, my Good Servants,
    You'll have breakfast and Lunch
    At the Turtle on ME.
    You'll be rewarded
    Just wait and see"

    Scrappy smiles,
    Ginny swoons,
    Bobby scowls, then he says
    "I'm concerned 'bout the papers -
    how long will they hold?
    How long for our secrets
    How long still untold?"

    The has-been scowls too,
    Has reason to worry,
    A Loan application, signed by King Gerry.

    But then a thought flashes,
    He grins ear to ear,
    He calls Lenny's number,
    And sure enough, Lenny's there!
    He gives the instructions,
    While his lackeys await
    And finishes with this:

    When told by the Counsel
    "We'll just take the fifth"
    He happily answers
    Of course! And "Forthwith!""

    -- Posted by Templeton First on Sunday May 6, 2012 at 3:50 PM
