Thursday, May 3, 2012

Olive's comments

because olives comments kept disaappearing I'm putting them here - I get everyones comments atomatically emailed from blogger to me so I never know who has trouble posting unless someone lets me know. If this happens to anyone else just email me direct put the words "a blog" in the subject line and I'll post this way good comment Olive

Dear Jay-

I want to thank you for your letter in the Gardner News. You have provided the public with one of the best pieces of memorabilia in this historic campaign. I suggest to everyone to cut this letter out and put it in your scrapbook as the best example of negative campaigning and proof of exactly how extreme the mud slinging got in this story.

Is your family so desperate that they have to sling their own mud now? Is it because there is no mud to sling that belongs to your opponents? Why in the world would you reprint those comments about you and your family if they were so hurtful? Not many people had heard them before, but now that you and TGN printed them, they have reached a great deal more of people. That just seems desperate and manipulative. More importantly, you have taken the spotlight off your chosen candidate, Mr. Columbus, and shined it (once again) on your family. How narcissistic of you?

Back in February, you and I had a conversation on LTPS, Inc. facebook page about how awful bullying and harrassing was. You agreed that it was wrong and needed to be dealt with. If that is your true feelings, then why would you write a letter such as this that would spread the divide in our town even wider? What you did is in no way productive or positive, nor did you effectively defend your family's honor.

And another point, you mentioned that if anyone wanted to see the negative words written on this blog, which "may have been deleted by now", you have a copy to share. My question is, in your copy of said posts from this blog, does it include the comments from others who instantly stated any bashing was wrong or did you delete those comments? I believe I had commented on some instances that were not appropriate as well as several others and that person apologized and took the comments down. If those comments are not in your "version", no worries. I have a copy to give you.

Finally, if you want people to vote for Bob Columbus, PLEASE tell the public what his good qualities are, what his ideas are for the future and how he plans on implementing his forward-thinking ideas. Is that so hard to do? Maybe it is. The only comments I have read from ANY and ALL Columbus supporters is negative, name calling words about Ms. Farrell. The message these supporters (and you with your letter) are sending is "it doesn't matter what this guy stands for, this lady is evil and awful and you should fear vote for this guy instead."

Mr. Columbus has not interacted with the public to listen to their concerns, did not show up to Candidate's Night to give a speech, and has not promoted ANY positive ideas or platforms for the future of Templeton. Ms. Farrell has. Ms. Farrell has also provided many many public documents pertaining to town business that back up all of her talking points. It shows credibility. Ms. Farrell is not the one leading all the community groups, blogs and facebook pages. Those were created independently by citizens who believe in getting the TRUTH out and helping this damaged town heal. We feel she is working in our best interest which is why we support her. There hasn't been this many people working together and basic communication in Templeton in decades! It is so POSITIVE and completely opposite of everything you wrote in your letter. This movement goes way beyond this election, as Bev stated. And I believe that if you came home and saw all the positive, community-based things that are happening, you would smile.

Jay, I'm sorry that you felt you had to write that letter. I hope in hindsight you will feel a twang of regret for doing it. Once people like you stop slinging mud, we will welcome everyone to join us in rebuilding the community into a supportive, productive, harrassment-free environment.


  1. Your comments could not have been said better, and could not have been truer. This is what we are all about. When I was standing in front of the Citizens 4 Templeton group Sunday, I looked at a group of all ages. A verry courageous group, people who have stood up for what they believe in, a group who care about their town. I have met new people, wonderfull people, I can now call friends. Walter Rolf, Fred Bennett, Mr. Valenton, The Cassies, Mr. Flis Mr. Yackowski, Mr. Stone, Dana Putnum And My dear friend Gladys Salame, They did their best to lead their town in the past, Now these people in that room, the people who read the blog, and spread the word, Have done a good job, and I want you all to know hop proud I am of every one of you.

  2. Great points Olive! I feel sorry for this young man's hurt but his parents are not the nice people I wish they could be for him. They have hurt many people here in town by doing deals on their own & withholding vital information that affect the citizens at large & the public has a right to know this....As Julie says this is NOT just a feud between 2 families, as they would like to have you believe. It is much more serious than that. It is about the future of Templeton. The Farrells, Pauly, Bob Mitchell, Jeff B, & countless others have been trying to get that information out to the town for many years now & been hindered & sidetracked around every turn. What I do know for sure is that Julie will get that information for you any way (legally) she can. Jeff B. has proven to be the same kind of selectman. I have not seen this type of respect or cooperation with most of the current BOS members. Contrary to what a few people have felt this is NOT only their town. It belongs to all of us. We want the BOS to go back to a time where you felt FREE to discuss your opinions & suggestions without fear of being ejected from a meeting just because you disagree with Mr. Columbus or the majority of the board. The recent multiple police presence has been a deterent to many (which is what it was designed to be, I believe)& has affected citizen's ability to communicate without fear of reprisal. Just voicing your opinion (even if it is loudly) is not reason enough to be escorted out of the bldg. This is major abuse of power. Julie & Jeff B. will make info available to EVERYONE, not just a select few. They have proven to be good representatives & stewards of the town. We have a RIGHT to know what is going on here. We also have the right to dispute something if we don't agree with it. Please vote May 7th to get your voice back. Julie's points are clear, if you want the same closed govt. vote Mr. Columbus. If you want representation from someone who will work for you, then vote Julie Farrell. Thanks Pauly for this forum. If we did not have this spot no one would be getting the other side of the story out. I find it very sad & a great disservice to the area population that the Gardner News is only (for the most part) printing one version of what is happening in Templeton. I share Bev's view & am proud of Pauly, & all the others mentioned & not mentioned who have the guts, will & determination to bring Templeton back. Let's hope "We got our town back" is the theme of our 250th anniversary float!! !! And these are my views & opinions.

    1. A well written response to Mr.Skelton Olive. I hope people who have not voted in the past will get out and make a difference on Monday May 7th by voting for someone with integrity and vision that being Candidate Farrell. It is also hoped that those who were lied to regarding the recall election will cast a vote for honesty.

  3. Perfect response Olive. I would like to contribute the money to print in TGN, possibly as the response from Citizens 4 Templeton if don't want your name on the ad.
