Sunday, May 20, 2012

Templeton under siege 2012

 Is this the proper description for what is going on in Templeton still? Even after the election of Julie Farrell, with a 450 vote over the expected count. Our town is still under siege. And I'm serious about this issue. Chris Stewart will not ever come to a neutral position. I believe his way of thinking is the product of "if it isn't broken don't fix it". He should be a product of “if it is bent and distorted” find out why! To correct it, not ignore the problem, and yes don't be humble. Ask us "stupid" taxpayers/voters on paper,
with a legible signature and date, not a scribble from an anonymous, complaint (bull----). And Chris Stewart do you remember being one of us "stupid" people a few months ago? Before the "well was poisoned"? To quote Tom Jelenewski. So smarten up and get with it. We, as in the town, are depending on you and we "intend" to continue depending on Jeff and Julie until the recall. And Chris Stewart, I hope you as a man not a "puppet", are mad enough to come to your senses and comment to me-Paul H Cosentino, Sr.
PS Chris remember in public and on DVD you said” you didn't trust our labor attorney as far as you could throw him-(Dabrowski)”. And at a town meeting last fall, you told the moderator Jeff Kovach, that you didn't want Pete Farrell as a counter because you thought he was dishonest and you didn't trust him. Hoo Boy!, why do you say those things? Are you overstressed on the job? Did you ever take into consideration how much trust we have for you? In other words you don't trust anybody but we the taxpayers and voters are supposed to trust you. Thanks for reading my blog.


  1. I am so sick of the" if it isn't broke don't fix it " routine. Did yoy ever buy a nice looking potato and when you cut it open, its black in the middle. The middle is what they call "black heart". Well thats what our government has been like for too long. There is no excuse for any of the selectmen to not do the right thing. There is no excuse seeing there are no secrets left. We know who the "fantom" is, thank you Carol for screwing up our town meeting warrent. We all know Mr.Ritter did not resign on this own. We all know the recall did more damage to our town than anything else in 250yrs. Thank you Mr. Q. for encouraging that to happen. We all know that the town has to heal, and go forward. My message to Scrappy, "you are taking up valuable space on the BOS, you give nothing construtive to the discussion. Why don't you give your notice so someone else who wants the job, can take it. Vgin. sorry, I do not expect much good out of you. Just think of how, what you have done, and what you do, how that will look when someone looks back at this time in town history, maybe 20, 30, 40 or what ever down the road. You will have grand children, and great grand kids. Won't they be proud! Chris, I can only begin to understand how much pressure you must be under, from relatives, and other people to "stick to the recall side". I hope you will do the right thing for the town. What you do will impact every taxpayer we have. Some people think the GN guys are paid off. Why else could anyone be so blind and one sided. This is the time for you to be your one man, don't let the good people in our town down.

    1. Congratulations to all involved in preparing the new budget and to all who took their cuts on the chin. Let's hope that those that are full time employees can get a little back next year. It is pretty hard for anyone to live on the pay they are receiving. The next question I would like answered is "what is the committee that was selected to look into a town manager accomplishing?" Please, no recall. Let those elected finish out their term. Perhaps they can learn to be productive citizens.

  2. Difficult transition to make this...
    Damned if you join in, damned if you don't..
    We don't have the balances and weights of a just society, we have a town that publicly shreds all/most documents yearly...Trying to make a leap of faith into a computer age, where there will be even less ability to keep, protect and produce documented proofs. All deeds and paper proofs are to be held suspect as any man's witness.
    We don't live in a kingdom state with seventh year remission of debts or jubilee years where property is turned back over to the original owners...
    All guilty parties are going to deny, deny, deny, until the cows come home and they ain't...
    It may seem criminal to do so, but I think our best route of action, is forgive and forget, and start fresh, without penalizing anyone nor rewarding anyone, but making every citizen's right and reward precisely the same, and build faithfully and honestly from there, fixing all that is broke and redeeming and restoring properties, etc. according to godly ethics, rule and Law.
    In the long run, less people will be treated unfairly, if we forgive the wrongs done those who have been treated unfairly thus far, i.e. the tax-payers and commoners, and move on in a fashion that is satisfactory to all parties involved or concerned.
    Real wrongs will be avenged in due course of time. Give to live, accept your due and do your part.
    Seek for no more than the common welfare and do unto others as you would have done unto you, and in a shorter period of time than not, justice will be satisfied and the siege may become a guardianship.

