Monday, May 14, 2012

To Templeton Rescue

I would like like to thank our wonderful Templeton Rescue Squad for their saving the lives of  two special people early Sunday morning (one who is my beautiful daughter).

You are truly dedicated people who do not get enough recognition, pay or support for all you do!

Words cannot express my gratitude. 

Susan Byrne
Deputy Assessor/Kasi's Mom


  1. So glad your daughter is okay!! Yes, we are very fortunate to have such a great crew on the rescue squad. You will have a happy day today for sure knowing she is all right. God Bless you & yours!!

  2. I would like to thank our emergency, rescue, fire department members for providing protection that we take for granted.

  3. Kudos to our town rescue squad. My thoughts and prayers are with you Susan. What can Bob and I do to help you out during this time?

    1. Lets continue to support our Fire and Rescue squads by making sure they keep the money that comes into their department as voted on last November. Prayers are with you and yours Sue.

    2. Letting them keep their money sounds good to me.

    3. Yes, for sure. Those who think that the Fire, Rescue & ambulance fund is something they don't need have not had to use their services yet!! This dept. is not something that should even be considered to take a back seat. This is about safety & people's lives!! When I brought this up years ago, I was slammed into the ground for speaking out about it. People are now seeing just how selfish a few were that made foolish decisions with no thought of the implications or possible serious adverse impact it could have on families. Bravo to all who put their lives on the line for others. Thank you!
