Friday, May 11, 2012

Trust, yeah right!

In my opinion, move on is a way of saying it's okay to rip the town off of the thousands of dollars and for years of conspiring, collusion in our office building, nepotism, lying as “whilhelm wales” says cheating on payroll vouchers and yes I have the proof on paper. Cheating on phone use, on mileage yes I have proof on paper. Tampering with town meeting articles, changing town meeting articles. And some of you people say "we must move on" is that what you call "trust".
Come on people stay awake, don't fall asleep on these issues, the secret and trust of our elected and appointed officials are out in the open now, don't "MoveOn" get this whole mess cleaned up now and when that is done-we can "MoveOn". Be sure to attend the town meeting and stay throughout the whole meeting. You will witness firsthand about the changing of the articles and the tampering with the articles. Pay strict attention to the finance/advisory board and you will hear loud and clear what this board is telling us taxpayers about the financial condition of our town of Templeton. And the rewording of certain articles if you missed the finance/advisory board meeting, Ask someone that did attend those meeting, to start with things were a mess. Then through us taxpayers input things got moving in a positive direction. Right now us taxpayers should pay strict attention to the advisory board and at least two of our five selectmen. Possibly three, but don’t bank on the third selectman and don’t “move on” until all us taxpayers are satisfied.

Also try to attend the selectmen's meeting May 14 at the high school Kiva at 6:30 PM. Some interesting articles are to be discussed, also one bogeyman agenda item. Try to stick with the agenda items, then asked questions under new "business" we should not have a one-sided board of selectmen at this meeting. Other words, Farrell and Bennett with common sense and hoping Chris Stewart will follow with common sense. Keep your fingers crossed. Hope to see everyone at this important than ever selectmen's meeting. I hope everyone  maintains their smoothness. Help is almost here for us taxpayers. Thanks for reading.
Ps - check out the great ads on page two of todays GN.


  1. Eternal vigilance. Individuals or law firms that have caused financial hardship to the Town of Templeton by obstructing justice or breaking the laws that they where supposed to be upholding should be held accountable. This may refer to the law firm of Kopelman and Paige. If there is a more dishonest law firm in the State of Massachusetts it is certainly a well kept secret.

    1. Moving on, has to mean finishing what has been started. A movement to take our town back. This is for now and for the future. Our town is a stick bending to the point it will break. The good people who have led this town for the past twohundred and fourty years would want us to keep up the fight. I have said it would all come out in the wash. Well the tub is almost full. There are some very good people who do not want to believe what we have said. Yes it is true. Our trust has been violated, but there is alot of good left in this town. All it took to open our eyes was a very determined man, who in his heart believed he was right, and would not back down. We truly need all of you to attend the selectmans meeting, and the town meeting. No one can take our rights away unless we let them. Bev.

  2. Like Bev says, some good people don't want to believe and want to move on. Maybe if some of the perpetrators did some time in the big house or at least were fined, we could change a few more minds.


  3. Who is going to be held accountable? Being voted out doesn't mean they are held accountable. Sounds like Columbus and crew can just laugh it all off and walk away and leave you with a mess you can't cope with. The police were on Bob's side, weren't they? Who is going to be on your side?
    What are you going to do better or different. From Farrell's last post, it sounds like she is just playing for favors, hoping others will back her agenda, whatever it is...
    "Us taxpayers?" There aren't many in Templeton, if truth be told. Everyone is broke and barely eking out a living and the criminals already got away with the crimes and are mostly bailing ship, selling out and moving on...Most already moved on long ago...What you have is a state and city or town in transition where no one can be trusted or relied upon. I wouldn't expect any pay back in money or time. There is no money to pay back and the time you can't get back...There are solutions, however, but they wont be the ones you want or are expecting. Mazel tov!

    1. Yes, I agree that most who have acted EGREGIOUSLY & TREMENDOUSLY wronged us are well settled money wise & are bailing since there is no money left or taxpayers to foot the bills. I also agree that there seems to be no agency or authority to make them be accountable for their gross negligence & what appears to be criminal actions in some instances since corruption is so rampant these days on all govt. levels. Julie has tried to bring these truths to the forefront more than anybody else here other than Pauly, Bob Mitchell & Jeff Bennett. These four have put their lives (literally) on the line to help get Templeton back with the full support of a few less visible ones who may be afraid to be more open about their strong opinions for fear of retaliation. And if you trust nothing else, trust that the retaliation factor is very real. I don't know what you think Julie has done as far as playing favors goes or what you think she has for an agenda? Maybe you are going by what someone told you who doesn't like her or her honest principles? If you don't know her I can understand your reluctance to believe there is anyone left out there that is doing something just because they actually care about the survival of the town. Well, I do know her character & have never seen her make a decision that wasn't for the OVERALL good of the town as a whole. Maybe people don't agree with everything she does (and we shouldn't ever agree just to agree with anyone) but she does the best she can with the limited resources & backing that is available to her at this time. She is a good person trying to do what is right like people did here years ago. Yes, it may be too little she has to work with, making it seem a little too late. However, I do agree more with Julie, Pauly & Bev, that those who have wronged us will be held accountable & we can survive if we all try to pull together & Never close our eyes again to the "power" of a few. I am sure it is what I want to believe even if it doesn't feel like we will ever see justice. I have to believe or then I am in apathy with the rest of the world. Apathy is what brings defeat. I can tell you that I am just as angry & discouraged as you with what they got away with. As an example (one of many) When I saw these few Greedy, Arrogant, self-centered, self-entitled "so-called" leaders shutting off, taking down & selling our street lights for their Own personal gain without regard or concern that this would be a significant reduction in safety, I was furious!! They shut the lights off on trusting citizens including the sick, elderly, isolated residents, etc to find a way to add to their already Super Inflated salaries!! They did this with No regard for the safety the town. This was an Extremely morally outrageous move partiularly in a time when the drug traffic & crime was increasing. I knew then more than at any other time (50+ years) that there was something going terribly wrong with this town's leadership. I always say now that "It took a lightbulb to go off on the street for a lightbulb to go on in my head" I knew we were heading for trouble then!! The selfishness & carelessness was evident & still holds true to this day!! A lot of damage has been done in that time. We need to stay Vigilant & Help Julie, Jeff, Pauly & others. All My opinions!

    2. Lastly, I ask you to help Julie if you have any ideas. You ask what does she plan to do? My goodness she is only one decent woman trying to fix this HUGE MESS. Help her if you know how or have any solutions. Contrary to what has been said about her or what the others have done, Julie will listen to you. So will Jeff Bennett. So would have Bob Mitchell if people hadn't been lied to & Unfairly & Unethically recalled him. What a big loss that was to us. We were just Lucky that Julie is so committed to this town that she was willing to run for office again. I know people will say WHY is she? Well, she just is, as I am in getting some of the things out as best I can. She & I live here & want the town to be a better place like it used to be. I think that is reason enough. But, you can bet as long as she is working in the town's favor (not hers)or the others who wish she never got back on the BOS, then she will continue to be kicked around the block. You cite God alot ( & I am with you on that). Well, I believe she is called to do this. People can call it hokey or whatever they want but I trust in the Lord & he rescues & saves us in ways we don't always see. It says somewhere in the Bible (please let me know the exact scripture because it is so true) that "when evil rules the people mourn but when the righteous rule the people rejoice" !! God also makes his divine appointments where & when he sees fit. And we need him on our side more than ever, too!! I believe Julie, Pauly, Jeff B & Jeff R, Bob M, Sue, Bev B, to name a few, are all divine appts at this point in time. And these are all my opinions!! Thank you Pauly, as always for this blogspot. The Only fair & balanced reporting these days. As he mentioned we welcome all views here & don't delete the ones we don't like as some sites do or withhold vital opposing comments like the GNews does. Ask Pauly & he will publish it!! Thanks again for our town "newspaper". Have a great week!!

  4. Pro 29:2 When the righteous are in authority, the people rejoice: but when the wicked beareth rule, the people mourn.

    This is true and when I daven or pray every morning I pray in Psalm 92 that "Psa 92:6 A brutish man knoweth not; neither doth a fool understand this.
    When the wicked spring as the grass, and when all the workers of iniquity do flourish; it is that they shall be destroyed for ever:
    But thou, L-RD, art most high for evermore.
    For, lo, thine enemies, O L-RD, for, lo, thine enemies shall perish; all the workers of iniquity shall be scattered.
    But my horn shalt thou exalt like the horn of an unicorn: I shall be anointed with fresh oil."

    And I agree with what you say about Julie, I only mean to keep her honest and free from the snares that come with wielding any power. Perhaps she is trying to reach out to the righteous for help against fighting the remainder of dross that remains to be removed? (I was pointing to her last post about some sporting club or something)
    At any rate,I know more about the dark places and powers of iniquity in this town than many, though for reasons of lashon hara I don't think it is wise to speak against anyone, their are ways to combat them without sinking to their level and becoming like them, nor putting yourself in jeopardy of "retaliation".
    It comes down to your agenda being equal with G-d's Agenda, then He will fight your battles and you need not do much more than "hold your peace."
    The war locally has been as costly as the war abroad. Let us honour the fallen and those who gave and sacrificed much in our own neighborhoods as much as we do fallen soldiers in a foreign land...Then we may be built up as we ought to be, with the remainder of His strength girt about our loins,as faithful servants and stewards of our nation and community.

    Psa 122:3 [Templeton] is builded as a city that is compact together: with seamless walls cannot be breached.

    One of my posts was deleted, but it was immediately after the big win and perhaps you weren't ready for criticism. I always mean to be constructive and to get ppl to think outside the box, so that you may indeed overcome the adversary who is not likely to just slink off from a seat of power without your vigilance and noble liberal intentions making you more worthy of the same.
    Don't compromise. You have rightly assessed that Templeton is worth it.

    2Jo 1:8 Look to yourselves, that we lose not those things which we have wrought, but that we receive a full reward.

  5. Above all else, beware of pride, covetousness and boasting...

    Shalom. Have a good week.

    1. Amen to that, sincerely. As far as your deleted posting, I would have Nothing to do with that so am not sure what your blog was. I am just another person trying to do my best in getting the word to people without pointing fingers too much or doing a lot of what you say. Yet, we have to convey some substance of our arguments so that others may see what is going on in front of them or "behind the scenes" & help correct this burdensome fiasco. I also agree that this controversy has cost us much. However, it is not the so-called fighting between 2 families (a smoke screen) that has cost us dearly but the greedy, arrogant actions of a few & they know who they are. I, too, bow to the power on high as the only true authority that can really fix this mess. Those who have bled us dry obviously do not. This is why there is the fight between good & evil & will always be until he comes back! I concur with keeping everyone honest & trying to maintain the "power" bestowed upon them in check because "Man" cannot govern himself alone. I feel that this country began to fail with the taking of these basic faith based principles, etc out of schools & out of our lives. I believe this is a major reason we are seeing all this entitlement mentality now. This country was built on this faith & hard work! Now so many are turning their backs on what we have been so blessed to receive because of those principles being "lost". As I said before, we need to keep vigilant & Help Julie in this battle to save our town. Thanks for letting me know the verse I was referring to. I am not afraid to say it, God Bless you & everyone who is on the side of good. He also says to bless our enemies for vengeance is not ours but his. So, this I will let rest for now because there are still many who don't take what you say seriously if you refer to "him" too much. And I understand. I don't push my views on anyone anymore than I want someone to push theirs on me but as Bev says in layman's terms; "What is right is right & what is wrong is wrong" period... So, if citing any verses or passages offends anyone go on to the next blog. I respect others views & just ask that we all remember the Golden rule if that better fits with other's moral thinking. "Treat others as you would wish to be treated". For some that is easier to digest. Have a wonderful day filled with blessings! All my views & opinions. It's great to see others thoughts even if they are opposing views! That's what keeps everyone in check, including me :) Thanks for considering my input.

  6. Thank you. I think it was a lot more treachery and dishonesty that "worked hard" to bilk the town and state for many generations and it stems from wickedness practiced spiritually, or an anti faith. It is very Babylonian. Idolatry has been the most popular faith in the USA for along time; many generations. It has been war to overcome. Old habits die hard, those with bad habits are hard to remove from places of power as we have seen all over the world, as many Tyrants have fallen during the war on terror/error.
    As far as I am concerned the Golden Rule you mention is all that matters in the end,and the children of the next generation will be our judges...May they see through the wool being pulled over their eyes and see and hear God instead.
    And as for leadership, we are back where we started when we first entered the promised land. We have Joshua and Caleb to thank and Moses and Aaron to mourn over.
    Fight the good fight of faith and keep on truckin'...

