Monday, June 11, 2012

June 7, 2012


In my opinion someone cloned Jeff Ritter, yes cloned Ritter, does V.W. and B.C. and P.M. have that kind of power Hoo-Boy I’ll bet they won’t clone PHC Sr, think of how much truth can be said with two PHC, Sr’s.  According to the information I got this morning Caamano is peddling some bad information about Ritter as in Templeton’s Coordinator Jeff Ritter, read the 5th and 6th column of Wednesday’s pg 3 of the G.N. I don’t doubt Jeff Ritter being tired, look at all the jobs that Jeff Ritter has been doing?  In the last couple of years, that almost sounds like me PHC, Sr with my 3rd shift at the paper mill, Hee-Hee I wonder if Andres Caamano will tell us where he got that information?, or maybe he will tell Mrs Bell where he got the information, or will he be at 690 Patriots Rd looking for the people that supplied that information about Ritter, pretty good huh?  I wonder if some Templeton officials will still behoove getting accustomed to Ritter, I think the Judge is going to say – “Get used to him baby” what do you people think?  I wonder how much more sh—that bunch will try to peddle?  And please Bev – up on the hill, tell Wilder to go home and stay there, it will sound better with you saying it.  Did all you people at Monday’s Selectman’s meeting notice,
 Larry, Mo, Curly come into the Kiva for that meeting, V.W. say to Caamano, not enough thought was put into having another interview for the coordinator position, Hoo-Boy with the reputation Templeton’s got on employees quitting their jobs who in their right mind would apply for the coordinator’s position, I know one guy that wanted to apply but I told him he must supply his own ear plugs and hard hats, along with wipers for his glasses, get it? And besides Hatfield must be another “nice” town to work in, if it took 6 months to replace Ritter according to Selectman Marcus Boyle, of Hatfield, (population of about 3100 people), other words Ritter owed Hatfield, is that how it works? And PHC, Sr owes Templeton for letting me pay taxes for 60 years and got little in return, is that the way it’s supposed to be, Columbus, Wilder and Mullins, someone is bulls---g someone and I will find out who, and again a comment from Frank until those 2 on the left are gone this town will not move, go ahead ask what 2 Frank is talking about?  Or was his name George or Joe – but it was said out loud.  I wonder when someone is going to get the drift of what Frank is talking about, hint – hint, now let’s talk about the budget.  “Note” Sue Byrne, cuts on hours and cuts on services, yes we all or most of us taxpayers witnessed all the meetings and special meetings, but the most important question is “who” caused this mess and when?  Let’s not kid ourselves taxpayers, this budget mess is going to take time and patience, and that is something I have run out of, so keep attending these meetings and expressing your opinions, us tax payers have three out of 5 selectmen listening, thanks Chris, Julie, and Jeff Bennett, for putting a stop to this madness, and to you “Phil Leger” you have been here in Templeton long enough to know what’s going on.  Most town employees want to be quiet, until it affects one’s paycheck right, “Sue” and “Phil” and in my opinion employees and you taxpayers have been quiet too long, and yes I PHC Sr have witnessed retaliation here in Templeton and I want to break the silence for all concerned, and I am not alone, right “Isteach”?  Another event has just come to the surface, yes, about the town coordinator, in my opinion, Ritter spent most of that $14,000 trying to get new brakes for that railroad train he was put on in April, by Columbus, Wilder, and Mullins and Kirk, you better make a good report about that “incident” at the Steeple Antiques in East Templeton, for Monday nights selectman meeting, or I will do it myself with the blog, remember, no more secrets about abuse of power, and to Bev-Bart on the Hill on South Road that still use the tin can and kite string, for communication, I just got some good news on paper about illegal doings as Bart puts it, misuse of Municipal Funds it’s on paper and cutouts from the G. News a few years ago, I wonder who is going to say “not me” when this subject is put on the blog, and all but 2 of the culprits are still on the town’s employee list, pretty good Huh?  Remember obstruction of justice issues do not have a statute of limitations clause attached to them, get it, statute of limitations, well bloggers, I must go over to the new Senior Center and see if I can dig up some more “dirt” on others in town and have “that” dirt tested, get it? Hee-Hee.  Not for chemicals for truth.

                                                                                                                Thanks for reading my opinion


  1. Yes, I agree with you absolutely, Pauly!!! Someone else please tell your stories like we have & are, even if you have to do it anonymously or with a pseudonym, like me :) No one can scare Pauly anymore, if ever, thank God!! Actually, I doubt that any of these thugs can bully Pauly one ounce. Try it you 3 stooges. It will just add more to our "resumes". LOL...Someday we'll all be able to be more open again, right Pauly? Thanks for this blogspot! It is helping to set us Free & get the TRUTH out there!! Julie's saying for years, "The truth is out there"!!! Can't wait to see their faces when it all emerges. Heaven knows they are still trying hard to keep a lid on everything. Let's get those Hardhats, ear plugs & glasses with wipers ready. And these are my opinions expressed while we have some Freedom left. Blessings to all who are fighting for that freedom, near & far!!

  2. Nice blog Pauly - Miss you - Mr Ritter is the best thing that has happened to Templeton shame on Mr Caamanos for making him and Chris and Julie and Templeton look bad. All I can say to him is obviously you do not work or live in Templeton! THANK YOU Mr Ritter, Thank you Julie, Thank you, Jeff Bennett, Thank you Chris Stewart (you make a great chairman) Thank you Will Spring, Thank you David Bergeron (my mentor) Thank you all the great people who blog - Olive where are you??? and of course Thank you Pauly - Love you ....... Now watch the retaliation hit me..... Anonymously Sue

  3. well did vw apologize last night ? and Pauly if you are going to town hall tomorrow camera #3 is screwed up i think they have some kind of jamming device ??

  4. There was no apology, and no acknowledgement of anyone losing their temper. In fact, when someone asked if elected officials had to follow a code of conduct, it was revealed that no such code existed, but that it might be a good idea to implement one! It was also asked if elected officials had to pass a CORI check. Someone turned bright red!

  5. Good question dce. Anyone who wants to work in town needs a CORI check, even in the senior tax work off program, but, a person who runs in an election does not. The Law is that CORI results received cannot be shared with the public or any other persons except the hiring authority. The info is kept confidential and can only be used by the hiring authority as one item to consider in the process. It, also, does not mean that the person with a criminal background cannot be hired either. The hiring authority decides if the offenses would be detrimental to his workplace and has the right to hire with that opinion. So, in the case of an elected official, the public cannot have this information before making a decision to vote, and, I believe, the burden cannot be put on the Town Clerk to eliminate any candidate for election even with a criminal record. This is purely my take on it. Somebody know a lawyer?

    1. Like everything else in this life there are good lawyers, and BAD LAWYERS. Just our luck, we end up with the botton of the barrel. Like my friend says,"Just because someone graduated from law school, doesn't mean they were at the head of their class." I think Scrappy is getting the message, the criminal remarks are never going to end. It would have been easier to pay a fine, or go to jail, rather than live with this for the rest of his life. A hell of a price to pay, don't you think! I don't know if Ms. W. can keep it together, maybe she blows up often, and does not think its a big deal. She needs a time out, or atleast learn to walk away. My opinion as usual, Bev

  6. All my Assessors have passed CORI checks and have no problem treating Luanne and I with respect. They also treat all taxpayers/residents with respect, no matter where they are when they get asked an assessing question - Fred's shop - Steve out on a carpet cleaning job or Rosella's customers - Dan - walking in Baldwinville etc.
    Just a note Winchendon has something in their town charter called Board Rules and Ethics see
    I have been asking for something in the personnel policy to address elected officials. - Sue (still in Ireland)
    ps went shopping in Dublin Monday, St Stephen's Greene and all the shops around there. Tuesday - drove down the east coast (wicklow County) visited the Wicklow Town then to Acklow - then north to Avoca - then headed thru the Wicklow mountains to Sally Gap - the top of the world - we were driving through the clouds - don't think my lungs have ever breathe such fresh air - will post pics later - off to horseback ride in Blessington this AM.
