Thursday, June 21, 2012

Citizens 4 Templeton Informational Meeting 
Sunday, June 24, 2-5pm
American Legion, Baldwinville

School and Highway Department representatives will be present to answer questions about the four June 28th ballot questions.


  1. Yes, an "Echo Hill Farm, Jerry and Carol" banner now hangs on the telephone pole. They should have written "this banner was paid for by the Town of Templeton's Interim Temporary Town Coordinator salary."

  2. New position at NRHS, Executive Director of Academics to oversee professional development, grants, and K-12 curriculm. Sounds like the duties of a superintendent to me. So where will the money come from to pay for a new position? I was at a school committee meeting where it was presented that this years budget for schools was bare bones so how can a new position be created? Someone once told me when you are in a hole over your head, stop digging. If you put out a bare bones budget do not create new positions because just like kids, voters are not stupid, even though we tend to re-elect the same people back to washington and the statehouse in Boston alot. Perhaps this is another shell game move, but perhaps a question for Monday night.

  3. for all you bloggers and concerned citizens, go to a computor, google Newton Hign North school. A high school whos renovation went from a projected $39 million remodel to a $197.5 million dollar new school. Imagine that, after residents were told a remodel then ah we can't safely do it with kids in the building to now an $80 million project. A new building was said to cost $108 million. Originally, 75 % of voters were in favor of the remodel. In 2006, the design of a new building was $141 million. In 2007, 60% of voters were in favor of new school, 6 months later the cost jumped to $154 million, then to $170 million. February 2008, the costs were at $184 million and one month later they were at $197.5 million. Apparently alot of people are not happy with the outside appearance of the building. I urge all to find and read this article.

    1. Sounds like legalized thievery to me. Guess you really can not depend on anyone to do a job without constant supervision..You have to be carefull of the fine print, like the line that gives a blank check to the guy in charge of looking for land for the new school. That money is not refundable. You can run up a big bill while he looks for land parcels over 20 acres. Something we really don't need. He doesn't care, he's getting paid. Bev.

  4. Thank you to C4T for hosting the informational meeting this Sunday. Templeton needs more meetings like these to inform the citizens about important topics without having to rely on biased local papers to do the job. This will be a great opportunity for me to go and ask my questions that I have and actually get answers. I'm confused by some of the mis-information swirling around and would like to make my votes next Thursday based on facts. Thank you C4T for continuing your mission past just an election. I wish we had access to this kind of communication years ago! Hope to see a lot of you there.

  5. May legal bill is in, a grand total of $7,986.67. $6,006.00 for general legal, $1,468.50 for labor, $33.00 for lawsuit call ( sewer dept.) $132.00 for open meeting complaint. Open meeting complaint involved me. Columbus filed complaint last year for my first meeting asking for executive session under new business. Complaint was filed, responded to by vote of select board and legal opinion from Lisa Mead. columbus did not like so he appealed. I gave an answer once and I have refused to discuss with the attorney generals office since. My question is who asked K&P to look into this? I do not recall a vote or discussion to have K&P do this so why is it happening? Is Len Kopelman managing from the top down rather than responding to requests from the town? Who and why is this going on?

  6. May legal bill contains billing for town meeting, May 15, 2012 prepare for annual and special town meeting, $1,485.00, 2nd night town meeting, $1,237.50, 3rd night town meeting $1,320.00 and 4th night town meeting, $1,072.50 for a grand total of $5,115.00. With Lisa Mead, the whole month of May would have been $5,000.00 which would have been $1,006.00 cheaper (savings to taxpayers) $132.00 because I refuse to speak to a state agency that so far has ignored pleas of help and assistance from residents of Templeton. Time for taxpayers to ask who okayed this unnecessary spending of tax dollars for an issue that had already been opined on!

  7. So we have a legal bill for $7,986.67 and only $2.923.01 left in the budget for legal. Guess it is time for Len Kopelman to live up to that e-mail he sent Julie Farrell that K&P would work within whatever legal budget the town has. Well we have $2,932.01 and that is that. Of course with Jeff Ritter coming back to work for free, so if carol skelton had done the same, you know to help out the town, we would have some money in a salary account to move to cover a bill, but she was greedy so Len has to eat what little cake we have left and deal with it.

    1. I still have the original letter from Lenny. Also the entire e-mail thread is on file with the town clerk. I had file a notice of disclosure because the TMLWP manager thought I might have a conflict of interest.

    2. Ha! That guy should take his act on the road. That's pretty funny. If there is anyone with the least conflict of interest pertaining to K&P, its Julie. Does he live in a glass house? And how is using town money and town counsel to fight a citizens petition on annual warrant not a conflict or interest or ethical? Hmm? That dude better watch what accusations he hurls at others cuz a lot of eyes are on his business operations right now and there appear to be a lot of questions arising and head scratching going on with little answers in return. I hear he doesn't like having citizens at the light dept meetings. Too bad buddy. Find a job in the private sector if that's the case. if he can't answer questions about how they charge town customers with a smile, then it shows he has something to hide. Any Manager of a utility who is proud of their dept would take any opportunity to promote their dept and answer any question. It is a bit odd that they would buy pizza for the seniors...kinda seems like a bribe. With that much money in the bank, you think they'd spring for pizza for the whole town! Its all in the PR (public relations). And, a Manager is supposed to handle PR as part of their duties.


  8. We also have $18,433.32 as of June 6, 2012 left in encumbered legal expense, I believe that leftover money has to go into the general fund. Another interesting thing is a weekly warrant for town expenses was just signed on Thursday for a tad over one million dollars. You can go to the selectmen office and request a copy of that, a little more than 400 thousand was for long term debt. Of course Len Kopelman can call ole bob columbus up and thank him since he was behind (as chairman od BOS) the middle of the month move and that second message he wanted to send, see ad in the gardner snews just before the May 7, 2012 election.

  9. I hope K&P is sharing some of that $5k for the 4 nights of town meeting expense with CS as it was her "mistakes" that made the town meeting last for 4 nights in order to correct all the errors and botched budget.

    When will the interviews for town counsel begin? Will Lenny show up in person for that? Can't wait to be in attendance for that show.

  10. Interviews should take place sometime in July. I believe the closing date for requests is June 29th. Also, the BOS voted to lower the lie-ability insurance to $1 million so smaller firms might be more interested in submitting a proposal.

    1. I think the people running the town when Bubba was chairman was G.S. and Lenny. Mr. Kopelman has a unhealthy interest in our town. It is very sad that we have spent so much money with nothing to show for it. K&P are the last people we need working for us. As for one I have had enough of them . My opinion as always. Bev.
