Monday, June 18, 2012

from Pete Farrell

Hi Paul 
A reader of your blog sent me updated information concerning Chemtrails.  It may be of interest to your readers.

                              Chemtrail Update
                                    PL 105-85

     Templeton residents who followed an earlier blog concerning the material being sprayed in the air also know as Chemtrails may be interested in knowing that “we the people” have consented to this spraying due to our elected Representatives not objecting to Public Law 105-85.  A short video explains the situation we are faced with.  

     Templeton residents are very lucky to have Paulys Templeton Watch to bring you this information. Check your Gardner News to see if there is a follow up to this article in that paper concerning this issue.   
     If this information is important to you it may be a good idea to contact Senator Brown, Senator Kerry and Congressman Olver and ask that this program be stopped.
    Please do you homework on this issue as your health may be at issue.   


  1. What in the hell is Morgellon's Disease? Son of a Bitch!

  2. Many times our Senators and Congressmen don't read the actual wording of the legilslation that is proposed. When I return I will try to research which congressmen signed onto to PL 105-85.

    I went to a museum today. ... The museum of science and industry. There was an exhibit on coal mines. At the. End of the tour the guide described how 50% of coal is used for other things besides generating electricity. The last thing she mentioned was the toothpaste you used to brush your teeth today had fluoride on it and that fluoride is a by product of the coal industry. Learned something today!
