Friday, June 29, 2012

questions from "just wondering"?????

Hi Pauly, I would like to post this on your Blog. I think a lot of us have questions for some of the elected/appointed officials and others in Templeton. So I thought we could start with the selectmen. So here are my questions, I think that others may have similar questions or other questions. So I am asking you to put this on your blog and any out there can add a question.
To Patrick Mullins, Selectmen: are you embarrassed for what you did in Winchendon? Do you think you are above the law? Have you taken the ethics test? Did you take it in Winchendon?
It would have been a requirement for employment. Who’s application for the accountant position did you hand deliver to Nancy at the Selectmen’s office? Did you get a job yet? Do you tell Jerry Skelton everything that goes on in executive sessions when you have breakfast with him in the morning? Why did you violate Article VII Section 2 of the Templeton Bylaws by voting to give Mr. Ritter a settlement of $16,000.00 without Town Meeting approval? Do you think the Selectmen should have a “code of conduct”?
To Virginia Wilder, Selectmen: Why do you speed off to the Skelton’s after every meeting you attend? Are you working for your “dear friend Carol S” or us the taxpayers? Do you tell Carol everything that goes on in the executive sessions? Did you ask your cousin Mary Lang to get on the Advisory Board because she cares about Templeton or because you wanted to screw with some people? Why did you and her race off to the Skeltons after the last Advisory Board meeting? Why did you violate Article VII Section 2 of the Templeton Bylaws by voting to give Mr. Ritter a settlement of $16,000.00 without Town Meeting approval? Do you think the Selectmen should have a “code of conduct”?  Do you believe that it is okay for elected officials to bully town employees?
Thank you Pauly. For letting me ask these questions. I realize that I probably will not get any truthful answers, but at least I am asking them.
Signed – Just wondering
If anyone has any questions for these or any of the selectmen, please add them by comment to “just wondering’s”  


  1. Excellent questions! I think some additional questions will be raised when the executive session minutes are released. I suspect VW will have a few regrets! Here are a couple more questions:

    PM: What do you think your biggest contribution has been to the town of Templeton as a Selectman? Do you feel as if you are actually doing a good job? What are your goals for the town?

    VW: Do you realize how silly you look speeding off to Echo Hill after EVERY meeting? Do you think for yourself? Are you nervous about the minutes of the executive sessions being released?

    Chris Stewart: Why are you so rude when you ask for the audience to quiet down? Do you really have to snap angrily and yell into the microphone to get peoples' attention?

  2. Here is a quote by Edmund Burke and it seems to fit Templeton. "For Evil to happen, all that is necessary is for GOOD men to do nothing" I think we are finally doing Something! Just wondering - great questions. VW - are you still talking to KP on th QT?

  3. To Virginia: You have seen how a campagne filled with lies can sway a town to recall 2 selectmen, and, you now have seen how this blog has communicated the truths and turned the town back to a place where it can hope to recover from the senseless spending and tyranny of a few who tried to bankrupt it for their own gains. How do you really feel about it? How long has CS been your dear friend? Do you yet realize that your dear friend is supplying you with blueberries just to use your position on the Board to get what they want? Get your head out of the sand at Echo Hill. CS had a lot of dear friends years ago when this same scenario took place. As soon as she didn't need her puppets anymore, she threw them into a wood pile. Just a careful. You are expendable like the rest. I would like to see you use your own head on the Board and have more respect for the people you work for, and, who work for you. It could mean a lot to us when its time to vote again.

    1. There comes a time when people have to answer for what they have done. I want to know how Patrick will explain to his kids or grand kids when they ask, How come people call you Scrappy? Sorry, but people have a good memory, this is not going away. Since you are not going to quit, why don't you start by putting on your" big boy pants", and start thinking for yourself. The people who you think are your friends, are playing you like a fiddle. Stay away from them, and see if you can come up with something constructive to say except," second". My thoughts, Bev.

    2. On second thought VW, don't be careful. I for one( and I'm sure that there are many more in town) look forward to seeing you kicked to the curb by your "dear friend". Is GS your "dear friend" also?

  4. ??? question for Jeff and Julie---- how can you vote for mary lang and bob c to be on commities???? gerry is no long on the board because of health reasons------the towns people got sick of him !!!!! the ever charming carol was remove from her post because, if i remember right from articles in the snews she held back information needed for the board to made decisions. 40% bob was shown the door by the voters...... and you two vote for him and virginia's good buddy and cousin mary !!!! i thought the two you were stallions, not geldings !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    1. Jeff and Julie did not have to approve Mary Lang's appointment to the Advisory Board. The Town Moderator made the appointment; Julie and Jeff had nothing to do with it.

  5. Yeldarbl, you should do some homework! Selectmen do not appoint members of the Advisory Board, that job goes to the town moderator for up to 30 days after town meeting, then any vacancies that occur are filled by a vote of the Advisory Board. Town by-laws, page 4 - Article IV advisory board, section 2 and 3. I am not quite sure but I don't believe Julie could be a stallion. You may wish to check with a vet on that one. enjoy yeldarbl

    1. For the record, this old mare did not vote to appoint BC to any board or committee and will not do so now that I am "back in the stall".


  6. why does it seem that every weekend the the wind mill is not working ????i have herd that the light dept does not want to pay some one to check on it during the weekend ?? is this true ?

    and if this wind mill needs constant attention how profitable is it!!!or the cost of over time and the 4 hour min for them to stop by once a day for five min is that it????it is good and windy today loss of money!!!!

    1. You would need the audit to calculate the depreciation costs to determine an accurate payback period for the turbine. Summer months are traditionally low wind months, so if the turbine needed repair those months are better to work on the turbine. At my last meeting at TMLWP(May 1, 2012), there was discussion about a repair for the turbine. I'm not sure where that stands today. You may want to call the manager for factual information and post it here.

      The turbine is a high profile project and it might be wise on the part of TMLWP to explain the frequent "vacations" the turbine appears to take. At one point the only explanation I could come up with is that our wind turbine had unionized with Gardner's to take weekends off. But then Gardner's turbines are spinning more consistently than that theory can't be right.

    2. LOL. Perhaps our turbine received a pink slip.

    3. who is paying the interest on the prison turbines? I haven't seen them turn once.

      Just clearing my throat boys and girls :-)

    4. You and I my friend are paying....State hopes we won't notice. maybe we will come to think of it as an "acceptable risk" with our money.

  7. My question is when is this big investigation of the town with all the illegal items on paper going to happen? Townspeople keep hearing and reading but so far no action. Is there any information on that question?

  8. I have stacks and stacks of papers that I have sent to the atty gen'l, inspector gen'l, sec of state, state police etc etc. it appears that the atty gen'l office has a tight bond with K&P hence the call from the atty gen'l office right to k&p about the senior ctr bids. with all wrong doing in higher offices and bigger town goodness knows when they will get to us. so I guess it's time we take things in our own hands and run these people out of town.

    our state reps should pay more attention to this little area to get the info to Boston - get it - Denise Andrews?

  9. I have a question for Mary Lang member of the advisory Board - did you disclose to Town Moderator Dave Bergeron (when he appointed you) that VW is your cousin? Little conflict here - the advisory board is suppose to watch out for the town. Will you work for the TAXPAYERS or VW.and why did you race with VW to Echo Hill immediately after the advisory board meeting last Tuesday?

  10. Anonymous II here can we ask a question of any board member? hope so cuz here goes this is to Joann Burdin Conservation member. you have been very accusatory toward people who come before the conservation board but you don't seem to want to follow the rules you make everyone else follow. where is your building permit for you wind turbine? where is your husband's permit for selling mulch etc and prossessing scrap metal on your property (he must be friends w/scrappy) Hey Kirk and the planning board is it true when some one complained about Joann doing thing without going before your board or getting a permit, the planner (Joann's aunt) "lost" the complaint?
