Friday, June 8, 2012

The real Jeff Ritter

Will the REAL Jeff Ritter, please stay in Templeton! 

Could the pendulum in Mr. Caamano’s editorial be swinging because of lies?  

Could there be  ANOTHER Jeff Ritter? Who may also be a town administrator? Could the “other” Jeffrey Ritter be the individual who was employed in Groton, Ayer and Bridgewater 

Maybe in the interest of good news reporting, Mr. Caamano could request the resume of the Mr. Ritter who is employed as Town Coordinator in the Town of Templeton. Maybe he should have made the request before printing his article. Why let facts get in the way? 

Mr. Caamano may want to verify some of the statements made by Virginia Wilder about legal costs and K&P. This is last weeks budget to actual figures. As of 5/30/2012 there was $7,212.48 left in the Town Council Expenses. The bill for April’s legal services just came in at $4,289.47….By my calculation that would leave $2,923.01 for legal expenses for the rest of the year. Hmmm. I think 4 nights of Annual Town Meeting  in May would take care of that amount and more. Maybe that is why Lenny sent this message to the BOS on how to handle our last fiscal months’ legal bills. Looks to me like the switch to K&P back in February (See Click here to watch rehiring of K&P) cost Templeton in more ways than one.

I believe Virginia and BC both voted on a $14,000 settlement agreement with (our) Mr. Ritter. Then they discovered there wasn’t enough money in the town coordinator salary account to pay the salary of their “dear friend” until the end of the year. A lack of basic math skills does NOT constitute an emergency as they were informed by the Advisory Board and town meeting.
Keep blogging!
Julie Farrell


  1. This wouldn't be the first time that VW's math is a little off. What about her claims that it made more sense to spend more money on 252 Baldwinville Road because we had already spent $600,000, and she didn't want her tax dollars wasted? That logic made a lot of sense. It's not surprising that she didn't know how much money was in the Town Coordinator's account at the time of Jeff's "resignation." This was also the same person who kept stating that we had a balanced budget, when we weren't even close! It might be time for some sort of basic competency exam for elected officials

  2. Sorry Julie I was late posting you blog - Yes there are 2 Jeff Ritters!!!! imagine that!!!
    blogging from the salt hill area of Galway, Ireland. We(Joanne and I) arrived in Shannon at 1:00AM (6:00AM here) drove up the coast from Shannon to the Cliff of Moher got some great pictures the scenery is amazing but very very windy. Hey isteach - I know what your name means!Going to the Aran Islands tommorrow -Inis Mor - the largest of the islands. we have some 2nd and third cousins there. I miss you Pauly!
    Everyone make sure you attend the selectmens meeting. Monday June 11th 6:30pm in the Kiva agenda is here
    more to come
    The Anonymous Ireland Tourist
    PS saw some small (8in diameter) manhole covers here in Galway - thought of you know who.

    1. Dia Duit Anonymous Ireland Tourist!! Is Mise Isteach :) Conas tá tú innui? ...So good to hear that you know what it means in Eire Teanga!!.. I can honestly say that I am glad that Julie is "ag teacht isteach" agus a few others eile) are "ag dul amach" if you know what I mean! Being an Meiriceánach fear, you can ask a t-Éireannach bhean agus an fear leis :) what this all means. I write Irish so-so but they'll know the gist of it, I'm sure. Maybe you should get a Leabhar Ghaeilge, if you can't find anyone to translate. Irish Gaelige is a wonderful language to learn!! Enjoy your vacation in Ireland. I have a friend from the Aran Islands. She is a well known singer from there. Anyway before Pauly reprimands me for not writing everything in English (LOL), I am signing off, anois (now)& wish you Slan Leat, (good health)!! & a safe journey, abhaile (home).

    2. One more thing Ireland Tourist. Besides being a little envious of you being there (anseo) & me still stuck here (ansin) in Templeton, I do want to wish you this "Bain sult as an deireadh seachtaine" Have a great weekend :) That's your Irish lessons for now! LOL

  3. lmao!! have a great time on your vacation .i saw scrappy trying to rent a barge to float over there and pick up all them man hole covers

    1. Shame, shame on The Gardner News. It is time for the paper to take a good look at their adjenda. At this point, most of what they have written, about the on going problems in the Town of Templeton, are so far from the truth it is a crying shame. That they expect people to spend their hard earned money every day on this paper, while,they go out of their way to write slanderous lies about a really good man, has gone too far. To quote VW. about anything is a joke. We, as the citizens of Templeton should demand, that K&P not be included in the next round of canidates for town council. As far as I have seen, this group has done nothing but hurt the town, and make themselvs rich in the process. As far as moving the town forward, it looks like Ms. W. has no interest in doing that. I guess she did not get the message when her buddy got the boot, for doing the same thing. This is my opinion. [I wish I was in Ireland} Bev.

  4. As Mark Twain once said if you don't read the Gardner News you will not be informed but if you do read The Gardner News you will be misinformed.

  5. Andy Caamano should be very ashamed of himself. In my opinion, he will not be ashamed. In my opinion, he is a low-watt bulb, not smart enough to realize that this error disqualifies him as a "journalist".

    Anyone with any ability or with any basic human decency would have interviewed Mr. Ritter before writing about Mr. Ritter. I think you learn that in Journalist 101. Evidently, that was not on the curriculum at Andy's school. If he went to school.

    Thanks, Julie, for this post. Maybe some people are interested in calling out Alberta Bell on how she mismanages her paper. Allowing this dolt to carry the title "Senior Editor" is not a good business move. No matter how cheap he might work.

  6. well said mark i will not buy that paper 75 cents for that trash not worth it .it is bad enough that i pay for the telegram that Mr barns for gets to wright any thing in this area . to this day i don't know how he is employed there ??

    well if we want the truth the only place to go PAULY'S BLOG !!

  7. With a dolt as senior editor
    The Gardner Daily Fails
    Disconnected from the truth
    Reduced to Telling Tales

    Alberta tried to sell it
    Tried to cash in her chip
    But her pigeon woke up
    Realized it’s not too hip
    To buy a local daily
    With a crashing reader-ship

    So onward they muddle
    Thinking they’re the source
    For North Central News
    But they’re wrong, of course

    We’re smarter, you see
    We don’t buy what they write
    There are better media now
    Quite able to cast a light
    On the info people need
    To begin to make things right

    So carry on G-SNOOZE
    You’re headed down the tubes
    Our kids won’t have to read
    Tall Tales by the dolts and boobs
    That Alberta finds and thinks
    Are good enough for us rubes

  8. KP'S letter in May to BOS regarding there billing. If they are such good lawyers, and on the up & up why are they dividing the June bill!!!All bills must be submitted before the fiscal year ends. Lets get the total cost for the month of June so we can see if the town has money to pay them. It's about time to retire KP for good.

  9. I find it hard to believe that it takes them a month or more to figure out the bill and send it to us!
    Mabey they are feeling guilty of the overcharges and takes them time to ajust and feel we don't question the charges,after time goes by,we forget about what it was for.
    I hope paper and phone charges don't increase more!
    just my opinion.

  10. I see the k+p letter was to be returned by june 8!
    #4 is a trick option and is them thinking templeton was to have them continue the services! I would say get us a bill to date and let them know that it should be done asap to settle what we owe them!
    Don't call them for anything and hold any legal stuff for the new service we hire. If they can waite 30 + days to bill april how can they get may bill done in 2 weeks? Hold out on the bill and question all charges and delay paying and get questions answered about 252 property by new laywer!
    Maybe in the end they owe templeton not templeton owes them!
    Crack open the folder and see whats up! That whole deal stinks and the k+p reps should have smelled it 1ST!
    Some facts and some opinions!

  11. As a citizen of Templeton for the past 20 years, I can say that I am embarrassed by our town officials. I recently watched a rebroadcast of a past Selectman meeting. Selectman Bennett was making gestures,rolling his eyes, and instigating the audience in disrupting the meeting. I was appalled! I felt like I was watching a 7th grade boy in the cafeteria. He is a Selectman representing me and my fellow citizens. We are in serious trouble. Julie Farrell is another concern. She has not yet realized that their is no "I" in Selectman. She has her views and opinions, of which she certainly has every right to have. However, as a representative of the town, she must do what the citizens of Templeton want. This may not always match up with her personal wants. She must make decisions based on what is best for the town and guided by the direction of all citizens. It seems as if she only wants to listen to those who share her views. Our town has become a joke to all of those around us.

    1. To the person who does not appreciate Jeff and Julie, I want to know how long has it been since you crawled out of your hole? There are many times I give both of them credit for hanging in while watching the sideshow that was the Bob and Ginny show. The Scrappy on the left, was used to take up space. You are not getting anywhere with your attitude, because we really don't give a dam what you think. Atleast, with the two of them on board you will not get robbed blind, Jeff and Julie have real facts, and the support of a large number of taxpayers. The town of Templeton has to recover from many years of mismanagement. With Jeff, Julie, Chris and Mr. Ritter we will get this done. With Mr. Spring on the advisory board, everyone will work to make our town a better place to live. This is my opinion. Bev.

    2. Oh, that's a good one, Movin On!! I agree, let's all welcome him or whoever he chose to write this. LMAO! And yes, Gerry thanks for all the laughs you've given us through the years. Too bad they weren't really funny & cost us so much! Not two nickels left to rub together in this household because of the "BIG Joke" he made out of us! (sorry just can't seem to get myself to laughing, feel more like crying) He & cronies sure made a MESS out of Templeton. No wonder Jeff has had to roll his eyes!! I think you meant Gerry forgot there was no "I" in selectman or TMLWD!! Actually he Never forgot the "I" , "MY" or "ME" in everything he did & that is Just my opinion, of course.

    3. okay so 1 of the anonymous says Bennett and Julie are the problem - but it ok to have a selectmen who has violated ethics not to mention the law? or one who bullies?
      to Mark B get together with Pete you guys should do a new song!
      to isteach - when to Inishmore today (to all you others the largest of the Aran Islands)My great grandmother Mary Flaherty came from there. Like stepping back in time!
      and to Mike C - like those manhole covers??

    4. Oh Wow!! Do I wish I could be there in Inishmore! Thanks for letting me know what place you went for the day in The Aran Islands. Just a bit jealous :) So happy for you both. Bet you don't want to return to this town after stepping back in time there :) Céard atá tú a dhéanamh anois? Have a great evening & Codladh sámh agat anocht !! Thanks for keeping us posted on your travels. Hope the weather (aimsir) will be "maith agus nach bhuil fluich" Irish lessons complete. LOL I bet your grandma Flaherty would be proud of your Irish!! Have a oíche mhaith!! Even though I can't be there, you made your trip fun for me!! Not often I can use any of the Irish I know. Thank you again for that!!

  12. Very thoughtful of K&P to send a self addressed stamped envelope. Guess they think we cant afford the postage!! Regarding the comment about Jeff Bennett. It's a shame to see a good man reacting like that but does the writer know the whole story. If I had to sit where Jeff sat and listen to all the B---S--- knowing that I had to work against them in the best interest of the town, I think I would have to get out of my seat and punch each one of them in the face. Keep up the good work Jeff. The majority of the town does not mind seeing you roll your eyes. We feel your pain. Don't give up. #13

  13. In my opinion having K&P for town counsel is like having a time bomb in your front pocket. Eventually bad things are bound to happen. Look at the history of this firm and how they have represented Templeton and then run in the opposite direction.

  14. anonymous june 8 10:21 pm if you aren"t bob c, virginia w, the coat holders for gerry s, or gerry himself, you will fit right in at the next meeting at echo hill !!!!! baldwinville rd. you can't miss it !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  15. Hey yeldarbl, can we call that "a meeting of the blindz" if they all show up?

  16. good idea, reachout!!!!! and they can have cool-aid !!!!!! like jamestown !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  17. Hey Anonymous (june 8 - 10:21 pm)

    Did you tell Ginny there is no I in Selectmen? I guess not cause she was seen and heard yelling at Mr. Ritter in front of others at Scout Hall. Reminder Ginny: YOU ARE ONLY ONE OF FIVE and BULLYING SHOULD NOT BE TOLERATED. As they said in the Wizard of OZ to the wicked witch: Begone, you have no power here - Just my humble opinion

  18. Just before Mr Ritter resigned I had contacted him at the suggestion of a cleaning lady who used to do laundry and odd tasks for residents where I live. She took me aside into a room with just us two and gave me his phone number she was afraid of others knowing she had given me his info. I contacted him a few days later concerning the THA's bid to evict me and to get some legal advice. He assured me at that time that the judge would probably be favorable in my case and I should not worry, and he would even be at a grievance hearing for me. He was not and then I heard news he was no longer town coordinator and had resigned through this blog, then the cleaning lady who gave me his info disappeared and hasn't been seen since. Just like many residents at the THA apartments I live in have been disappearing for years after just as many years of tortured living circumstances imposed upon them by the local gestapo...I go to court next week to defend my right to live in an apartment I don't even wish to live in, but I believe the L-RD put me here for a reason and I have been afflicted for a reason, perhaps in order to show me their evil works and deeds and defend those who had no defender...I have no legal council. I am sure the L-RD is with me however and will be with me in the judgment. I do not believe the judge will risk any more criminal behavior going unchecked under his watch. It is not the same judge that took my home from me and guided me here in the first place with the help of a neighbor/friend's advice. This town is very family oriented as far as abuse of powers and land manipulation fairs...It's a Gadianton scheme much like Sovereign dread king james of old except entirely hidden by schmucks who play schmucks and out of lucks who suffer in silence for getting snared...It's very biblical and the end is not near but neither has justice won the day in as many a year as Templeton has been a hidden gem in the world...Justice however is more important than hidden gems and if she is to be shown to the world for all the wonder she once gifted the inhabitants of her realm with , justice must be sought and hard handed ly for a while...A lot of old schemers are getting caught and screwed by the reapers overtaking the sowers of wild and sour grapes...bitter roots are losing their power hold and can only fair worse in days to come before their children can take the realm by force because she's now being watched and people are learning about the hidden political games of a very corrupt what ought to be realm of righteousness....Maybe that was the price of protecting her or so many thought, but you can't spurn the gold and collect on it, when you send most of it up the river by legal collusion and corruption and make it fight for territory it has no right to in the first place without lawful observation of covenant right. Too many scoundrels in the kitchen doing old mother Hubbard from the rear is bound to cost them the cake in the long run. May a worthier family win the day and restore some semblance of righteousness to our fair Templeton before it is too late...Do not judge by appearance or labors such as wind and sunlight harnessing, these are more signs of a corruption and laziness than of Yankee ingenuity which flew the coop long ago to escape wilder , more blood thirsty birds of prey...
    I may have more to share with some Scripture after Shabbos, but this is costing me time working on my own blog...
    Shabbat shalom and God bless.

    BTW, I go to Court on Tuesday, June 12 of this coming week at 12:30, all interested in viewing the proceedings and meeting me are welcome to come...

  19. Wow, what a story!! Good luck in court. God & peace be with you, BdG, tomorrow & everyday as you battle this evil. Makes you wonder where these other people went???
