Saturday, June 2, 2012

TGN - Saturday

Nice letter in the editor in TGN today - Saturday June 2nd by Joanne LeBlanc. If anyone knows Joanne please ask her if she would share her letter on the Blog for all those that don't get TGN.


  1. I applaud the residents of Templeton for having the courage to stand up for what they believe in. Maybe our town could be an example to other towns and cities. We are hard working Americans, we have a budget, we live within our means, we save up to purchase what we want or need. Does any government official understand budgeting within one's means? (referring to federal and state gov.) We need men and women who aren't afraid to get the debt under control before there is any consideration of purchasing or building within our towns and cities. (example: Could Europe's economy be where the United States is headed?)

    I understand the members of the building committee worked hard, but I also know that the voice of the people has spoken and they want to be heard before our elected officials make decisions that affect our pocket book.

    Joanne LeBlanc, Templeton

    Thank you to Pauly's Templeton Watch and the Templeton residents for keeping us informed!

    1. Thank you Joanne for placing such great thoughts in the G.News and taking time to put them on Pauly's blog. Good reading.

    2. I am sure other people feel the same way, but don't have the courage to speak out. Thank you so very much Joanne.

  2. I heard from 2 members of the MBC that with Skelton and his 2 puppets Columbus and OBrien - no one else could make suggestions or get information (access to the white binder) Jerry had to control everything. These 3 should not be allowed to be on any committees because they obviously do not have the best interest of the town in mind. Just a note they (Skelton and Obrien not sure of Columbus) are on the ESBC also - I had told Ms Miller that I would gladly volunteer for that committee but not with Skelton on it - I have seen him in action when someone tries to give their opinion and he wants to be in control. Dennis Ob was overheard at Holy Cross Church stating that the Parjari money should not have gone all to the kids. i didn't hear him or VW or of PM or anyone vote yes on VW's amended motion. So here is my list of people who only do for their own personal agenda.
    Virginia Wilder
    Patrick Mullins (and a problem with ethics)
    Jerry Skelton
    Bob Columbus
    Dennis Obrien
    Irwin Hendricken (concom member and Dennis Ob pal)
    anyone what to add to my list
    Just my opinion - Sorry Pauly but I have to be "another anonymous"

    1. What was that saying, Do it Jerrys' way or take the highway. He has to be in control, even when he is wrong, he won't admit it. I don't think all of the building commitee knew half of what he was up to, It is to bad when things fell apart they took the blame. When you have a person with a strong personality, every one else gets lost in the process. Oh yes my opinion as always.
