Saturday, June 16, 2012

Who Knows??

In my opinion, the now board of selectmen in all honesty should turn our town over to us real people, no clones, no want-a-bes,  no conspirators, no liars, no collusion, no nepotism in most of all no bull-----. Monday night’s board of selectmen meeting was one more of the books, that Kozial person should be the leader of the "big ole band" if you know what I mean. She talked a real good show about the need for a new elementary school. She had tears coming from some eyes, but only some eyes.
Things are not going to change until the powers that be appoint some natural people to these committees, not the same old-same old, bunch. In other words keep the school people off the school building committee. Keep the selectmen on one board, that board should be the board of selectmen, to run the town, not to build schools, police stations, town office buildings, sewer treatment plants, light company business, water company business and highway  barn business. Keep the five members of the board of selectmen away from these other projects. Run the board of selectmen like its post be run not by holding hands with every committee and Board in town. It just isn't the way it's suppose to be and that's all there is to it.  Of course this is my opinion. But guess what? ask around town in your spare time not at a town meeting at the turtle or a town meeting at Charlie's general store. This blog is a good place to ask a lot of questions and get a lot of good answers, good or bad, no one knows who's asking and no one knows who is answering. Right is teach, or DCE, orBdg@@g13? And in my opinion, I do not, and I say-not want to be on any board with any of our selectmen and the school building committee should not have teachers or school board members on it. That is the biggest problem that's been going on. Feasibility study $500,000 when does it say, I don't like the land that is free from John and Doris Brooks 10+ acres. We need to pay big bucks for the land so what will be a better place to build school. Because it costs so much, get it, or not? This school thing started with 15 to 20 acres, then it went down to 12-15 acres, then it went down to 10 acres. And only, and I say only one time I actually heard some figures, was that the last school building committee meeting I went to at the school. Ms. Ruth Miller said-we do not need all that acreage, we are building an elementary school for 500 to 600 children. We do not need a football field, or 100 vehicle parking lot, plus other things are not needed for this school. Who has been running those so-called school building search committees? I witnessed one meeting and that was enough for me, Ruth Miller could not convince anyone in that room to listen to her plan just to keep the ball rolling for new elementary school. Why hasn't that committee done a sketch of what it may look like in the sketch of the landscape of the area for school. Once that is done measure the area, but how many acres it will need. I bet some kid at Narragansett could do it, and not for 100+ thousand dollars. Spend a few bucks for some drafting paper and give the kids a try. Maybe they-the kids, could even fit that school on John and Doris Brooks's land. What do you people think, that is if they still want to donate it. I thought the deal ran out of time, did it? And a note to you selectmen, if you know you are not wanted on the board, why do you keep trying to volunteer? And yes you know exactly who I'm talking about, right Pete and Joe Boyd? I heard Bob C try to get his foot in the door Monday night, but Pete slamed the door on his foot, end of story, right Pete? A couple of selectmen think all is well in town, you know, Columbus gone-Ritter back-all as well, no! All is not well and the staple antiques issue hasn't surfaced yet and another Saturday afternoon and at 2:3 3 PM has not surfaced yet and the election on June 28 hasn't surfaced yet. But to selectmen think-all is well. And Pete Kasper, everyone is subject to a Cori check, Obama and Mitt Romney about subjects now, so hang in there. I'm getting answers from a higher authority. In it is a wonder that Templeton is having a big problem with the bidding on certain issues, look at the reputation of the town has gotten since the recall of Farrell and Mitchell and the resignation of Ritter and the resignation of Scott Sawyer and the resignation of Tammy Coller and Sue Adams and the dismissal of the planner, as in planning board and the upset on the sewer commission, and the issues with light and water board and the downfall of the proposed town hall. Hoo-Boy, did the bogeyman think it was all a sure thing? And hang onto your sneakers because it is just the beginning of what's to come-how did the dirt test come out from Sadie pit and the senior center? Is this secret or will we the taxpayers be the last to know? Was the dirt at the senior center as bad as the fluoride in our water? Hey what happened to the cloning of a guy named Ritter. As anyone heard? I guess it's just one of those things here in Templeton, huh? No, not just here in Templeton, check Rohoboth. I guess it hasn't caught up to that guy on Central Street in Gardner yet, hee hee. Do you people agree with me on that? What about the bylaw of over $1000 not being paid out without town meeting vote to settle anything, was that just made for some people back in 1978 and not in the 2000’s. That law was violated  a bunch of times by your powers that was. Right up to April 2012. What about the check for Ritter for $14,000, isn't that over $1000? Go back in the town reports you will be amazed at how the board of selectmen allow laws and bylaws to be broken-many times and don't do a thing about it. Well I am doing something about it and I need you voters to help me. After Monday night selectmen's meeting, June 11, I can imagine how things are still going to be forgotten like the $1000 bylaw? Are the Drurys on Drury Lane the only ones that violate zoning bylaws? ask me, PHC Sr, ask building inspector you might learn something about who controls who. Of course those are only my opinion, thanks for reading my opinions, Pauly.


  1. Yes, I agree with you 100% on everything you just said!! Great blog!!! Have a wonderful weekend Pauly & thanks again for the pursuit of justice as well as, all you do & have done to educate the community on a Wide range of things that affect us all!!

  2. I agree too, especially about committee members, the new school committee should not include anyone that is on the school committee, BOS, or any other town committee. I do think that the superintendent should be on it only because she is the one who is "suppose" to know what is needed.... i also think that no one should be on more than one committee at any given time, that would/could be a conflict of interest, but hey this is templeton and some people do not know the definition of conflict of interest...

  3. Is anyone concerned about Skelton, Columbus and O'Brien being on the school building committee as I am? Why do they flock to building projects like moths to a porch light? I am VERY uncomfortable with them on that committee considering their history with the town hall building committee costing the town $600k for nothing. Something seems fishy to me concerning their presence. People may support the project better if those 3 were not on the committee. We all want a new school but we want it done correctly and with those 3 having a hand in the process, it doesn't give the appearance of an honest project. (My opinion-Anonymous #15)

    1. I fully agree with your stand on committes. They should be allowed to do their job without having a member of the selectboard being there. When they have reached a decision on something, then they can approach the selectmen for a decision. This is also true for the town departments. Why do we have superintendants for the various departments if the selectmen have to tell them every move to make. After all, each department head has the expertise to make the decisions needed to run their department, including the hiring and firing of the workers. I beg of the school building committee to try to find a way to use the Brooks property and to treat him with respect for his generosity.

    2. Three cheers to Pete for coming down on Bubba with two feet. Bart spoke to a man from Leominster who knows alot about replicating wetlands. He said he would look at the Brooks properity if we wanted. They do this stuff all of the time. Monday I will talk to Mr Ritter about it. I feel the school will not pass on election day any way, but it could be usefull in the future. We need, in my opinion,to sit down and get a plan for how we can get the things we need done in a orderly manner. It is like we are in a sinking boat, and everyone is trying to row, but not in the same direction. Dad always told me "when you don't know what you are doing, Stop." I know we have to stop spending money on studies that could be done by our selves. We have alot of talented people in our town. Maybe it is time to work with what we have, and do the best we can. Bev.

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  4. Committee effectiveness seems to be a recurring problem here in Templeton. Both committees have been in existence for nearly a decade, and what have they accomplished in this time? The now defunct Municipal Building Committee left us with 252 Baldwinville Road, and over $600,000 in debt. The Elementary School Building Committee is likely to leave the town with nothing tangible to show for its work except an enormous bill for feasibility studies. I do believe that we need a new elementary school in Templeton, and I tend to believe that there should be representation on the committee from the school department. After all, these are the people who will be using the building; this will be the case for the police department and any other new municipal buildings in town. I do, however, have an issue with some of the members of the committee whose credibility might not be the best for the committee as a whole. This committee should be about public relations and really selling the project to the community. I don't think several of the members are the best salespeople. I can empathize with the teachers in town who would like a new building, but you have to be careful if you are too closely involved; the more desperately it seems you want something, the more likely you are to grasp at straws to get it done, and I think the dizzying sequence of "final properties" is evidence of this tendency.

  5. Six years ago it was suggested to move the highway department down with the Sewer Department due to cost savings that could be realized for both departments. The land where the highway department sits now might be used as land for the new school. Just a thought.

    1. Maybe someone thinks this is not a fancy enough place for a school or office buildings. Why would anyone ignore what we have only to drool over what we can't have? Human nature I guess. My three deletes came after one of my blogs came up four times. I must be loosing my mind.Bev.

  6. My understanding is the Brooks Land had Ledge problems not wetlands, rumor had it that it was about a million dollar cost to prep and get the road in, THEN the school would need to be built. Just so most of you know, The land Brooks was going to donate IS NOT the field on Bald. Rd. next to his house, it was a parcel behind that that he could not sell to anybody and he wanted to get it off his Tax bill. I am sure when checked out you will see it is not a sensible parcel.

    1. I believe you to be most likely correct, Movin On. Everything that so-called "philanthropic" people do is not always what it first appears to be. There is often times an ulterior motive behind those "lovely gifts" once investigated further. Thanks for this input. Just another one of the reasons why Pauly's blog is so wonderful. I bet you would never see this info in the GSnooze!! All my opinions here.

  7. Another resident of Templeton who it seems was just looking out for himself and covering by way of a land donation. A very good tax write off by the way. An individual who supported the recall, supported columbus and the skeltons so movin on is probably more correct than not. Selectmen should meet every week, twice weekly if needed and do the job they are suppose to do. Responsible for finacial, legal and general operation of the town. They have in the past sent most work to committees and not much gets done except for the spending of alot of time and money. Elementary school building comm is a perfect example. Slid it over to the school admin and nothing much but waste and nothing to show for it. We also have on this blog big claims about wrong doing and proof on paper, but nothing has surfaced, which leads me to think there is none, atleast nothing proof positive laws broken, shady and deceitful yes, but not criminal (in court, not someone's opinion) big difference. The town planner resigned, no conspiracy. Word is she was not showing up for work hours she was being paid for, simple as that. Begin showing up and punch a time clock, she resigned. So there was no Templeton reputation involved. Jeff Ritter came back, which shows how much the former temp town coordinator cared about Templeton, if carol skelton really cared, she would have worked a month for free to help out the town, but she is another who does nothing unless there is something in it for her, is why she sues the town again and again.

  8. Excellent summary "infoman98". I, too, agree with Pauly about committees and who should or not be members. My pet peeve is the "Personnel Board" that does not allow the employees to have a representative on their behalf. I do see in the past, that there were not enough people coming forward for these committee and board appointments and that's why word of mouth between the people in power got who they wanted. This blog has proven its worth by bringing more resident involvement and participation and I hope more informed people will take positions on committees. There are certain laws about family, friends, nepotism, etc., but, this town seems to have been using what is called "small town rule"......a subtle phrase in the ethics laws that allows this type of government because of a small population.

    I do believe that some things will never see closure. Legitimate or not, the big guys in Mass. State government seem to have bigger fish to fry. They turn it back to the town to resolve. So, we here on the blog have certainly made a difference in that direction. Town government problems were solved in the good old fashioned way. With communication and the right to vote the scenery of politics in Templeton has changed. We're not done yet.

    1. I think we have all learned a valuable lesson from the past ten years. I hope we will never get to a point in the Town of Templeton, that just a handfull of people can run the town. We have to be open enough to realize we all have different ideas of what is right and what is wrong. I have no idea what the school building committee did or did not do. The camera girl was right when she said they have worked hard for a long time. Who am I to say they didn't. I was not there. Sometimes fresh eyes are a help. We have to pick up the pieces of our town and try to put it bsck together again. This is a huge task. We can not cut off our nose to spite our face. There comes a point where we have to work with some of the people we have been critical of. You don't have to like me, just do your job. As far as the time, that some big shot comes to look over our legal problems, I have no doubt in my mind that this will happen. Our town has been treated very badly. It will not happen over night, but trust me, the wheels are in motion. I think we have to get our finances in order before we can do anything else. We are getting there by just having the advisory board in better shape than it has been in for a long time. Just don't kid yourself into thinking this is going to be easy, its not. My opinion as always, Bev.

  9. I bid you all farewell. Good luck in the future with this place. It is going to get a lot worse but a lot more colorful for a season or more, the devil has come down to you and only has so much time left. You'll do as told or else...
    I have been evicted and will soon be leaving this place behind me...I thank G-d for my time here and the prompt to leave...Let it be as a sign to all who remain behind...
    Hasta la vista, baby!

    1. Sorry this happened to you BdG. We are living in terribly troubled times!! God Bless you wherever you decide to go.

  10. Dear BdG@@gl3
    Please keep in touch. You know where to find us.

  11. Informan98 you said -We also have on this blog big claims about wrong doing and proof on paper, but nothing has surfaced, which leads me to think there is none, atleast nothing proof positive laws broken. Why don't you ask Pauly to see the files he has on his kitchen table or talk to Tammy Collar. Wasn't paying Jeff Ritter $14,000 without town meeting aproval braking a bylaw. (page 6 of the bylaw book)- hasn't the town taken people to court that have violated the town bylaws? what about Dennis Ob violating ethics by being involved with the purchase of 252 Baldwinville Rd. To have appointments from the selectboard to verious committees be brought up when all 5 selectmen are not present, and to not have a legal answer (from someone other than K & P) about whether Julie can be on committees, because of the recall. Do we really want Pat M on any of these committees? If Jeff B wasn't out of town doing his service to our country maybe he would have ended up on some of these committees - and obviously do a better job than some. Maybe we should look at how the word doesn't get out that volunteers are needed or maybe its because of who is on these committees- I have told Ms Miller that I would have gladly been on the School building committee - but not with the likes of JS BC (who has ridiculed me in public for stating my opinion) or Dennis Ob (who has walked into my office yelling about assessment things) - I was told by one member of the Municipal Bldg Comm that there wasn't any point for other people to be on it because with the 3 - JS, BC, DOB no one else could say anything. yes we need an employee rep on the personnel board - and I think that having VW on it - a selectmen that has bullied and harrassed an employee - is so wrong - but obviously Mullins was not a good choice, Jeff B is already on it (good choice) Julie - again we don't know if she can be on because of the recall - would someone please get us an answer on this. Chris is obviously busy with family - 5 kids. nothing on the website (exept for a small blurb on the jobs page) says anything about volunteering for committees - it should be on the front page and new people should be encouraged. Just my opinions - anonymously Sue

  12. One thing is for sure, there are a number of good reasons why virginia wilder should be recalled. One would be from a BOS meeting back in April, 2012. The selectmen were going to go into executive session, at the cafeteria. There was a question from the audience if the board could move to another room so all the people did not have to go into the hallway. Another thing that came up was a letter of support from town employees for jeff Ritter. The person asked if she could speak then asked if she could approach the board, she was told no by columbus and wilder, the person approached anyways and placed the letter on the table. I picked it up and read it and kept it. wilder said that the person should be removed for that action. While there has to be a little order and procedure at meetings, this is not court, this is/was a meeting of the peoples representatives, if it was not for the people, selectmen would not have any duty, job or power. Trying or stating that a person should be removed because they wish to speak on something that a member or members of the board do not agree with is not a reason to deny them the chance to speak or to be present. That is a move by dictatorships, remove or destroy any opposing views or dissenting speech so there is only one opinion or voice. Completely contrary to a democracy. If one does not understand this, they have no business serving, in my opinion.

    1. That event was edited from the videotape of that meeting so many may not know of how important that event was. A overwhelming number of town employees signed a letter in support of Mr. Ritter (such a wonderful, unifying moment) and the previous BOS did not want to entertain the letter or the gesture. Possibly because legal instructed them to not speak on the matter? Who knows. Their actions were never explained. I understand there are issues the BOS cannot discuss in certain ways, places, etc. That's fine. Just make a statement to the public which explains their actions. A little PR can go a long way.

      The new BOS is better. Mr. Stewart is doing a good job as far as answering questions and explaining the decision making process. Ms. Wilder needs to work on her grabby hands with the mic and practice patience as well as her professional image. Yelling and bullying never get you what you want and only get you less respect. Please, lets get the Code of Conduct for elected positions approved and implemented. It would be the best step forward the BOS could do if they do, in fact, want to move in a new direction.
      All my opinions, Olive

  13. The Personnel Board needs to be restructured and it was suggested by the state to do so back in 2009. However, nothing has been done to change it. There are also some policies that need to be rewritten. Lots of improvement is needed on this board. I'm sure the Advisory Board would have many suggestions to solve this issue. The BOS should consult them more often regarding serious issues like this one.

    Any investigation by the state of violations will take way longer than anyone wants. The AG office is too busy researching "important" issues like if the swearing law in Middleboro is constitutional or not. Any open meeting law violation ruling is posted on their website. I check it often. And some of the rulings are from complaints 2 years ago. Any Ethics violations are not made public unless it becomes a lawsuit. Clearly there have been multiple violations of the law in Templeton. Hopefully, the state will follow through with each violation and not let political influence cloud their decisions. We've definitely seen the local newspaper letting it cloud their reporting. While we wait on the state to do the right thing, we need to remain focused on keeping the current Templeton officials honest and monitor our own town operations. Pauly's blog has helped inform the citizens of the past decade of wrongdoing and has been very successful at getting the word out. That's the most positive thing to happen here. We all need to continue to share info and opinions--continue to attend meetings and discuss the issues with one another. By building a strong community, we can only make this town a better place and all benefit from our collective efforts. Thank you to everyone for doing your part.

    All my opinion, Olive
