Friday, July 27, 2012

Campaigning in Templeton

Nice to see a candidate paying attention to Templeton!


  1. We can't afford the Democrat's agenda.

    1. Don't forget, everyone has their own opinion. Gee, what a nice guy you are, you really want to let the REPUBLICANS make the really rich, richer!??. They have a adjenda to take everything away from the middle class, there will be no middle class, there will only be super rich and the poor. The poor will be you and me. This is not your fathers Republican Party. These people have one aim, to make the wealthy, very wealthy at all cost, do or die. MY Dad was a Reagan man, that was when the party would work with the Democrats. Those were days when government worked for the people, not for big buisness. I am afraid those days are gone. Denise Andrews has helped our cause. She is the only one to do so. Come and meet her the day of the block party. Like I said, we all have the right to our opinions, I do not want to try to change anyones mind, just something to think about. My opinion, Bev.

    2. Bev you are a smart lady. I agree with you. When a party's agenda is to make the other party look bad, refuse to work with others across the isle, and not offer any solutions except ones that benefits their campaign donors or lobbyists, then its no longer the party one may remember from the past. I would suggest listening to all the candidates carefully and see who presents solutions and who simply bad mouths their opponents. Look at the recent BOS election. Columbus' group did not present one single idea to fix the problems in town. All they did was trash talk and try to make Julie Farrell and her group look bad. (Remember the police record of Jeff Bennett they passed around and the infamous letter in TGN that JP Skelton wrote exploiting all the Skelton family secrets in order to say they were the victims of Julie's campaign). Julie presented ideas and solutions to the problems in town and has actually carried out several of those ideas already. Instead of constantly bashing Obama, the Republican party should show alternatives to all these policies they think are so wrong. Back it up with facts. Ignoring the "talking heads" on tv is the thing to do. They do not add any beneficial information to the voters, only playground name calling. They only care about ratings and what they can say next to keep you watching. There are issues far too important to be distracted with such nonsense as that. Denise Andrews has already helped this town and she isn't even elected yet. That speaks very well to me. And if you're still confused as to who to vote for, look at the political signs in front of Echo Hill and DON'T vote for that person. Sometimes endorsements by certain people can work against a candidate. And one more thing, I will never vote for a party who denies rights to any group, who imposes on the rights of women to choose what they want with their own bodies, denies the facts of science, doesn't value our planet, and put the super rich at the top of their priority list.

  2. Bev - It's not 1960, the democrats have moved far to the left of JFK. They are the party of entitlements.

    When half the workers in this country pay zero in taxes, we have a problem. They have no "skin" in the game. They are clients of the nanny state, which is nothing to strive for.

    Look at the stats in the link I provided. Do you think we can expect our children and grandchildren to continue to carry the burdens of supporting 1/2 their fellow Americans?

    As for "rich versus poor", that is just a Democratic scam. Set the working people against the rich. The "rich" aren't the problem. The top 1% already pays over 35% of the income taxes in this country. At some point, taxes are so high, they leave the country. Who will the Democrats have as bogeymen then?

    I think I am entitled to my opinion, even though this is Massachusetts. It's not Boston.

  3. Lets face it, democrat or republican, they are not looking ot for us, the people of the united states. They are looking out for themselves, they continue to take bribes from the so called bad people who we call special interest who use a group called the lobbiest. If the reps and senators would stop taking the bribes, we coud end most of the influence peddling. If the reps and senators would fix the tax code, we would/could have more tax revenue coming in and there would be less cheating and of course we would need fewer and fewer accountants ad tax lawyers. As long as it is financially best for the complicated tax codes and bribes, nothing will change. dems and republican would have little to run on. We need to get the ability to offer and make deals out of the hands of politicians. One way is to not reelect people, put new ones in there so there is little chance of anyone being in a position to do alot of favors. might work might not but it is not a dem or republican thing, it is a system thing. dems & republicans want us to argue about the two parties because while we do that, they can rob us blind before we know we have been robbed, sort of like skelton & company. If the recall does not happen, look for columbus and lang to run next spring, those are the candidates for the "party", better fix templeton rather than worry about who is in boston.

  4. All politics is local ...Tip O'Neill I think. Let's work to fix Templeton. Let's stop the influence peddling at the local level. Let's work to fix what doesn't work in Templeton.

    Personnel policy -doesn't work
    Budget process - doesn't work
    Legal system - doesn't work

    The budget process is getting much better with a new advisory board with new ideas.
    The personnel policy should be scrapped.
    The legal system should improve with new town counsel and controls on access to town counsel. The broader legal system is just plain my opinion.

  5. With regards to your comment about the Skelton’s endorsing Mrs. Lee, I have to say that is the opinion of a very close-minded position. If you do a bit more research you would see that many people of all backgrounds support Susannah. Mr. Vaidulas, former school administrator in the Narragansett district & life-long democrat, is an outspoken supporter of Susannah. Actually, many Athol democrats are behind her. She is a hardworking job creator who gives more volunteer hours to her community than anyone I have met. She has conservative views when it comes to how the state spends our tax dollars, but socially she is very middle of the road. She believes in small government and personal accountability. Choosing to NOT consider a candidate because of a sign on someone else’s lawn shows how truly sad the politics in Templeton have become. Susie has always been able to bring people together. She might be exactly what Templeton needs!
