Sunday, July 29, 2012

from Pete F

Hi Paul
Interesting work out of Harvard concerning fluoride on IQ. If you have a chance someone might find it interesting Thanks. Pete.

Harvard’s Jekyll and Hyde
Templeton residents who have been following the effects of fluoride on human health should be curious to see that Harvard School of Public Health has recently come out in agreement with studies showing a drop in IQ associated with fluoride in the water supply.
This excellent review of fluorides effect on IQ would be Harvard’s caring or Dr. Jekyll side.
Checking the local newspapers for this information regarding lower IQ and fluoride has been for naught so once again a thank you goes out to Pauly’s Templeton Watch for giving this matter the attention it deserves.
Like Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde Harvard seems to have a split personality when it comes to fluoride. Perhaps the Harvard Endowment is the cause of such a disorder. Many large industries such as the aluminum industry and phosphate fertilizer industries involve fluoride and what to do with the hazardous waste generated that happen to include fluoride.
Mr. Hyde or Harvard’s evil side would appear to reside at the Harvard School of Dental Medicine with men like Chester Douglas. Mr. Douglas has been involved with the alleged covering up of information in regards to osteosarcoma and its association with fluoride and the increase rate of cancer in young men. Could it be because Mr. Douglas makes money off of fluoridated toothpaste? Check out the link.
Dr. Elise Bassin the researcher who brought forth the information in regards to osteosarcoma while working under Mr. Douglas will most likely keep her mouth shut if she wishes to remain popular at the Harvard School of Dental Medicine and keep her job. In the mean time we will wait for the final report from Mr. Douglas on fluorides link to osteosarcoma (bone cancer) and this most important topic concerning just one more health problem associated with “The Devil’s Poison”.
We may not wish to hold our breaths on Mr. Douglas and Mr. Hyde for the forth- coming information as experience has taught us that justice delayed is justice denied. 


  1. I find it very disturbing that the correlation between fluoride and IQ has been established and yet the response calls for more study.

    See you in the Spring at Town meeting!

    When in doubt, get the "F" out!

  2. The town of Templeton can spend millions of dollars on new schools and get the very best educators that money can buy but this will not raise our children's IQs. Voting to get the fluoride out of the water is a legacy that future generations will thank us for. There are many health problems associated with fluoride including thyroid problems, kidney problems, along with fluorides link to cancer. The Great Fluoride Gamble is the risk that fluoride only damages the enamel on now over 41% of our children's teeth and does no damage to the rest of our children's bodies. With this recent study from Harvard School of Public Health it appears we have loss that Gamble.

  3. Pasted from the AquaFresh ad shown on this blog:

    "Overexposure To Fluoride

    According to the ADA, infants need less fluoride than older children and adults. It is possible for infants to get too much fluoride from the water used to reconstitute formula. If you're concerned that your infant may be getting too much fluoride, talk with your doctor or dentist. There are several ready-to-feed formula options or, you can reconstitute your formula with fluoride-free or low-fluoride water.

    In rare cases, fluoride toxicity can occur if a child ingests a large amount of fluoride in a short period of time. More than 80% of reports of suspected fluoride overdoses occur in children under the age of 6.(US statistic, to be localized)

    Symptoms may include nausea, diarrhea, vomiting, abdominal pain, increased salivation or increased thirst. Symptoms begin 30 minutes after ingestion and can last up to 24 hours. Luckily, the outcomes are usually not serious. However, if you suspect your child has ingested a large amount of a fluoridated product, you should call the poison control center or 911.(to be localized by country)

    This is why it’s important to keep toothpaste, mouth rinses, and other fluoride-containing products out of children's reach or in a locked cabinet. You should also supervise young children during brushing to prevent swallowing of toothpaste or other fluoridated products."

    The toothpaste companies are now coming around to the evidence and are now marketing to the anti-flouride crowd --which is a sure sign of things to come!

    1. Wow, all great postings on a subject that I think most people are still unaware of. I did not know how bad this substance was until I started reading these blogs by Mr. Farrell & doing some research into the adversities of using fluoride. It is so true that this is a very harmful toxin to ingest into the body. Unfortunately, here again, it's all about the buck & no concern for adults, or more disturbing, children who are developing. Go back to good old fashion baking soda to brush the teeth. Tastes awful but it works with less chance of toxic side effects. Good reporting Pete, Julie & Anonymous!
