Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Investigation into Wrong Doings

There have been many allegations of alleged (just covering my a_ _) wrongdoings in the Town of Templeton. Pauly’s Templeton Watch has brought forth many instances of wrongdoings in Templeton. Pauly has tried to get some type of investigation going to no avail. Pauly has asked the BOS to ask for investigation by the Attorney General’s office. The BOS refused to ask for an investigation or allow Pauly to conduct an investigation. BOS meeting March 5, 2012

There will certainly be a Special Town Meeting in the fall. My proposal is to submit a citizen petition at that special town meeting in the fall to ask for special legislation requesting that the Attorney General and/or Inspector General to conduct an investigation into wrongdoings in Templeton to include but not be limited to:

$220 overpayment to former conservation agent

$14,000 settlement agreement with Jeffrey Ritter w/o town meeting approval

The entire 252 Baldwinville Road boondoggle.

The Casella settlement for $300,000…how did the water department get money from Casella?

Chapter 93 Acts of 2000 - the hostile takeover of the Water Department by the Light Department.

The WWTP contract. The 1991 Assignee and Assumption agreement with American Tissue was determined in a court of law to be invalid. Erving should be on the hook for any and all costs associated with the WWTP NOT the ratepayers and Taxpayers in Templeton. (8-10 million in damages). 1999 summary by Mirick O’Connell.

Writs of attachment – Why did K&P charge the town to follow a bankruptcy case we wren at a party to? Why did K&P allow the Writs of attachment to expire? Writ of attachment 1 Writ of attachment 2 (page 1 is a negative)

Should Pauly be upset about wrongdoings in Templeton? Absolutely! However, the Town of Templeton can NOT afford a protracted legal battle on any of the aforementioned issues. It will take over 200 signatures from registered voters in the Town of Templeton for a citizen petition to be included on the Fall Special Town Meeting warrant. Unlike the Annual Town Meeting, the signature requirement has always been 200 signatures for a special town meeting citizen petition.

Please add your comments on other wrongdoings in Templeton that you would like to add to the list above.

My opinions…supported by FACTS !

Julie Farrell


  1. Yes, this using Templeton for the personal gain of a few goes way back doesn't it!! Thanks for listing just a few of the "crimes" against us, Julie! That terminology is just my opinion. So right always CYA.

  2. Well, 200 signatures shouldn't be so hard to get. And I do not believe we'll need to go to any nursing homes or harass customers at the post office to do it. Its a shame we'd have to wait until the fall to get this ball rolling on an investigation. It should have happened months ago. But, that's government for you. I doubt the attorney general can ignore a petition like that with so many citizens supporting it. Maybe a petition with over 200 signatures will also get the attention of the local tv news, too. And the investigative group at BU. Pauly, I hope this idea makes you smile.

    1. Good girl Julie! that is what Bart says, I say get me the paperwork! At this point I am not sure I trust the Attorney Generals office. Why did Mr.Ed Donnley have such a hard time finding Pauly's paperwork? Jeff's paperwork ?, oh dam he did not see it! Julie's, can't find that on either. Looks like we have the arm of K&P in the AG's office. If I have any say lets go as high as we can. What the hell, we do not have anything to loose. Bev.

  3. How big was the electric bill the american tissue mills of mass when they left town? Is that where the 4.00 per customer charge goes? if its for the billing how does a seasonal camp that does't get bill for 6 months cost them, to do billing? Also when the bill comes it charges you for 6 months of customer charges? bev knows what i mean. no billing no meter readings and no cost to do it. something for nothing, hope the templeton light and water can get by!
    how many seasonal customers are there? will be more questions next time!

  4. so let me get this straight, K&P gets paid for a legal opinion that says the $300 grand to be given back to cassellas is not a settlement so the town by-law does not apply but if the DOR says a vote is needed then states K&P, the town should have the town meeting vote, maybe we should have asked the DOR if we needed a town meeting vote to pay Jeff Ritter 14 grand to resign....yeah that makes sense to me

  5. Did julie and will get the info reports they asked for from general mgr drsicol yet?

  6. I asked for the Berkshire Wind Coop audit. I have not received it yet.

    1. Jules, I have a funny feeling It is going to take awhile before that "Man" gives you anything you ask for. I think he does not like to be told or asked anything. I could say it seems like he is afraid of a strong woman, but he is not happy with Mr. Spring either. I wonder if he knows who he works for? {You just have to laugh at such arrogance. Bev.

  7. we need to invite him to a bos meet and put him in his place on camera,for the record and everybody to be able to question him/them on the records/reports. How do we get the ball rolling on the changes to correct the situations at light and water,we need to form a team to figure this one out for the good o the town.So we know whats going on over there, at the club!
