Thursday, July 12, 2012

Lawyers or liars?

 In my opinion when our majority of the board of selectmen in Templeton hired the law firm of K&P. I thought it would be in the best interest of us taxpayers, will so much for our "so-called" leaders. Look at what the K&P firm has done to Templeton's taxpayers, the facts are on "paper" of who did what and when. The selectmen's meeting on July 9, 2012 made history.
I PHC Sr want that law firm prosecuted to the fullest. But will that same majority of the board say-let's forget and move on. I don't want to forget any of this illegal bul----that has held our town hostage for years, yes for years, until the July 9, 2012 selectmen meeting, that dumped that law "liar" firm for the second time in one year. Pretty good huh? And every taxpayer in Templeton should thank Bennett, Julie, Bob Mitchell for taking action last year and starting the process for fair and open government by dumping the former town coordinator and her accomplices, in this big, big, conspiracy here in Templeton that cost us taxpayers hundreds of thousands of dollars. Yes hundreds of thousands of dollars. The facts are all on "paper” and I PHC Senior are not and I say not, going to stop my quest to get all that money back through the courts. And yes we need all the help we can get. So if anyone has any good information-please pass it along on Paulys Templeton watch. K&P has done a lot of damage to the taxpayers of Templeton, for mishandling of important issues in using their own opinions for their personal gain. Along with our elected and appointed officials. And I have that info on paper also. Want to see some interesting e-mails or some interesting billing errors that were not questioned? Invoices paid without proper paperwork etc. I want the people that a legally authorized payment to reimburse the town of jail. Why was only one signature on the payroll voucher to be paid an illegal pay grade employee and that one signature was Bob Columbus. Who actually cash that check? It's on paper and I don't stutter, the truth will come out-under oath in front of a judge. Then "jail time" and yes to all our taxpayers justice will prevail.

It has not been a point of who did what, it's a point of why. Power gain? Monetary gain? Or just plain being a troublemaker with no concern for us taxpayers or our town, or our bylaws. And most of my accusations were done behind closed doors at 690 patriots rd, town offices, why? Up to July 9, 2012 haven't any of my, PhC Sr complaints been answered-on paper. I'll tell you taxpayers why-the majority of the board of selectmen that "hung" around that town office at 690 patriots rd, did not do so to help anyone. It was to hide things, in my opinion. And it worked. That is until Jeff Bennett started spending a lot of his free time looking into issue at 690 Patriots rd. And the “get packing “threat didn't work, did it? I know all involved read this blog, but does it sink in? VW, PM, or old Bob C. Why don't you make comments on this blog?
I have been waiting from the day I heard about the recall until now July 11, 2012 to hear from Mullins or Wilder as selectmen. I usually get my satisfaction by watching and listening to the DVDs of the meeting and I do attend all meetings to watch the expressions on your faces when asked a question. Especially when Joe Boyd asks a question, and as Bev says-VW and PM should just admit to being part of the conspiracy and go home, right Bev? And to JS and all others, myself PHC Senior and Pete Kaspar are not a couple of "nuts" here in Templeton and you and your cronies could not "shut us up" and that is the cause of your conspiracy’s demise. I personally want K &P and the other individuals involved in all the losses of dollars in Templeton, paid in dollars not in "I'm sorry"-speak up O'Brien, speak up Skelton, who's going to pay the interest on the illegal USDA loan? What are we going to do with the 252 Baldwinsville Rd. issue? What are we going to do with the new elementary school building issue? Take a good clear look at who is on some of these boards that's what I do. And I don't like a lot of what I see, and I'm trying to change these things to make a better work environment and a better morale builder for us all here in Templeton.
I went to the personnel board meeting last night July 11, 2012 4 PM, I was not happy with a lot of the things that were discussed but I can understand RaeAnn Trifilo very clearly as acting chairman, in my opinion these personnel board rules were just something thrown together to appease a few morons that were in control at the time. Not thought out, or had any consideration for what the purpose was, look at who was on the board at the time, Yep-yep-yup. You guessed it. In August there will be another meeting, guess what? I'm going to tape it, then make a blog exactly how that board should handle those old rules. And bogeyman suggestions, put them on paper and be ready-new board members can't keep talking, you must get action. Appoint a one-time-boss to enforce the rules, other words abide by the personnel board rules will be sent packing by the chairman of the board, not the selectmen. Is this understandable by all?
PS I PHC Senior wanted to read the following at the personnel board meeting last night, but with all the back and forth bul--- I did not get a chance, so read the following thank you PHC Senior
Virginia-you have created a hostile work environment for at least one employee of the town. I find it appalling that you are on this personnel board representing the selectmen. I strongly suggest you re-sign from the personnel board and let another member from the board of selectmen (not Mr. Mullins, who is another inappropriate choice) take your place. This town should have a zero tolerance policy for bullying and harassment in the workplace.
Thank you for reading my opinions and thank you for commenting with your opinions.


  1. Well Pauly, as you heard, I hope you did, the personnel board members have a homework assignment, to look over the by-law and policy and make note of problems, fixes issues etc etc. I mentioned on that needs changing, the 23A versus 23C (town meeting vote in 1998, the report that has my dad on the cover, coincidence??) The board of selectmen choose appoint a personnel administrator. The make up of the personnel board of elected selectmen smacks of wanting control and power coordination by former members of both boards, look on paper who was one the board, Better yet, check out the DOR financial review of Templeton and what it says in there, maybe I can get a link to that report for the blog, I am pretty sure I still have it electronically. That report stated to abolish the personnel board. My opinion is no selectmen should serve on the personnel board, actually why have the board which only adds to the beaurocracy in that the personnel board only suggests things to the select board who actually make the decisions. I say make the town coordinator the personnel administrator/policy decision maker who looks at things, makes calls/decisions and puts before the select board something for a vote. Bring to the select board a few outlines or proposals and inform them that after research here are the options, in public open meeting, then we selectmen would have to make a decision or vote, according to town by-laws that is our job. Mr. Ritter has already shown thru the June legal bill what he is capable of if he not pestered or does not have threat of loss of job held over his head. So you know, Jeff Ritter was in the office last night at 8:29 pm as I drove by town office, when I asked him why he was there that late, he stated he had work to get done and there was not time in an 8 hour day. True dedication to job compared to former coordinator who was hard pressed to be at work before 9:00 am let alone 8:00 pm. It is all about character and commitment and professionalism. Kate Meyers was at work late yesterday as well, working on vender warrants to get town bills paid, dedication and a spirit of be part of solution rather than part of problem. Kate Meyers has stepped up big time as of late and it is my opinion it is in part due to some changes and the leadership of Jeff Ritter. That is my opinion but it is an observation from over a year in the making. It is my thought that Kate, being a Templeton resident, Templeton employee and seeing a change in leadership and attitude that she decided she could now step outside the box so to speak, and do more, unafraid of retribution of any kind. There are other town empployees stepping up as well, Bud Chase and Mark Kasper putting vacation time working on the senior center, for the benefit of Templeton. Heck of a way to spend vacation but I thank them. Mark Kasper is the son of Pete Kasper, you know the fellow who got cancer because he picked on gery skelton family (according to JS anywho) So Pauly as you can see, things are changing, slowly but we making progress. Forgive and forget, HELL NO, lets see "their boots" swinging in the breeze, legally of course. Letters are being sent to many places announcing that Templeton is no longer under the heel of K&P. Fire up the ramp truck and lets deliver the boxes of info to the attorney generals office, with letters to senator Brewer, Gobi, Andrews and others that simply states, "you want Templeton's vote and support, help us!" call a couple tv stations as we make the delivery and maybe we get tv time too.

  2. Residents, look up (google) town of Sherborn, massachusetts, click on selectmen tab. You will see name of Paul R. DeRensis as vice-chair selectmen (my counter part in that town) he is one principle in Templeton new town counse, selectmen for 16 years, a harvard attorney who "gets it" because he has done it!! Look at the final DOR financial review for that town, it reads like a book I have already read, oh yeah, the DOR financial report of Templeton. Alot of same suggestions and findings that is in our report. It seems the DOR does not make this stuff up, selectmen just have to be smart enough to admit that there may be some good workable ideas in there and it just may be that Templeton's was not all that personal. My opinion is those ideas would have undercut the power hold that was held on Templeton by the old powers that were, read and think about it. my opinion as always even if I don't always say it.

    1. Wow! I did look up the town of Sherborn. This is a town, within the 495 belt, with a population of 4285, a median age of 41, income median is $156,000, houses are in the $800,000 range, and they have more businesses. A far cry from Templeton, but, there is a lot to learn here. The web site (city-data) is absolutely informational about everything in the town. They have 3 selectmen, a 14 page booklet of "Selectmen's Policies and Procedures" (we should look at). The Selectmen's office has a Town administrator, an assistant Town Admin., and an Administrative Secretary(ONLY). Of course this town has a lot more income from taxes, but,sounds like they know what they are doing and Atty. DeRensis could be an asset to us. I didn't read the DOR report (couldn't find it), but, I agree with you that ours would have undercut the power hold, so, under the rug it went. Thanks for the info.

    2. Check, go to sherborn,ma click boards and committees then selectmen then selectmans office. look about half way down and see 3 columns of links, DOR should be top right (3rd column)

  3. In my opinion it is not hundreds of thousands its ten to thirty million dollars just to start with concerning K&P's damages to the Town of Templeton. If we truly want to set the record straight concerning the damage done to this town we need to look at what happened concerning the WWTP Contract and case 02-2424C. If what Paul says is true concerning obstruction of justice and no statute of limitation and if the legal people at Worcester Superior Court says the case can be reopened then this incredible travesty of justice needs attention. You can't keep empowering the bully and that bully could very well be Leonard Kopelman and the people he associates with here and abroad. It is my belief this problem is larger than what you see at the local level.

    1. It gives me pause to think why would the Atty. General's Office call K&P to talk to them about the letters of complaint from a Templeton resident? I wonder what kind of snow job Len gave them. It is because K&P is a very powerful law firm. Well, guys we will have to find a fearless soul to stand up and help us. I do think there has to be one honest, ethical person left in the country. I think we need to find some investigative reporters to come to our rescue. Wouldn't that embaress the Atty. Generals office. Be warned, we are not going to give up. The city people need to understand the damage that has been done to our little town. Maybe this happens to other places, but we do not have the resources to recover. Not emotionally or financially. We are stubborn yankees, even if we are Italians, Fins, Irish, Polish,and English or a mix of some or all. What it boils down to is you hurt our town, you hurt us all. my thoughts, Bev.

    2. Five years later and we are still swimming in debt, our Select Board is ineffective, due partly to ignorance, and a lack of direction. How can they be "green" after they have been on the job for three years ? Maybe it is because some of these people had no clue where the town has been, and why ? A history of our battles would be helpful for anyone willing to take a seat on the BOS, and the understanding that we need to move forward, with out the baggage of echo hill is a must. The plan that Gladys spoke to me about, years ago, has evolved slowly. Considering the financial mess we are in now, and have been in for the past 20 years, I guess the "evil doers" have succeeded. Time has come to clean house, and be dam careful who we elect in May. We do not need to replace our selectmen with two more "echo" place savers.. Bev.
