Thursday, July 12, 2012

March 12 part 1

here's the link to  part 1 of the March 12th meeting

Part 2 will be coming - FORTHWITH!


  1. What is worth taking note of on this part is the school building update at 31:00 min mark. Its very interesting to see how Sue was correct about the land owner on the Bald. Rd. property being the listed land owner and not the bank.
    As Pauly knows for sure, you gotta listen to Sue because she knows best! Right Pauly?

    Also, intersting is when she brought up the idea of looking into free land at TDC, no one said "that's a good idea" or any comment at all. Did anyone ever consider that land (TDC) in the past 4 years of a land search? Did we need to spend @ $71k for land search that only received the same parcels of land over and over? Or were certain people determined to make the town pay for overpriced land and line the pockets of their buddies? I still would like to know how DO'B was able to vote on the Bald. Rd. land next door to his house for the school when clearly it is against the ethics laws (and don't forget voting and signing for 252 Bald. Rd. land purchase across the street from his house).

    Thanks for uploading. Recorded meetings are great to RECALL the past as to not to repeat in the future.

  2. Total RECALL is a wonderful thing
