Thursday, July 12, 2012

Part 2 of March 12th meeting

Okay folks Part 2 of the March 12 meeting click here 

Part one link is 2 blogs earlier. these are being put up again because of a request from "anonymous" I just don't know which one!

1 comment:

  1. At the time mark 6:45min you will hear JUlie ask a question about the WWTP agreement. Right after her, Sue asks where these PCBs came from. After her, someone presses the BOS about why the taxpayers have to pay for this. And after him, another person asks who were the town counsel at the time. Watch and listen to how BC & VW try to downplay the whole subject. Watch BC refuse to answer who the town counsel was. Why was that such a hard question? Also of note, you'll see the K&P attorney standing at the back of the room. When these questions came up, he sat down. It is clear that BC & VW are covering K&P's ass in this matter instead of the town's. Who wouldn't want to pursue retrieving money for the town that was part of a breeched contract? Who wouldn't want to answer a simple question about who town counsel was?

    Unfortunately, this video cuts off before you see the end of the meeting when they go into executive session. This is when the crowd refused to leave the room because they knew Mr. Ritter was going to be fired. Its a very interesting interaction to watch in hindsight...especially after reading the minutes of the executive session.

    Thanks to recountcoming for posting. We have to keep reviewing and reminding ourselves what these people have done and never let them be in charge of our town ever again.
