Friday, July 27, 2012

You are invited! from Denise Andrews' Office

Please Join Chairwoman Alice Wolf & Representative Denise Andrews
& staff from the Joint Committee on Elder Affairs for an
Elder Affairs Town Hall

Wednesday, August 1, 2012 from 2:30PM to 4:00PM
at the Erving Senior Center, located at 1 Care Drive

The Elder Affairs Town Hall Forum will be an opportunity for Second Franklin district seniors, family, senior organizations, elder service providers, councils on aging, health care providers, transportation and housing and municipal leaders to come together and share  about the ongoing progress, issues and challenges facing elders in our region and across the Commonwealth. This will be an open forum where attendees will hear about the progress as well as key legislation and policy matters before the Legislature and have a chance to share their ideas and concerns.
Light refreshments will be served. Please feel free to share this invitation broadly with anyone you think may interested. If you have any questions please contact Brian Eno ( or call at (617) 722-2460.
"A test of a people is how it behaves toward the elders. The affection and care for elders are the true gold mines of a culture." - Rabbi Abraham J. Heel


  1. I have some questions for Rep. Andrews.

    Did you support the most-recent effort to limit the use of EBT cards? These limitations would have prevented welfare recipients from spending taxpayer money at nail salons, strip clubs, liquor stores etc. The legislation, modest as it was, was watered down. Seems the heartless Republicans could not prevail in their battle to deny welfare recipients their "right" to taxpayer-funded lap-dances.

    Did you support recent legislation, which the Democratic governor has vetoed, that would require anyone registering a motor vehicle in Massachusetts to show proof of legal residence in the United States? Will you support an override of that veto?

    On this blog, I have seen people who are incensed over $220 in tax money that was improperly paid out. And, I agree with them. Many of the same people are supporting a candidate who is against even the modest limit on EBT cards.

    Are you happy that your tax money can be used to by liquor? Manicures? Does your candidate reflect your views on EBT card use?

    1. Hope everyone saw the add in the Snews there is a debate at the Narragansett High School auditorium at 7:00 p.m. on Wednesday, Aug. 1st. Looks like four candidates will debate with none other than Camano as moderator. Let's ask him some questios about his remarks on Jeff Ritter. Let's all try to make it.

    2. Mark B. ...You make some very good points about Welfare abuse of taxpayers monies & those politicians who think it is okay. The EBT cards should be used for "healthy" food & "modest" housing only. I agree that the Democratic party is not the party of our parents or grandparents. I feel that this party has been taken over by thoroughly leftist thinking individuals who are, if not completely, close to what seems to me to be socialist commies who want the few of us who are still working to pay for these lazy SOBs who have NO intention of working ever!! There are some who really need the help & I would be the first to say let's help them because we never know when any of us may need extra help though a tough time. However, those who want everything for doing nothing are Bogging down the system big time, wasting our hard earned money & taking resources over & above what the welfare system was originally set up to do. That was to help people through a bad patch until they could find work. It was not meant to be a way of life. And also not meant for people to wait around for the "perfect" job. I have had some of the crappiest jobs with the lowest pays one can imagine but I did them anyway because I had to & never felt that someone else "owed" me for just existing in this world! Now this lazy entitled "lifestyle" is helping to bankrupt us & collapse this society as we know it. Why should everything I bust my butt off for be "redistributed" to those who think they deserve a "piece of the pie" I made. Also, as you say with over 50% NOT paying taxes we are heading for even more of a fall than I think people are willing to see or admit. I pray I am wrong in this thinking but time will tell. These are just my thoughts & opinions as things stand right now.

    3. Mark, your questions are very important. The reason I am running for State Rep to replace Denise, is because I disagree with her voting history and her lack of proactive representation. Denise talks about the needs of the area she "will" work on, but has done little or nothing up until now, when she needs your support. She did vote against H. 4100, the welfare EBT reform. Reform which is not anti-poor but pro-taxpayer. In spite of her NO vote the House voted to approved an amendment prohibiting the use of electronic benefit transfer (EBT) cards by welfare recipients for the purchase of pornography, firearms, tickets to movies and theater shows, cosmetics, travel, jewelry, bond for defendants, tattoos, body piercings, gambling and yes even BAIL. I would have voted YES! Why she believes a NO vote made sense, is a question you should ask her.

      As for the bill allowing illegal immigrants the right to drive, H. 4238. This vote was on an amendment to the FY 2013 state budget that Gov. Patrick filed as part of his vetoes. The Legislature had approved a measure that would require applicants to provide proof of “legal residence” in order to register their car. The governor’s amendment would require proof of “residence,” legal or illegal. Patrick said allowing an illegal alien to own a vehicle in Massachusetts does not jeopardize the public’s safety. He argued that on the contrary, it serves the public’s safety interests to know the name and location of the owner of every vehicle on the road. Opponents of the governor’s amendment said it is too weak and will still allow illegal aliens to drive on the roadways. They argued it is time to allow only legal residents to register a car in Massachusetts. A “yes” vote is for the governor’s proposal requiring proof of residence, ILLEGAL or legal. A “no” vote is against allowing illegal immigrants to register a car at all. Denise voted YES let them drive. I want the chance to ask her what she was thinking on this. I would have voted NO!

      Denise was one of 14 people who voted against the 3 strikes law in it's original form last November. She did finally vote for it after serious crimes were removed such as, indecent assault & battery on mentally retarded, assault & battery on elderly person, assault & battery by dangerous weapon on elderly, possession of devices with intention to make chemical biological or nuclear weapons, drugging persons for sexual intercourse and other VERY SERIOUS CRIMES.

      The list of what I believe are ridiculous votes goes on and I'd be happy to post others. The point is that Denise is a very charming person and talks a great deal about important issues this district needs addressed, but her legislative history lives in complete opposition to her words.

      Keep asking the important questions, MS. Andrews' legislative record is an open book which she cannot completely hide. Although she has tried (which is also on the record).

      Jim White
      P.S. I will be at the debate tomorrow night

  2. Our tax money already buys liqour, maicures and lap dances, it is spent this way by the state legislature who receive high pay for a part time job, does not matter they be republican or democrat

    1. So true, Jeff!!& that is the other side of the "coin" who are bankrupting us right along with the ones who are on welfare as a permanent thing. Bottom up, Top down, collapse the middle right out!!

    2. Jeff - salaries are different. We pay those people, they can do what they please with their earnings. If you are against a full-time legislature, I agree.

      The latest outrage is the refusal of the governor to open the records of coming and going in the parking garage used by government officials. Our legislature gets paid "per diem" money for the bother of travelling to Boston. The Boston Herald filed a request for the information about parking coming/going. One thing that could be done is to check the "per diem" records against the parking records.

      Our illustrious governor has refused to divulge this info, backed by Secretary Galvin. So our Solons are safe from scandal, once again.

  3. Here's a quote for Ms. Andrews:

    "The attempt to rescue the citizens from the burdens of responsibility has undermined the family, self-reliance and self-government." - Yuval Levin

  4. Incase anyone in Templeton is curious Ms. Andrews was one of the 33 to vote NO for ebt reform.

    (House, No. 4100, amended).

    1. For many years, Bart and I went to farmers market in Melrose and Waltham. People on welfare and low income elders get food cupons. We have to qualify to recieve them. They can only be used for fresh fruit and vegetables. They get ten dollars worth of cupons for each child. The elderly would get five or ten dollars worth. I am not sure what they are getting now. I remember one lady came at the end of the day with some cupons. I could tell she did not know what to do. I told her, the cupons were like money, but she could not get change back. I could give her more of a fruit or vege. to make up the difference. She was embarresed but she was there because her husband lost his job when the company closed. I told her not to feel bad, I gave her extra potatoes, and a bunch of extra stuff. I have seen the elderly count out the number of green beans they needed, so they would not waste anything, and the cupons could last longer. Sometimes this is the way for a kid to get a chance to eat fruit, they would not get any other way. The horror stories people tell, I have never encountered any wrong doing. With the rise in food due to a poor growing season, especially in the mid-west, and the cost in oil, some of these programs are going to be needed more than ever. Thank goodness you do not need these programs. Life sometimes hands you lemons, or bad luck. It is easy to run these people down, but I would think twice before I did it. My opinion, Bev.

    2. I don't think anyone is running anybody down who really needs it, as my prior blog says. Luckily you did not see any of the abuses that are out there due to a lack of supervision such as with the misuse of EBT cards. I believe those abuses are what people are talking about. At least, I know that is what I am saying. Remember, as I said previously, these programs were set up to help people through a bad patch. Yes, as time goes on, with this bad economy, there are going to be more & more who need help. So, those people are going to need the support. That is precisely my point, the ones who are abusing the system are taking from those who really need it. And, Bev, there are plenty of people who are abusing the system right now. Wonderful to know that the community you served were not among them. I have seen it with my own eyes, on more than one occasion, where someone has paid for their groceries with food stamps and then paid for cigarettes, beer, wine, etc. with cash. That is just not right. If you have that extra cash to pay for JUNK to put into your body, then you shouldn't be allowed to use the system at all. And then I have seen others proceed to exit the store after using taxpayer funded programs & step into a brand new vehicle while texting on their state of the art cell phones with an ipad in the other. These are the people we are talking about. NOT the ones who truly need the assistance. Those people I would give anything I could to help them. And I have many times through the years. I used to give, from my own household funds, several full turkey (thanksgiving) meals to families who had nothing. I was a part of a ministry where we helped those in need with food, clothing & temporary shelter. So, I realize the seriousness of those who are at this point through no fault of their own & would be right there to do all within my power & means to make life a bit better during their tough times. However, again, there are those who take, take, take, from this system that was initially set up for emergencies & crises only. When they take, just because they found a way to "beat" the system, they hurt everyone, particularly those who legitimately need help. This is where the frustration lies for me. There needs to be better checks & balances on who gets the help & how it is used. There should be NO other use of the EBT cards except for Healthy foods & housing. That is my strong opinion again. I understand yours & thank goodness you did not see what I & many others I know have seen. there are also those who use the extra cash that they don't have to spend on groceries (like the rest of us) & buy drugs & partake in gambling, too, as an added note! Not right at all. But those who need the help & use it correctly, yes, it is a godsend for them! Because none of us do know when & if we will ever require that help, it is essential that those abuses be stopped so the resources will be there for families truly in need!

  5. Agreed, it is the abuse that needs reformed. Many times I have been behind kids in the store who are purchasing energy drinks, candy bars etc with their parents ebt cards. Not the help it is intended for. Also recepients are able to take cash out from their ebt cards and this has been found to be used for gambling, paying bail, etc. The ebt cards have been used in strip clubs, nail salons, and jewelry stores. I am a full supporter of helping those in need but I do not find "lap dances" anywhere within a persons needs to survive and these misuses of the ebt card need to be stopped.
