Saturday, August 18, 2012

Another from Jeff B

From: "Town Coordinator"
To: "Jeff Bennett"
Sent: Thursday, August 9, 2012 4:45:06 PM
Subject: FW: Health Director Fiscal Adjustment

From: Phil: Templeton BOH []
Sent: Thursday, August 09, 2012 2:54 PM
To: 'Town Coordinator'
Subject: FW: Health Director Fiscal Adjustment

From: Laurie Wiita []
Sent: Thursday, August 09, 2012 1:57 PM
To: 'Town Coordinator'
Subject: Health Director Fiscal Adjustment
Dear Jeff;
Attached is the new re-adjusted letter of negotiations, which should cover what we discussed. You will be receiving a signed copy.

Remember click on the blue word "Letter"


  1. I am having a very hard time wondering how Mr. Triffilo can be so insensitive to our situation, in Templeton. Is this pay back for cutting the stipends of the Board of Health members? Looks like it to me. I am afraid that there is more than one problem, with this move. First of all, where do they think the money is going to come from for this change ? I know for a fact it is not in the budget we voted on at town meeting. Havn't the Board of Health members figured out that the Town of Templeton is not doing business the "Skelton Way" any longer! If they have missed that fact, i'm very sorry, Too late for these back room meetings to carry any validity any more. This is the same man who could not do his barn inspections. He is so busy, doing what? I am sure that I am not the only person who will comment about this. Don't forget boys' I did that job, so don't try to con me. My opinion as always, Bev.

    1. It kind of hit me, they are going to use the money that would have gone to Laurie. I was sorry she left, but that was her choice. I am sure that their is a better place for that than pad Phil's pay. Is there any end to these self centered people. Give me a break! These are my opinions, I wish I could print what I really think, but it would not be nice. Bev.

    2. Oh, I so agree with you, Bev! There are way too many self-centered people these days. That's why we are in so much trouble everywhere. Keep adding those great comments when you can. You are more than accurate with your observations. Also, as you said, you did that BOH work so there's no fooling you on what needs to be done & how much time is necessary to do the tasks. Seems like the current BOH is just another case of self-entitlement narcissistic attitudes. I think we've about had it with those in this town. That's my opinion anyway.

  2. During Town Meeting, I believe Mr. Trifilo offered some motion to exempt the health agent from the cuts. That motion was defeated. To go against the will of the voters anyway is something that voters should remember next election.

  3. You are so right Mark, we did defeat that motion. I will be at the next Selectmen's meeting, and ask if this agent is exempt from the Personal Policy. #25

    1. The Board of Health has alot of power, they can make their own laws. They have more power than the selectmen, they can be over ruled by the D.E.P., on the state level. I do not think this goes so far as the agent's pay. I am sure "Lawyer Jeff" will look that up. No matter how this shakes out, why would Mr. Triffilo do this crap, except, he is angry the taxpayers messed with his department. Sorry bud, for the good of the town, all depts took a hit. Your dept is no different. Bev.

  4. You need to remember that the BOH and the TMLWP manager went the extra mile to try to keep a citizen petition from being discussed at town meeting.

    It is not beyond belief that the BOH and BOH director would try to circumvent the will of the people at town meeting.

    When did the BOH meeting take place to give Mr. Leger a step raise? Without personnel board or BOS approval? For a 4 day work week? Who voted for this pay increase for the BOH? And the extra weeks vacation?

    1. I think the Selectmen should call the Board of Health into a meeting and ask the what they think they are doing? If they are not going to replace Laurie, then we can take that money and use it someplace else. Bev.

    2. Ya, like to pay 252 Bald. Rd. debt payment.
