Friday, August 17, 2012

another selectman's corner

from the Selectman's Corner
Templeton needs a plan, no news there, so maybe the fire department could lead the way. And perhaps a place to begin or a subject to report on; give the selectmen the current state and possible future needs of Templeton Ambulance services and what it would take for Advanced Life Support Ambulance service to become available in Templeton. Perhaps Captain Dave Dickie could begin by coming to a selectmen meeting and educating the select board and the taxpayers. Tell us how Templeton Basic Life-support ambulance service operates in Templeton now and how could/would an advanced life support ambulance service work in Templeton.
Subjects might include ambulance usage and staffing, how the service is administered; organization, policies & state rules, regulations, accounting practices, complete costs (salaries, operational expense, capital expense, as in ambulance replacement cost & schedule) billing practice & cost, revenue from same and town funding & expense ( full-time staffing, pension, health insurance and liability insurance & what increase this service might bring to taxpayers) This could be a great opportunity to have a discussion on the environment that the fire department & ambulance service currently operates in, both in Templeton and state-wide. I feel it may be good to do say an 8 town survey of other communities that have call ambulance, full-time ambulance and perhaps any regional ambulance service towns. My thought is to identify the main issues facing Templeton's ambulance service as these type of calls appear to be the majority of calls to the fire/EMS department rather than fires. Short and long term issues with ideas on basic requirements to be met and a list of possible solutions. I believe there are 4 major subjects that have to be addressed; 24/7 paramedic staffing, finances & funding, vehicle replacement and operation & administration. I am aware that state regulation through OEMS, regulates that advanced life support ambulance service needs to be 24/7, not sometime als and sometimes basic life support. I believe there is also a way under OEMS that there is a time frame where small communities can move towards this goal through multiple staffing solutions, which basically means 24/7 paramedic service does not have to come just from Templeton paramedics and this is one of those things we need the department to educate us on. I believe Dave Dickie would have the knowledge to do this because he has been around the Templeton EMS for a good while. One of my concerns is billing, collection & payroll. Hopefully with a new full time chief on board with fresh eyes along with a moral boost there can be discussion and education on the good & bad of full time 24/7 als for Templeton, whether it is by Templeton alone paramedics, regional or contract services or any other creative solutions. I look forward to speaking with the new chief and other members of the Templeton fire department, Dave Dickie and getting the ambulance service on the front burner to get both sides of the information in public view because the budget season is here and annual town meeting will be here before we know it. I believe an honest, open discussion is required and has been put off long enough. I think we need it to happen before town meeting and before April 2013, taxpayers need time and I also believe this will take several months to gather enough information prior to trying to move forward on this issue. Templeton once again has an Ambulance receipts account, we have a new town accountant and I would hope we do not squander this opportunity. I have been actively on my own looking into what it takes and what are the good v. bad aspects of contract Ambulance service. I had been doing this for a number of reasons, but at the Thursday nights meeting to interview candidates for fire chief, I saw a number of members of the call Templeton fire department and they spoke up on some important issues and I took from that meeting that they were enthusiastic about the process, open, public, on the record interviews and the same questions to all candidates so I think we owe it to them to present their case and in a factual way. So perhaps the members of the department can chose a spokesman after gathering appropriate information and come before the selectmen and educate us along with the taxpayers. Maybe we will not get there this time around but we will go no where without discussion and at least an outline of what it would take to get there, to a full time 24/7 als ambulance service, in one way or another.

Jeff Bennett


  1. It was good to get imput from the guys on the fire dept, at last nights meeting. Their new cheif is someone that they seemed excited about. How to run the department in the future, needs input from these young men. I think Jeff is right about getting a good look at both sides of the coin, so when we make a decision, it is the right one for our town.Bev.

  2. Has a new fire chief been chosen?

    1. Yes, he is a guy from Princeston. Go figure, I can't remember his name. He has a lot of experience. The guys on the fire dept. that were at the meeting felt he could do the job. Bev.

  3. Templeton Selectmen have proven their ability to once again screw over a life long resident. Mr Bankowski has given our town 34 and a half years aa a firefighter and officer of the Templeton Fire Department. He certainly knows our Town and its infrastructure. It is most disapointing to see we cannont support those who have given a lifetime of service to our Town.

    Mr Bankowski has the knowledge and stamina to move the Templeton fire department forward. He most importantly has the backing of our area Chiefs and fire departments. The Selectmen should have listened to those who have the experience and expertise as this is a highly skilled position. Peoples lives are at stake and decisios need to made in dangerous situations to protect our citizens property and our firefighters lives.

    Why did Princeton not hire Mt. Laport to be their first full time chief when he had been serving as a part time chief for years there? Why was Mr. Laport releived of his medic duties at Woods ambulance? Lets hope our Selectmen have thoroughly looked into these matter and more.

    I for one know Templeton fire is not ready for parame
    dics in fact Chris Hackett has been told for a year by a very proffessional medic instructor that Templeton is not ready. People lives are at stake.

    As for Tom Smith who cares what he thinks he left after we paid for his college education look at the bills I have, Look at all the waste full spending that occured during his tenure. All he was doing is buying his support the paperwork supports this. Take a look. His appiontment was illegal done at a selectmen's meeting without the position being advertised right JULIE Town bylaw says all positions must be advertised.

    Mr Bankowski thank you for your dedicated service to our Town. Follow through with your E.M.T class as I see the members of the department running this new guy out history has already spoken.

    1. It is interesting to read blog entries from people that have nothing but lies to write. Sometimes these people tell so many lies they get confused and actually start believing them. The correct information is that at no point did I submit to the town any bills for my college education. I have actually spoken out against the Town paying for anyone’s college education since there is no guarantee that these individuals will remain in town. If this anonymous person does not believe this they are more than welcome to help pay my college loans. My appointment as Fire Chief back in 2006 was advertised. I still have a copy of the advertisement if anyone would like to see it.

      The one thing I will agree with that this anonymous person did not lie about is that Deputy Chief Bankowski does deserve a thank you for his many years of service with the Templeton Fire Department. Whether he got the Fire Chief’s job or not he is still the Deputy and deserves the respect of the rank. There are many talented EMTs on the fire department and they will continue to bring the Templeton Fire Department in a positive direction under their new Chief as they have over the past years.

    2. I think if you are going to put my name in your blog. You can at least 1 tell the whole truth 2 put your name on what you say.

    3. thank you anonymous (rich) for the thoughtful and educated comment !

    4. I am pretty sure I have the newspaper with it in my collection, also perhaps anonymous can post the by-law requiring the posting of town positions and the copies of bills and paper work that he/she claims to have. It would be most interesting reading. Again, posting that original blog about looking into all aspects of the ambulance service was to promote some positive postings and discussion. I wonder if this anonymous is the same one who blogged about character assasination and why worry about the past? There needs to be a numbering system for all the anonymous so we can keep track of them all.

    5. Tom, all I can say is you are sadly missed. If Mr Bankowski was so great for the job why was the vote unanimous for the other guy??? well VW and PM what do you have to say? I think the emts and firefighters are all professionals and will work with whoever becomes their Chief! just my opinion.

    6. Well....34 years.....that is an accomplishement....could you please tell us what changes you have put forward in these years to help better the department? Tell us how you went above and beyond...I have had the privlage to have been a part of "Templeton Rescue" when it was a free service....we had to go door to door asking for few volounterred that the ones that did took all day to complete the all the years....never saw you there as part of the team...craft fairs, races, going to elderly complexes....helping them fill out cards to make it easy for the responders...checking blood pressures with a donation jar.....where were you Mr Bankowski.....never saw you in all the years...if it was a roll over....yeh maybe we would see you....I do look back and remember sitting with Tom Smith in the the heat sitting with a jar hoping we could take a blood pressure and get a donation so that we could make the town a safer place for our families....I have been to numerous acts of kindness with Tom. He always was there, found the time to volunteer...again...please tell us what you have done to help your community....34 years into a department i would think you would have a list a mile long... did you ever try to better yourself to help your department? Did you get your EMT? Firefighter 1 or 2? say you are getting your EMT now? After 34 years on the department, you have now decideded to get your EMT...Good for for me, with someone with over 15 years of expereince in EMS....I would not want to be under you on a department with you....when I am on a bad call can need help and look to you and ask, what should I do......You will never be able to guide me...To hold a position that you were hoping, thinking you deserved, to hold, you should at least know with experience how to guide your deapartment...Sitting at home listening to a scanner for 34 years doesn't make you qualified!

  4. Anonymous, I hope you realize the job has been offerd to Mr. LaPort, he not been officially hired as of yet. I hope you were present at the meeting on Thursday, August 16, 2012. Also of note, and this did not go un-noticed by the selectmen, the firemen present at that meeting did not speak up for Mr. Bankowski, whatever the reason may be, it was noticed. I would hope that if you cared so much and you have all this information, you would not only have attended but would have spoke up. Of course, you could not stand up and say my name is anonymous, you would actually hve to show who you are. As for area fire chiefs, 2 did send letters of support, one was from Richard Stevens which was expected seeing how Mr. Stevens was gathering signatures for the recall and Mr. Bankowski was regularly observed having breakfast with a Mr. Gerry Skelton, no crime at face value, but I am sure you know the politics there. Having stated all this, what I was actually hoping for was input on the thought of taxpayers on a full-time 24/7 ambulance service in Templeton, either provided by the town or through contractual services, something Mr. Bankowski could not par-take in seeing how in 34 years he has never taken a basic EMT course. That may not be a requirement for frie chief and he may have a year to do it aftr becoming a fire chief, it just speaks to me about dedication to the department. If one looks at the number of calls and what they are for, majority of them these days are medical, those would be calls where Mr. Bankowski would be standing on the side. Now if you have any input as to ambulance service in Templeton, I would be very interested to hear it.

  5. Better yet Anonymous, bring your paper work to the selectmen meeting on August 27, 2012, I would like to meet you.

  6. Speaking of town by-laws, after glancing over them, I did notice the Templeton Personnel By-law is not in the by-law booklet, yet the very first section (1) of Article I - general provisions; clearly staes the By-Laws shall be published every 5 years in booklet form, together with amendments, additions and deletions thereto. If you look at the 2010 booklet, you will see the Personnel by-law is not printed in the booklet, it is only referenced, a violation of the town by-laws. So perhaps you need to attend a selectmen meeting and educate us on all of this as you seem to have a good handle.

  7. I think it's important to note that the decision to hire the gentleman from Princeton was not a split vote. Rather, it was unanimous. If you are unhappy with the outcome, Anonymous, you might want to have a word or breakfast with Virginia or Patrick; if members of your camp did not propose an alternative, you have some issues with your own followers.

  8. Oh, and I think someone should alert this guy that if he gets a phone call or two from a rogue attorney telling him not to take the job that's just a part of the vetting process here in Templeton. The best candidates ultimately do not heed these warnings!

  9. Do you all think that "anonymous" is Richard Stevens the one who lost out to Tom Smith and recall supporter. seams he's been whining about the position not being advertised since he lost out to Tom.

    1. plan and simple the best person one the job nothing against larry would go to battle with him anytime.hope he still continues to serve the deputy
