Thursday, August 9, 2012


Just a reminder that the Templeton Craft Fair is coming up.  "always the third weekend in August"
August 18th & 19th On the Common. Always lots of Fun!!!!
This year CITIZENS4TEMPLETON will have a fundraising booth a "Chinese Auction". We are raising money to purchase "Back to School" supplies for the 40+ homeless children in the NRSD. Yes there are homeless children in Templeton, as more and more people lose their jobs and  homes many children are being displaced. Just look at the empty homes in your own neighborhoods, I'll bet the last people who lived there had kids! I am posting a link to a letter that is on NRSD website please take time to read it.

And please stop by our booth and buy a few chances for a very good cause!

 Gift Certificates for
Kitchen Garden
Baldwinville Pizza Barn
Baldwinville Station
JK Crossroads
The Ale House
Valley Florist
Smiths Country Cheese

Giant Wine Basket
Dog Supply Basket
Fall Planting Basket


  1. Oh, good! More prizes for Bart to win! hee hee hee...

    Its such a great thing to raise money for the kids as well as support local business. I hope everyone will be sure to stop by the booth and say hi. Every dollar helps!

    -C4T Groupie

  2. You can now purchase C4T merchandise at

    All the cool kids will be wearing the T-shirts!

  3. I received an e-mail form Diane Avoli about the Craft Fair...They could really use some help setting up the site on Wednesday night. I have meetings and appointments most of the day.

    If you could help out it would really be appreciated

    1. Bart spends enough money, thank goodness he wins once in a while. I won't be home on Wed night, we will be out of town. I 'll be around all week end, to help out. Pray for good weather. Bev.
