Tuesday, August 7, 2012

from Pete F

Hi Paul Part II of 9/11 Oil and the Brute Squad is ready if interested. Thanks Pete.

              9/11, Oil and The Brute Squad (part II) 
      In part one of Oil, 9/11 and The Brute Squad Templeton residents were made aware of events on the specific day of 9/11 that allegedly associated agents of Big Money (Rothschilds) with the terror that occurred that day. 
 The country Israel was implicated as being the main suspect for events on 9/11 and various Israeli companies working in the U.S. were mentioned. It may help the reader to read part one before going on to part two but is not necessary.
     Part two of Oil, 9/11 and The Brute Squad will give some history of how 9/11 came to be.  According to Bollyn’s Solving 9/11, “9/11 remains an unsolved crime.  It is however rather obvious who is responsible for blocking discovery and obstructing justice for the victims and their relatives.  At every critical point where the events and circumstances of 9-11 should have been investigated and discussed, there has been a Zionist, a dedicated devotee of the State of Israel, occupying a key position and acting as the controller and censor of evidence- the gatekeeper of information.”  These gatekeepers include Judge Hellerstein who has denied any justice for 9/11 victims and Michael Chertoff  (who was Assistant Attorney General to John Ashcroft) who it is believed has dual citizenship with the State of Israel and was in charge of the Criminal Division of the Dept. of Justice, personally supervised and controlled the entire FBI non-investigation of 9-11. Chertoff is the responsible person for the obstruction of justice and blocking access to the evidence since September 11 2001 (according to Bollyn). Here is a link concerning Judge Hellerstein.
Here is a link concerning Mr. Chertoff.

     Many people are unaware that Ehud Olmert, the Israeli mayor of Jerusalem New York’s sister city was in New York City on the very eve of 9-11 and was probably in the city during the attacks.  According to Bollyn Mr. Olmert is a member of the Likud party founded by Zionist terrorists.  Here is what Mr. Olmert may have witnessed or even been a part of. 
     It appears Mr. Olmert’s original visit was kept somewhat secret but ten days later the carpets were rolled out for a sympathy visit according to the New York press.
     Terrorism made for Hollywood seems to have gotten its start by Zionists right in Israel at the King David Hotel as shown by this link.
     It would appear that a movement such as Zionism would need a great deal of money and so it is not a big surprise to learn that the Rothschild family has been more than generous to this end. It was estimated that the Rothschilds had about half the wealth of the world at one time.  The link below gives more info on this subject.
     The Zionists have used terrorism for some time as is evident in what has become known as The Lavon Affair that took place in Egypt in 1954.
     Many in the U.S. believe that the unprovoked attack on the USS Liberty an intelligence ship in 1967 was an act of terrorism by Israel.
     To understand if an ideology like Zionism has what it takes to pull off something like 9/11 one need only look at what happened in regards to Israel’s creation and the ethnic cleansing of Palestine. Ilan Pappe who wrote the book “The Ethnic Cleansing of Palestine” a Jewish author and historian will help set the record straight on this matter.
     Hopefully this blog will help put in perspective some of the history that allowed 9/11 to happen and the history of terror associated with Zionism and the money behind that terrorism.
     As it is very doubtful our government will ever reopen the 9/11 investigation all are encouraged to investigate the matter for yourselves.     


  1. I still don't get what the endgame is. Why terrorism? What is their mission?

    1. In my opinion the end game has been going on for many many years with the ultimate goal of consolidating all the resources in the hands of as few as possible. We need to look at who has all the resources now to help determine who might be behind this scenario. Terrorism makes us afraid of the unknown and allows us to give up our rights to who ever the adult is who can make things right often that adult is the same one who was behind the terrorism in the first place. What ever the mission is the means to that mission are most unkind and one should not expect a trip to Disney World as an all expense paid vacation from those responsible for this terrorism.

  2. The attack on the USS Liberty is an example of what Israel and how it was covered up as much as possible, shows how far that country will go to maintain its borders and very existance, right or wrong. That ship had on board, radios that had about every open communication channel available, it was a "spy ship" listening to what goes on over the air waves. Israel attacked it by air then by sea, even though it repeatedly identified it self and was flying a very larg us Flag and a friend and suppoter of that country, they did not care, they were about to start the 6 day war. Now why terroism? that is the one thing that would keep the us on Israel's side and support to help that country out. For oil, the Israelis believe that is the one thing that the US might sell even Israel out for, and if you back on WWII, remember a ship approached US shore with jewish refugees from europe trying to escape from hitlers grasp and we turned them away and they were forced to return to europe where many perished. Terroism keeps the US in the game and on the side of Israel, pretty simple. And now the free US people live under many of the same things the jewish people do, constant survielance, cameras, carry your papers, permits to go here and there (as in passports or ID ) to travel to places where we use to go with little more than a drivers license. This whole scenrio is pretty plausible.

  3. It is this type of terrorism is to keep the US in the game.

    There is also an assault taking place right now on your individual liberties. Carry a smart phone...you will be tracked. Carry a tablet..you will be tracked. EZ pass for the turnpike...you will be tracked. Surveillance drones are already used in some parts of the US.

    Posse Comitatus-The text of the Posse Comitatus Act, which is still in effect (as 18 U.S.C. Section 1385), reads:
    Whoever, except in cases and under circumstances expressly authorized by the Constitution or Act of Congress, willfully uses any part of the Army or the Air Force as a posse comitatus or otherwise to execute the laws shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than two years, or both.

    Today, the Posse Comitatus Act has taken on a very different meaning from the one that it had in 1878. No longer associated with Reconstruction, it is a useful way to prevent the U.S. armed forces from directing their efforts against U.S. dissident groups. Public sentiment in favor of the Posse Comitatus Act is so strong that a 2006 law permitting an exception to the Act in cases of public disasters (in response to Hurricane Katrina) was repealed a year later.

    There has been a continual assault to curtail your freedom by the federal government. Congress is continually submitting bills to curtail your rights on the Internet. Many people feel the mainstream media does not give the facts about world events. Mainstream media is controlled by those who want to redirect your attention away from world events. More and more people are turing to the Internet for their news. If the Internet remains a free and open source of information(good and bad) that threatens the status quo.

    FBI facial recognition -

    Senate Anti-Leaks Bill -

    It is the responsibility of every person to educate themselves. We need sources of information (like Pauly's Templeton Watch) to bring differing information and points of view for people's consideration.

  4. I sure haven't read anything like this in the newspapers. Thanks Paul for putting this on your sight. I got to go back and read the first one again now. Something sure is wrong hear. Nice job Pete on your reporting.
