Tuesday, September 25, 2012

As Templeton Turns…Sept. 24, 2012

This is just a quick update on the BOS meeting last night. The most contentious issue was front end loader for the highway department.

Before I begin, I want to commend Bud and the Highway crew for their hard work and dedication. Does the highway department need a new loader? Yes. Can the town afford to take on more debt, Chapter 90 money or otherwise to pay for a new loader? No.

I seconded the motion to repair the old loader – estimated at $16,488 in order to buy some time for the town to get a handle on its finances.

Templeton is responsible for over 17 MILLION dollars in long term debt. See (debt = slavery blog) We can not continue to do the same things and expect different results. We have committed much of the available Chapter 90 funds to existing projects. In my opinion, we should not be adding to that Chapter 90 commitment. That is why I voted to repair the old loader to try to get a few more years out of it.

When people lose their jobs or their hours are cut, they don’t go out and purchase a new vehicle. They cut back on vacations, entertainment and dining out. They make their old vehicles last until things turn around. 

In my opinion, we have to use the same approach as a town to try to get back on our feet.

My opinions…supported by FACTS ! !

Julie Farrell


  1. When you go to the mail box at home, and there is another bill to pay, a quick look at your check book can remind you of how much money you have left in your account, for the rest of the month. When you go to a meeting and someone needs something for their department, you do not have a check book handy, for a reality check. A long term loan sounds good, pay it off slowly, for say fourty years, oh yes, we won't hardly notice! Until all of those long and short term loans add up. Never mind the loan its self, oh yah, no one mentioned the interest! What do we do when the chapter 90 funds stop coming in? It is not etched in stone, that the town will get anything next year. As it stands we have been getting less every year. I can't believe that there is not a loader out there somewhere in good shape, at a decent price. With alot of construction companies out of business, for lack of jobs, someone may know of someone, who can give us a really good deal. If we can't find what we need, then fix what we have. That is what most middle and lower income people do every day. Bev.

  2. Hi Bev,
    I didn't have school today because of ...
    A. Professional Development
    B. Sick day
    C. MSLA activities
    D. water main break
    If you guessed "D", you would be correct.

    Anyway, I just wanted to clarify one thing about Chapter 90 money. Templeton will probably receive another allotment of Chapter 90 money next year. This year Chapter 90 money was received late by all cities and towns in MA. That could happen again next year. The amount we have received in the past two years has increased. We used to receive about 280,000/year which has increased to about $340,000/year because the state increased the transportation bond bill that funds Chapter 90.

    My concern is that sequestration will occur in January - automatic Federal budget cuts. I believe these federal budget cuts will be felt at a local level and we do not have the financial resources to take another hit. I feel we need to be very cautious about spending any money at this point in time.

    If the repair of the loader doesn't last or takes longer than anticipated, there will be an impact on snow removal operations. It will take longer to clear the roads in Templeton during a storm. I don't know what this winter will bring. I don't think we will have another winter like last year.

    I need to go and get the Water Distribution System Evaluation scanned and post another blog.

    1. Julie, you may be one of the hardest working people, working with water department problems, and not getting paid to do so. Ha Ha, {I'll bet someone won't like my little joke}, oh well, this is really a sad situation. If we don't have alot of snow this winter, and we have not had much rain this summer, our water problems may be even more desprate. I know way back in the seventies, there was talk of trying to find another water supply. To the best of my knowledge, that was never done. Leominster had a water ban this summer. How come we didn't? Sue asked me if I really said "I was going to hug my well?" I said" yes". Some people don't know how valuable good water is. I have a great artesian well. No iron, none, none! That is huge! Iron ruins your fixtures, and screws up your pipes. It is costly to get out. One thing I was told, a long time ago, some of the areas in town that were never developed seventyfive or a hundred years ago, was because the water was considered bad. Some of these people were not dumb. We will hope the water department can find a solution to the water break problems soon. If all else fails, they can go find a fortune teller. I think there is one in Leominster, He He Bev.

  3. One thing the town needs to do is get in touch with the military / federal surplus program, every year the military/federal government gets rid of "surplus" equipment. They have a time table to replace equipment no matter the year or miles/hours etc. This will cost the taxpayers of Templeton very little. You must do the homework and the town does not have to go through the fire department to do this. There are other towns who have gone this route and the equipment is not just "army" trucks, it is cars, pickups dump trucks tractors backhoes wheeled loaders and on and on. You have to do some leg work and home work but it will save the taxpayers money. I went to a chamber of commerce meeting a year or so ago and heard the comment that "this will be my last one because I am retiring and I won't be able to go on the town dime anymore." The taxpayers pockets are empty, the town departments simply have to do better, do more with less and take care of equipment like it is your own, if you live in town and work for the town, it is yours! If there is only one loader, then it may take a little longer to plow the roads, but it will not adversly affect those operations. A few months ago, I remember something around $24,000.00 to repair the old loader, now it is around $16,000.00 so that is good news of sorts. To me, chapter 90 money is something you do not want to bank on, if it comes, it is a bonus. I believe the town should collect all the back property taxes first. I understand two town employees recently paid thier back taxes when it was goin to go public and sometimes that is all that is required. It may sound not nice to do but we have to consider all those that do pay and remember that not all of the people who are behind are people who are in trouble, there are people, and more than you think, who simply play the system. Templton taxpayers cannot simply afford more debt at this time, plain and simple.

  4. Jeff,

    www.gsaauctions.gov is the website where we get rid of Federal surplus equipment and supplies. There are cars, trucks, heavy equipment, office supplies, etc. You could even get desks and I bet they would be less than $3000. LOL. Most of the equipment is old and needs work, so it may not be worth looking into, but the many of the vehicles appear okay.
    The only problem with many of the vehicles is that they are located all over the country and the town would have to pay to transport them and look at them.

    Thank you for serving, Jeff. Stay safe in the sandbox.
