Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Bullies and Bankowski – HELP!

This was sent to me anonymously of course!
Very reliable sources have indicated that Virginia Wilder, Chris Stewart, and Patrick Mullins are planning to pull a fast one and hire Larry Bankowski for the Fire Chief position at Monday’s Board of Selectmen meeting. As you know, the Board has already voted unanimously to hire another gentleman from Princeton. Larry is NOT an EMT. He took a vacation in the middle of his interim term without notifying the Board properly. (Talk about blowing a perfect opportunity to impress the hiring committee!) He has demonstrated that he cannot take criticism from his superiors and that he has a temper. There was not a lot of support for him from his own department. Why on Earth would anyone choose him for this position? Oh, that’s right! He has breakfast with Gerry Skelton and Patrick Mullins! Please attend and voice your concerns about Larry’s performance as Interim Chief, and why he is not the right fit for Templeton. Also, explain to Mr. Mullins why he should not be voting on this particular matter.

Sources have also indicated that Mr. Ritter is experiencing a certain degree of bullying, once again! It seems Virginia Wilder and a few others have been harassing Mr. Ritter. If you like what you’ve seen and heard of Mr. Ritter and the work that he has been doing in Templeton to clean up the mess from the previous decade, please show up on Monday and show your support. Better yet, feel free to call Virginia at 978-939-8979, and educate her on the state’s pending anti-bullying legislation in the workplace. Whatever you do, don’t go to her house; usually doesn’t end well for unexpected visitors! 


  1. You know, there's a common thread with these Echo Hill people. No matter how many times they are fired or not hired for something, they keep popping up like those whack a mole games at the arcade. The department heads signed a letter saying they didn't want to work for Carol Skelton. Did this stop her in her tracks? Nope! The firefighters didn't want to work under Bankowski. Did this deter him? Nope! At some point, you have to look in the mirror and realize that you just suck and you don't belong in the position.

  2. The problem is the BOS members who keep pulling this BS do not understand that they represent us, the citizens, and need to listen to what the majority wants. Ugh. I'm sick from all this. Enough! The heat got to Virginia at the last meeting...was it heat or her guilty conscious getting the best of her?

    And if anyone messes with Mr. Ritter, then they're messing with the whole town. He has done more to help us in the months he's been here than CS did over ten years. He encourages communication between departments and is a very fair man.

    Whack a mole is the perfect imagery. Please, I wish they would just leave the town alone and let us pick up the pieces and restore the peace and faith in our town officials.

  3. I don't know why Wilder was not subjected to a recall, she changed a little just to kiss ass till the heat was off her, NOW her true colors are back. She NEEDS to go for the good of the town. Mullins, well he is just a lost loser. TPD-8

    1. You're absolutely right! Wilder is a bully, and is probably one of the worst Selectmen ever elected in Templeton. She sits there are looks to Julie for everything - the woman she unseated just a few months ago! I know that there are people considering a recall of Wilder, but it may just boil down to the cost of a special election. We can get rid of Mullins in May, but we need to ask Chris Stewart to put the pressure on Virginia to stop the bullying. I'm not going to insult her intelligence anymore than she does to herself every meeting, but for someone so intelligent like Mr. Ritter to sit there, doing his job, to be bullied by a bumbling idiot is insane. She needs to resign.

  4. I hope this is some cruel trick. Templeton will be the laughing stock of the Commonwealth if they hire Bankowski after voting to hire someone else. It is time this Town changed goverment styles and hired a Town Manager. Nothing againt Mr. Ritter he seems to be doing a good job, but we need to rid ourselves of the Selectman if this rumer is true.

    1. Do you want to see the shit hit the fan!??Virginia , you dam well better think twice. We, the people who have worked so hard to get this town back on its feet, and the people who have been reading this blog, will not put up with your crap! Mr Ritter is the best thing that has happened to this town, since Gladys died. There is no way in hell that we are going to allow you to beat up on this man again. The recall papers are ready, and I won't have to go to the nursing home to get people to sign them. This town has almost bled to death, because we kept hiring people who were not qualified. The man who should be our new fire cheif, will make all the difference in the world to the guys on the department. You guys need to stand up for what you want! Don't let these people screw with your department. It is finally time to let everyone know, Jeff is on his way to Afganistan. He had to leave last week, this must be why the GS crew has decided to try to worm their way in again. We can not let this happen, the town has too much to loose. Pauly is also back in the hospital, I saw him tonight, he is doing ok, but it is going to be awhile, before he is on his feet. Never fear, we are still strong, we have to be, the town cannot go back to where we were again. Anonymous,10:38, changing the way we govern is down the road. We need to deal with what is happening now, before we can do anything else. I need you all to show up, at the next selectmens meeting to take a stand. My opinion, Bev

    2. Hope all is well for Pauly, Bev when you went to visit him a the hospital where you reaching under the covers for his checkbook or something else hmm??

    3. keep creating bad karma for yourself with comments like that and see where it gets ya. Lay off and go bug someone else.

  5. The worse thing is that Larry actually thinks he can do the job. Maybe the department would have supported him more if he had gone to trainings over the years instead of playing pool at the Turtle. At least that guy from NY cared about the department, not just the title of Chief.

    1. I saw Bankowski respond to a medical emergency at the Block Party. All he could do is sit next to the man and ask questions. It was the EMTs that arrived that were able to administer the care. It is possible I do not know enough about medical stuff to make a judgement. But I thought the incident was odd and it stuck out to me. This was before I knew all about him not having EMT certs and the whole story behind the job vacancy. So, when I learned about it all, my mind wen right to that day.

  6. VW and PM are probably two of the most disliked, dishonorable, and untrustworthy elected officials around. I hope that the voters of Templeton do a better job of vetting candidates in the future. Look at the damage this recall has done to Templeton. We have a municipal thief and a lying village idiot on the BOS.

    1. Well said Anonymous 11:40,Just because they are there now, does not mean they have to stay! I AM NOT GOING TO SIT BACK AND LET ANY ONE BULLY MR. RITTER! BEV.

  7. I'm going to need many people who support the progress we are making in town to show up at meetings.

    At the end of the Fire chief interviews, the BOS - VW actually- came up with a plan to interview 2 other finalists for the Fire chief position if negotiations broke down with Mr. Laporte. The other 2 candidates were Hilary Towne and Mr. Alcinho. Hold the BOS accountable for their decisions! If negotiations have broken down with Mr. LaPorte then interview the other two candidates. Tom Smith gave his resignation months ago. This BS has got to stop.

    We need to make decisions based on what is BEST for the TOWN! Please hold the BOS accountable for their decisions. See you Monday!

    1. What happened to Mr Laporte? Let's stop the nonsense.

  8. So, did good ole boy LK contact the new fire chief and threaten him not to take the job like he did with Mr. Ritter? If the answer is yes, we have a serious problem.

  9. What happened to the cheif we were going to hire? The BOS should hire on qualifications and references only and not even consider years of service. Look what happened in the treasurers office! Is JB available for remote access?! I think we need him. When the cat's away the rats will play.

    1. I saw the new guy Tuesday at the selectmans office. He is ready to take the job. Welcome to Templeton! Bev.

    2. What happened to him?

  10. Absolutely disgusted! These people are like an aggressive virus that won't go away. I am so ashamed of the nonsense that has plagued this town for so long. We are better than this! Can we not elect selectmen that stay true to their word? I will be there so I can witness them pull this move. I will make sure to tell my neighbors to go as well. I want to be sure to remember AND recall in the future.

    1. I believe that a recall has been postponed to save the town $$. Obviously if the BOS go against the hiring plan for a fire chief the time has come to put aside "the save the town $$" and go ahead with the recall. The way I see it is that in the long run a recall will save the town more in the end. Who to replace them is the next dilemma.

    2. An empty chair would probably win against her.

    3. At least an empty chair wouldn't speed off to Echo Hill, endangering town motorists after meetings. Empty chairs usually don't harass, intimidate, or bully people either. I think Doug Morrison would be an excellent Selectman.

    4. Let the recall begin. What about Bev. She loves the town, is a prudent business woman and has a lot to offer.

  11. Authenticity. Its a hard word to spell, but not hard to understand its meaning. The problem with most of the elected officials in Templeton is their lack of authenticity. They do not act in a manner that is honest and true to what they believe. Their actions are fraudulent. Saying one thing and doing another is the reason there is such a lack of confidence in politics in general and its at the forefront right here in our own town. If the BOS wants to hire someone, why not voice that opinion? Why not support why they have that opinion? Why vote one way and then turn around and sneak in an opposite action right after? The thing I respect about Ms. Farrell and Mr. Bennett is that they are authentic. They make it clear how they feel and support that opinion with facts and laws. There is no questioning what they are going to do. Plus, they discuss their opinions in public and listen to feedback from citizens. The other three along with the LTPS, Inc. crew are very secretive in their business. Everything is back-doored and one just never knows how they feel, why they feel and how they will act. Not authentic! Not appropriate! Not professional! Remember, these are the same people who bought property over its value and the process was not in alignment with the town counsel's real estate purchasing practices. Same people applied for loans without any plan to pay it back. Same people that bullied numerous town employees. Same poeple that back-doored CS back into town hall. Remember that? Whether you like one side or another didn't matter in that situation. The whole town felt that action was wrong. Did no one learn from that incident? DO we actually have to go through it AGAIN? You know who else is authentic? Pauly Cosentino. You know 100% where this man stands on every issue from business to politics. His opinions are right here on this blog for everyone to read. And that is why this man has gained so much respect from other citizens and have participated in sharing their opinions here. He has provided a very good service to us by creating this blog. It gives us citizens a place to sound off, discuss and share ideas about our town. And its not only "Pauly Followers" or "Julie's People" who read it. EVERYONE reads it. Hi Ginny! Hi Bob! Hi Chris! Hi Pat! Hi John! They see how this "side" thinks and feels. Nothing to hide here. Authenticity. I hope you guys realize you are dishonest people and you are harming your neighbors and are causing unnecessary pain in a time where life is already so difficult and stressful. I hope you will see that this path you are on is wrong and will understand there is another way to conduct business where you are creating good for all and can cooperate with others who do not share your same opinions. I beg all town officials to put their ego aside and take a good long look at yourself in the mirror and see if the person you see is one you are proud of.

    1. Anonymous 8:23 A.M., I do not think I have read such a beautiful, heartfelt message on this blog, ever. The thing is, this is how I feel deep down in my heart. The blog I wrote 9/5/12 really said the same thing {believe it or not,} that yours does. My blogs sometimes come out in frustration, anger, or passion. But no matter how it feels, or sounds, it means the same thing. Last night I told Sue to go home and get some rest, she had a really hard day. I went to see Pauly, It was late, about 9:00. He was sleeping so I pulled up a chair, and sat with him. He woke up for a short time, a few minutes, while the nurse changed his medication. We said a few words, I told him to sleep, and I told him he was" my knight in shinning armor". I think the world of this man, he is the best friend anyone could have. Pauly has his sence of right and wrong, and he expects people to do the right thing, because that is what he does. He also expects you to pay, or come clean when you do not do the right thing. That is what honerable people do! He can look in the mirror, to bad I can't the same about GS, and his crew. We have come a long way in the last 6 months or so. We are not going backward, now or ever! Bev.

  12. Hold on. Let me get this straight. The former fire chief, other area fire chiefs, Templeton fire dept, other town officials and town residents all voiced their opinion on who should be fire chief. The BOS voted unanimously to hire someone and on two alternates. Despite all of that, the BOS are going to hire this man anyway? Did I wake up in an alternate reality? This is the Jeff Ritter thing all over again! This is hiring K&P against the entire town's wishes all over again! Well, they better come prepared to justify this action and it better be a monumental reason. Otherwise, they will hear how satisfied (not) the town residents are with their service.

    1. Julie Where are you? What's going on here?

    2. I was at work. Now I can blog. I think there probably is a plan afoot to name Larry as Fire Chief. That is just a guess at this point.

      Think of it from the "Echo Hill" point of view - Bennett is gone and Farrell's out numbered. All you really need to do is be able to count to three. 1. VW, 2. Scrappy 3. CS.

      The next few months will be a lot of waffle with a big, heaping side of meathead.

      Bring it On!

    3. Just wrong. Things seemed to be going quite well for a while. Like snakes in the grass they weight for their opportunity to strike. Is there anything that can be done to prevent this from happening. Do the taxpayers opinions matter. Should we organize a recall if this does happen? I do not want waffles and I do not want a meathead with no emt training if I or a loved on is having a medical emergency.

  13. This is why as people leave we will have a had time filling positions with qualified people. and this town will go further down the tiolet. we have a chairman with no backbone. we have PM who is only interested in kissing J Skelton's ass. we have VW who should be working with her dear friend selling old clothes. We had a chance to get the certified treasurer from Orange but she withdrew her application when she heard that BC had bullied Tammy out of town. Now we have someone who has no clue what she is doing and Chris S can't figure out what is best for the town. Resign resign resign! let's get that petition signed for an investigation for this town and I would bet that the selected fire chief got a call from LK just like Jeff R did. VW complained about the pcb's going into the cemetary and the senior gardens and she tried to stop the gardens and then there is vandelism? pretty strange coincedence. And did you all know that the person calling in all the complaints on the senior center is Todd Basso, GS's little spy and the Templeton employee who went out on a disability at the expence of the town but still works under the table for a landscape company and works on his rental houses. They are all slime.

    1. This seems to be a trend in Templeton--people getting jobs to benefit their retirement and/or abusing disability system. How rampant are these practices here? I'm wondering if the people that were given jobs that they were not qualified for were required to make some sort of payment or be indebted for future favors in exchange. There seems to be a lot of these stories coming to light over the last couple of years. Where are all the honest people? Is this the kind of freedom our troops risk their lives for? Such shameful news. Most of us bust our asses trying to make a living and survive and it sucks that there are people that cheat the system and get away with it.

  14. I understand there is an executive session coming up. Do you suppose it will be brought up for a vote after that session when no one is there to voice an opinion? That is their method of operation from the past. Bad habits are hard to break.

    1. Larry is not the right person for the job he doesnt have a clue. they have a fire engine out of service nothing s been done about that are people aware of that. when was the last training he went to. big mistake if he gets in you will probally lose some members but o well chris stewart grow some balls and stand up for the town not the echo hill group and pat as a former member of the dept you should know larry never went to trainings in temp but was always at philpstons trainings

    2. Please attend the meeting on Monday and share these concerns. I had no idea that one of our engines was out of service. Is Larry working to resolve this situation? If you're not comfortable speaking out in public, don't worry about it. Someone else will be willing to help you out.

    3. out of service since beginning of june front line piece nothing being done

    4. Seems to me that Larry should have brought this to the Board's attention! Ask for money! Ask for help! What the hell is wrong with this guy? I bet if it was his captain mobile, he'd have the thing fixed the next day.

  15. I can guarantee you if Larry gets in as chief there will NEVER be a full time ambulance service, he is all about playing fireman and actually despises the rescue side. Echo Hill Retard

  16. Now now, let's not throw the "R" word around. Try mentally challenged, or just plain stupid.

    1. I guess "Stupid" is catchy, especially in some areas of Bald. Rd. I swear, I will never drive down Baldwinville Rd, without thinking of O"Brien being dumb enough to call the taxpayers of this town, stupid, especially on camera. If you need to put a smile on your face, think about that one! OOPS, who is stupid now! Bev.

  17. also who is paying for larry to take emt course is it the town. and what about his office hours on those nights is he making up the hours/ who watches him to see if he puts in his 40hrs

  18. Congrats to Denise Andrews for winning the primary!

  19. Lets start by saying Larry is the best man for the job, knows his way around town better than any outsider every will, knows where every hydrant is, has a good relationship with his men give him a break everyone deserves a chance. This has nothing to do with whether or not he is fit for the job or not, it has to do who Pauly can brain wash his follower to think is the better man for the job. Anyone that is fair in town he doesn't want to work here.
    You want to take about who's paying for Larrys Emt course, how bought who is paying for Sue to sit at her desk and spend her days looking at the computer and see who her and Pauly can steal Property from next. She should be the next to go. All you guys are just pissed off that Jeff got shipped off for a while and all you Paulys followers lost you guaranteed votes, All you have is Julie now. Jeff is gone so Pauly is pissed off. Also I wonder if at the next meeting Sue is gonna flash Pauly's checkbook in front of the tv showing Pauly's checks that she had to use to get her kid out of jail after his bar room assault, the same check book that she flashed in front of the camera with A check made out to Jeff Ritter showing Pauly was gonna pay his salary, just another person he is trying to buy, he already is buying Julie and Jeff, I mean come on guys closed meeting up at Pauly's house, those people are the distrusted selectman in town. Also what about the building inspector lets look at him sit in the center of town he is heading to his next job at 9 am sit in the country store watch his Jeep Cherokee drive by everyday he is beating the town, also he is always at a supposed inspection, there is not possibly that many inspections in town to be done in a 2 hour a day time period, look at the building permits not even that many pulled to justify that amount of inspections. Bev lets talk about you now you always have alot to say hmm why should anyone believe what you have to say lets face the facts you have cheated on every spouse you ever had you still riding with FM in the big rig. Everyone in this town needs to grow up and get along, the best thing that could happen is the state should step in and talk control because as long as there is this much fighting and arguing nothing positive will ever get done, more time is wasted time moves on and nothing is resolved. A concerned resident.

    1. Why was he not recommended by the exiting chief? Nothing against Larry but "the well is posioned". He will be coming in to the position with an attitude that the town does not need.

    2. Just for the record I thought the job should have gone to Larry B. My opinion has been that Templeton should have a chief that lives in town and knows the town. This blog was set up so all could state their opinions and nothing would be edited or censored.

    3. Having a chief that lives in town is important but having a chief that knows what they are doing is even more important.

    4. The issue isn't whether Mr. Bankowski is the best man or not. The issue is that we do not approve of how the BOS conducts their business. The backdoor hiring does not work and is not professional. If they wanted Mr. Bankowski, then they should have stated the reason why up front and followed through with hiring him in the first place. How can they vote for someone else unanimously along with two alternates and then turn around and pull this move? This is what they did with K&P & CS. The trust is lost. That's the issue.

    5. First off anonymous I'm not on any ones payroll.And as fare as distrusted selectmen having meetings at paulys,how come you do not
      talk about vw always reporting to cs and mullins having meetings with gs and allthe echo hill farm meetings.
      Also working on remote access for meetings.

  20. You're wrong about everything except the building inspector. He should be sent packing or regionalized. As far as Larry goes, there's more to being fire chief than knowing where the hydrants are. If that was the case, most dogs would be qualified. I'm not sure how good he is to "his men," either. Pretty strong consensus that they didn't want him to get the job. As far as the "distrusted" selectmen, are you telling me that you think people trust the thief, Scrappy Mullins, and the bipolar, babbling imbecile Virginia Wilder who coerced people at nursing homes to sign her papers?

  21. Dear Anonymous Sept. 6 11:30 p.m.

    Well done! Awesome piece of fiction! Let us know when the meds wear off. Are you auditioning for the role of TGN reporter? I hear it doesn't pay well, unless you suck up to the Echo Hill Gang.

    Congratulations to Denise Andrews and to all the candidates who took the time (and money) to run for public office.

    See you Monday night! At the Kiva!

    1. Thank you for your tireless dedication to Templeton Mrs Farrell. Have a wonderful day and listen for an Echo.

  22. How about remote access to Jeff Bennett for the vote? We all know how he feels. What a way to take advantage of a situation.

    1. Once he is there, I hope we can do this. Time will tell. I guess it depends on if he is on a base or stuck out some place in a tent. I just want him to come home in one piece. We are lucky to have him as a selectman he is a really smart guy. Bev.

    2. Now here's a man who is a true American. Not only does he serve for the whole country, he stepped up to serve our little town. My prayers and respect go out to Jeff. I thank him for all he does. A true role model!

  23. Anonymous postings that include personal attacks are not "opinions" and should, in my opinion, be removed.

  24. Julie - has new information come to light that requires a reconsideration of the appointment of Mr. Laporte?

    Every issue in town shouldn't be framed as "us versus them". Taxpayers have a right to know what's behind this.

    One thing that should be considered when appointing a fire chief is pension. Do we have a situation where the town will incur a $1 million pension liability for three years service? Remember, pension is based on the three highest years salaries. And there are rules where years can be "bought" for certain kinds of public sector service. These years can be bought for 10% of salary, which in many cases is cheap money. This results in a very expensive pension liability.

    1. Mark that is something I have never really thought about. We should ask that question. I want you all to know something. If there is confidential information Julie knows, from her selectmans job she never tells anyone. Not me, not Sue, no one. This is how it should be. We can go to the meeting Monday night and ask anything you need to know. This is a free country, you can think what you want, but I think the name calling has got to stop.. I know the people in C4T, are not saying some of the questionable thing being said on thie bog.If you want to call people names, at least halve the decentsy to use your name. I do not know J.B. very well. Do I think he is the best person for the job? No, because he is not a EMT. The guys on the fire dept. want their department to be more than it has been for the last 250 years. If it will work, and pay for its self, then it is fine with me. I just want someone to show up when my house is one fire, or something happens to my family, or anyone else. People have feelings, I do not care who they are, so lets please clean up some of these blogs. I also want you guys to get off Chris Stewarts back. I you think he should do something different, fine call him up and tell him so. He is doing what he thinks is right. This is not a easy job. Mark, we do not stop people from speaking their mind, no matter who they are. Most people have the smarts to filter the crap, from what is relevent. We have the selectmans meetings to speak out. There is one thing to think about for those of you who want a different type of government. They have a city council in Leominster. You do not get to ask questions at a city council meeting, the way they do here. I think people would miss that very much. We all live in this town together. We have a huge hole to dig our self out of. It is going to be a long hard climb. We have to know who we are voting for, and support them when they get the job. This is the only way we will make it Bev.

  25. Ok am I the only one who is confused? The vote for the other guy was unamimous and now they want to change their minds. what happened, did JS refuse to buy PM breakfast anymore. was GW scolded by CS. and a note to "anonymous" Rich S, aren't you calling the kettle black about people cheating on their spouses?
