Thursday, September 13, 2012

from Mark B

Chief: Drug buy allegation unfounded
Selectman calls claim ‘dishonest’
Some key take-aways from this news:
1) The chief in Athol has sent this matter to the AG, in case they want to further investigate (fat chance - investigate a fellow Democrat?)
2) He must have clean hands, in other words, no cover-up by Athol PD, else he would not want the AG snooping
3) Suzanne Lee took and passed an immediate drug test when she first learned of these scurilous allegations by Denise Andrews
4) What kind of poor judgement would some one have to make such charges without any evidence beyond a (supposed) telephone tip? I certainly don't want that person as state rep
5) Too bad the Telegram did not report the facts in the Winchendon Transfer Station story as fully as they did these facts
Mark Barrieau


  1. I though TGN said that the athol chief told Lee that she didn't have to take a drug test. I personnally think all town, state and government employees should all have random drug testing.

    1. Correct - The Telegram article said she did not have to take a drug test. But, by immediately taking a drug test, without preparation, she showed that she had nothing to hide.

  2. I have to take a random drug test almost monthly, but they do cost some cake (as in money) so while it may be a good idea, we must consider all things, unless there is some federal monies (as in your tax dollars) sitting around to pay for it, but if the Templeton taxpayers want it, I will take a drug test weekly, again, I have nothing to hide and again, I like my father have never been on any ones payroll

    1. Jeff - the issue is not whether elected officials should take drug tests. In my opinion, that's a waste of money. Remember what Abe Lincoln said about General Grant.

      To me, the issue is the extremely poor judgement, (at best), of a candidate who wants to represent Templeton.

  3. How many hours (and taxpayer dollars) were wasted with this nonsense?

    1. Jeff, please keep up the informed comments. It's good to hear from you.

    2. Ok, Lets think about one thing, haven't you guys learned yet that you can't believe what you read ? Yet it is coming from the gsnooz! Incase you haven't noticed they are very selective about what they print. I have not had time to check this out, but I'll get back to all of you. Jeff, so good to see your words of wisdom. Bev

  4. My question is, who told the press? Was it someone from Lee's camp trying to use the opportunity to their benefit? Was it Andrews camp intending to show she follows up on concerns of citizens. That part of the story isn't reported. And, in my opinion, is the real story.

    As we all have learned in the past year here in Templeton, don't always trust the media to tell you the truth. These days, reporters write with their bias showing. If one wants to really know the facts about a story--instead of being so quick to believe the side they want to align with--then one should read several sides of the story, absorb the facts and then make their own mind up on what to believe. Politics has become a marketing tennis match. You really have to look at the people calling the shots behind the scenes to understand the full story.

    1. Tax money was spent on this investigation. Police logs are public records.


    Athol Daily News has covered this, Channel 5, Fox 25, The Recorder, Telegram

  6. It is quite funny that all the houses that had Columbus signs out front, Now have Lee signs, Is she a Lion too?

    1. Whats that old saying?" Birds of a feather flock together!" I agree with anonymous 7:19. the real story is not out, time will tell. It will come out in the wash, it always does. Bev.

    2. Bev - Sorry, but I did not support the recall, voted against Bob Columbus and for Julie. I have a Lee sign in front.

      This line of thinking is an ad hominem logic error.

  7. I think it is strange that the Worcester Telegram, Gardner news, Fox, Channel 5, The Recorder have picked up a story on the 2nd Franklin district. That's just really strange. Since when has this part of Massachusetts ever received that kind of press coverage?

    I believe there is way more to this story than meets the eye. Anonymous 7:19 is correct - Who contacted the press? Why did they run with this story? Why will the media not cover any of the instances of "wrongdoings" that Pauly wants investigated?

    How many times have we tried to contact the powers that be in Boston, AG, IG, Press and not one word of coverage of the issues in Templeton? And now the one person who has openly stated she will try to arrange a meeting with the Attorney general's office to address the issues in Templeton comes under attack. I don't think that is coincidence.

    I believe the sudden interest in the 2nd Franklin is highly unusual and very suspect.

    1. I think they ran with the story because it's not everyday that you see an elected official making a false police report against her competition.
      If you really want press for the wrongdoinngs you speak of daily on this page then you should talk to Sue Lee about how to work the press. She has done a good job as you said above.
      sue was also the person who got charges pressed and the money returned when the Athol historical society had a member steal over $100,000 from there bank accounts.
      I'm voting Sue Lee! She's a fighter and will step up to people who do wrong and protect the people.

  8. Julie - your comments do not address the facts of this case.

    A sitting state rep attempted to smear the good name of a potential opponent. Even unfounded allegations can have a negative impact on an election.

    I don't agree that there is a vast conspiracy to suppress something in Templeton. You have always been an advocate for public access to government reports etc. In this case, tax money was spent on what the Athol Police have determined are "unfounded" allegations of drug use by a candidate for state rep. Why shouldn't that information be made public? I don't want police records to become secret, and I think you would agree.

    What is highly suspect is the judgement and the integrity of Denise Andrews.

  9. Howie Carr picked up on this story:

  10. This has nothing to do with the above aricle.

    1. Good question, I wonder why the school zone 20mph sign was not flashing when school got out on the day of the election? I saw a man and two kids almost get hit, crossing the road, in front of the school. Bev.

  11. Just because a half truth is repeated by many people doesn't make it a full truth. Larger media agencies look for good headlines. If it will sound scandalous, they will run with it. That's what happening here. And because you support her, you will believe the story as fact and defend it. You see this all the time now. People who are Republican leaning watch Fox News. People who are Democrat leaning watch CNN or MSNBC. There are half truths colored with bias all over the place. And the public loses out because it really takes a lot of work for the average person to listen to all sides of the story, extract the facts, and then make up their own mind. People are too busy with their daily lives to take the time to become their own journalist and weed through the news to eliminate the "flavored" commentary and bias. That's why when it comes to watching news unfold on the federal level, I choose to watch all speeches, hearings and conventions on CSPAN where it is simply an audio/video feed. There is no talking head to tell me what to think or to selectively show me certain parts of events and not others. Journalism has become another arm of strategic marketing in politics. If you do not take into consideration the source of your news, you are playing into the "stupid taxpayer" role just like they want you to. I'm sure none of the news agencies listed above answered the question of who tipped off the media. They just took the Telegram's report and repackaged it with their own seasoning. Remember how the media tried to make Pauly look like a dangerous crazy man? And clearly he was not. Where's was Pauly's side of the story in the media? How many false stories were written about Julie in the Gardner News that were so glaringly wrong? People want to trust the media and their government so badly. But unfortunately, that trust is gone. People need to look at every issue with their suspect glasses on in order to spot the underlying agenda that is being spoon fed to us. In my opinion, this is a non-story. Ms. Andrews would have probably been accused of not looking into the allegations had she not inquired. She followed up on a concern of a citizen. It was found to be false. End of story. Who MADE it a story? Who took the opportunity to call a reporter and fuel the tiny single ember that was about to go out? Who would benefit from it? Remember JP Skelton's attempt at making Julie and her "people" look bad by talking about his family's skeletons in a paid GN ad in an attempt to make them look like the victims? And there was no Skeltons running for office! Let's do a little more research before we launch an "attack" on Ms. Andrews. Let's apply that to all the stories and rumors here in town as well. One more thing...since when did political races become mandatory bloody wars? How about bringing back some dignity and civility to our political campaigns where strategy was in sharing ideas and trying to be a better candidate rather than making your opponent look worse and getting your supporters to wage war on the opposing side. Let's listen to what ALL candidates have to say--what they offer as ideas, solutions, and causes that they promote. Let's no longer play the role of pawns in a larger entity's chess game.

  12. Anonymous, 7:36, Is absolutely right. If fox news ran with this, it is to discredit Denise. She did not go to the papers, so it was the police, or Ms.Lee. Denise would have been wrong if she had not said anything, or wrong if she did. Only in Athol can you have pot delivered to your house the way they deliver pizza. A drug test would not show anything if Ms. Lee was buying for friends. It is either true, or a story to stir up a" poor me story, on the part of Ms. Lee". As politics go, We need someone to represent us that knows where to go to get things done, for our town. Denise is a good person, not a hard, dirty politician. It is not in her nature to be a mean person. If she is getting this kind of attention, the Republicans are afraid of her. You are free to vote for any canidate you please, I am not going to let stuff like this bother me. At the end of the day, its just dirty politics. Bev.

    1. Bev,
      Your suggestion that I "was buying drugs for friends" is as disgusting as the false charges made against me. I do not use or buy drugs and I certainly do not associate with people who use or buy drugs. Birds of a feather do flock together and my "flock" is a group of honest hardworking people with respect for the law.

    2. the writing is in the paper Denise is a dirt ball that uses her position to get someone in trouble for her personal gain !!!!sounds familiar !!!bev you been fighting for fair and open government how can a low handed snake in the grass move like this be one of them ....a vote for her is just like bring the gs clan back !!!!just my thoughts 1629

  13. I am a different anonymous from above. @ Mrs. Farrell and others... read the original Daily News story. An anonymous copy of a didacted police report was dropped off at the Athol Daily News. Ms. Lee did not release it.. @ Mrs. Farrell ... you are drinking too much of Denise's Kool-Aid.. Denise has filed a false report, discredited the Athol Police Department, slandered/libeled Mrs. Lee. You want that as your community rep in Boston? Mrs. Lee didn't calculate any release to harm Denise.. I urge you to go online and seek a copy of the police report to see actually how incredibly dumb the reporting is... using an officer's name that was on vacation? No undercover drug enforcment on the evening in question and best of all.. Mrs. Lee was out of the area that day.. Please look futher into the matter before pushing this towards Mrs. Lee in any way

  14. Anonymous 7:56 posted a link to the police report. I think it speaks for itself.

  15. I don't believe Denise Andrews leaked the police report to the media. I don't think Mrs. Lee did either. Both candidates are too intelligent for this type of mudslinging. I didn't intend to implicate Ms. Lee in any way shape or form for leaking the information. It would be interesting to find out who did leak this information to the press.

    Let's stick to the issues. I think we are fortunate to have two good candidates running. Do I support Denise Andrews? Yes, I do ! Do I think Susannah Lee is a good candidate ? Yes, I do ! Please make sure you are registered to vote in November.

    Julie Farrell

    1. Julie - The issue is NOT who leaked the police report to the media. The issue is that Denise Andrews, a member of the Massachusetts "Great and General Court" was the origin of a nasty and totally unfounded rumor against her opponent. Any person who is not comatose sees this for what it is - "dirty tricks", same as Tricky Dick in 1972.

      I do not understand how that is in agreement with what I see Julie Farrell fighting for in Templeton. You are a teacher/librarian. You've represented Templeton in an even-handed manner. Why do you take sides with such an obviously sleazy politician as Denise Andrews? Who can you, who have been subject to unfair attacks, support such a sleazy and desperate politician? Not just because she is a (D)?

      We DON'T have two "good" candidates. We have one good candidate, and another incumbent who voted with the moonbats. Denise voted against restricting the use of EBT cards in venues where taxpayer welfare money should never be spent. And she topped off that shameful performance by attempting to drag an honorable woman's name through the mud. If you truly think Susannah Lee is a "good" candidate, please explain how she deserved this dirty trick from Denise Andrews.

  16. Please explain to the people of Templeton, how you as a public official endorse a candidate who files a false police report, slanders another candidate and brings into question the moral character of the entire Athol Police Department. I made the mistake of supporting the incumbent in 2010, I wont make that same mistake twice.

    1. Well, When you come down to it, someone leaked a hot item to the police. They did not do that to be nice. Lets start with that! Not only did Ms. Lee get hurt by all of this, so did Denise. That is a fact! Did Denise do anything wrong? In my opinion no, but that is my opinion. Do I think this is a big deal, no ! It is only as big a deal as you want to make it. Hopefully both candidates can get back to running their campaigns, November is not far away. Bev.

  17. I think this story has hurt both candidates. I am an independent voter. I do not choose one side (dem or rep) over the other. I choose my candidates based on their ideas, plans and other things they bring to the table. I have to say, I have seen Ms. Andrews at many Templeton public events and have not had the opportunity to meet Ms. Lee. So, I know more about Ms. Andrews. And what I know of her and her political record is favorable. Instead of being mired in all this silly small town nonsense, how about we listen to what each woman says at the next debate and base our vote on what they promise to do based on us giving them our vote? These types of stories are meant to distract attention from the real issues. I know high profile political attention has not been the norm in this area of MA, but people are desperate to push through their causes these days. So, you're going to see new tactics used in our area. This is why attending a debate between the two candidates is really the best option for a person to see firsthand what each candidate says and handles herself. Nothing of any good will be accomplished here on this blog by demonizing the opposing candidate. The objective is to select the candidate that will serve our needs and wants the best. Who will work to attract companies to the area and hire new employees? Who is working on getting the commuter train to run through our towns? Bringing attention, money and growth to this region should be our utmost priority in choosing a representative. Not who is on who's side and who is worse than who or what club someone belongs to or what political party they belong to. Let's drop the smalltown turf wars and choose a decent candidate that will represent us properly in Boston.

    1. Denise Andrews is not a "decent" candidate. Character matters. I know the Denise Andrews supporters would just like to "move on". I don't think anyone should "move on" from this demonstration of dirty politics.

    2. Yes, Mark. We get it. You don't like Ms. Andrews. So, instead of repeating yourself over and over, please convince me why I should vote for Ms. Lee without mentioning a word about her opponent? What policies and ideas does she support that you think is super cool?

    3. Elections are about choices, in this case a left-wing idealogue versus a local businesswoman. It is perfectly valid to mention the voting record and actions of a candidate as long as they are accurate.

      I don't believe Ms. Lee would not vote the way Denise Andrews voted - against restrictions on EBT card use. There have been numerous cases of abuse and waste of taxpayer money with these cards. In August, the Massachusetts legislature adopted modest restrictions on the use of EBT cards. Denise Andrews was one of the few who voted against the measure. From Ms. Lee's website, she thinks the best social program is a job. We need that kind of attitude in Boston - we are building, maybe have already built, a permanent class of people who live on government largesse. The labor participation rate is the lowest since Jimmy Carter.

      Can you give me one example of a vote by Ms. Andrews that you support? Maybe her opposition to the three strikes law meets your approval?

      No supporter of Denise Andrews has listed any legislative accomlishments as reason to support her. Instead, only her vague promise to "help" Templeton. She is as far left a legislator as exists in Massachusetts. Athol and Orange went against her in the 2010 election. She no longer is on the ballot in Greenfield, which is where she won big. Templeton is more conservative, in my opinion, than Greenfield. Can you spell desperation? So what to do? Slander, start rumors, dirty tricks.

      You should at least have the guts to sign your name.

    4. You just proved my point. Thank you!

  18. I think if I were Denise Andrews I would be addressing my supporters. If there is nothing to hide why not. I would do the same if I were Patrick Mullins. I guess that is just my opinion of what would make things a lot better for both of them.

    1. She has. In fact I heard about this whole incident from her, not from the news or Pauly's blog. I thought it was a non-event until I got wind of this conversation here. Mullins is controlled by bigger fish and cannot think nevermind speak for himself.

    2. Here's Ms. Andrews response (facebook):


      Some disturbing and false statements and allegations have been made publically by Ms. Lee and Fox News. I will briefly address these so you have an immediate and direct response from me as your State Representative. There are four very concerning statements made or implied by Ms. Lee and Fox News that are false, they are:
      -I accused Ms. Lee of using drugs; that is false
      -Ms. Lee was forced to take a drug test; that is false
      -My actions are politically motivated; that is false
      -I acted with intent to slander or defame Ms. Lee; that is false
      Since this is now in the public, let me share that in my job as State Representative, a concerned constituent contacted me in early to mid-August to share a concern that Ms. Lee was involved with the purchasing of drugs, was stopped and confronted by a member of the Athol Police Force and that the drugs were confiscated. The constituent’s concern was that if this was in fact true, there was a gross injustice occurring within our district.
      As my job and values require, I take this and all concerns seriously, handle them with professionalism and engage the appropriate agencies to follow up. I met with Chief Anderson immediately to share this concern and asked that he appropriately investigate this matter.
      I am confident in my actions as your State Representative that in continuing to do what is right, handling all actions appropriately and professionally we, together, will resolve all issues.
      I believe it is important that the public know and that I reiterate that our office policy is to insure the ability to provide high quality and effective constituent services to the residents of the towns that I represent. This is a top priority for me and for my staff. As a public servant, constituents come to me in times of need to discuss problems, concerns and needs, often very private, and that is only possible if I have their trust. To honor that trust, we do not act on or divulge that constituent’s name to any person or agency without the permission of that constituent.
      Over the past two years, hundreds of constituents have contacted my office on issues great and small. They do so with the confidence of knowing that when I act on the behalf of them and our community, I will do so with professionalism, insure appropriate accountability and due process, confidentiality (when possible) and outcome resolution.
      My office advocates on behalf of my constituents before state and local agencies to facilitate communication and to achieve results. I can think of so many instances when my staff or myself has dealt with the most private concerns of a constituent, whether it be over a concern of elder or child abuse or neglect, families having trouble accessing housing after being displaced by a fire or flood, being stopped or arrested for drug use or possession or being denied health care. In each case, our process is consistent.
      I want to be clear with residents of the Second Franklin District. When you come to me with a concern, your concern and your privacy becomes my priority. It is a privilege to serve the residents of this district and I do so with the trust you place in me. If my office can be of assistance to anyone, I can be reached at (617) 722-2460.

      Denise Andrews
      State Representative
      Second Franklin District

    3. From the Worcester Telegram, Thursday:
      "Ms. Andrews did not return several telephone calls made to her home in Orange and to her cellphone, nor did she respond to messages at her Statehouse office."

      From Ms. Andrew's web site, among the principles "that guide her life": to be free to dance in every country.

    4. Your point being...

      Really, you just can't stop aiding the negative campaigning. What's so great about your candidate? I don't choose to vote for who is worse, I choose to vote for who is best. So lets hear what's great about both candidates and decide which one appears to be the best choice.

    5. The only one aiding the negative campaigning is the person responsible for the issue in the first place.... Denise Andrews.. in Saturday's Athol Daily News, she printed a wayward statement basically saying she is the victim.. I agree.. of herself. Carry on to November!

  19. Denise Andrews needs to resign..NOW. she has damaged that seat beyond repair.. this is NOT about Susannah.

    1. As with Patrick Mullins Innocent until proven guilty. In my opinion Mullins is a theif and remains on a board representing the town of Templeton.

  20. Campaign reform at ALL levels of government is LONG overdue. As part for reform Candidates or their political action committees should not be allowed to present negative information about their opponents. Pointing out public information, such as their voting record while in office should be fine, but that is it. Candidates should be telling us where they stand not what they think about their opponents.

  21. Many of you have posted above that you do not know much about me. Here is a little bit of info. I would be happy to speak to anyone who has questions.

    I am currently the chair of the Athol Board of Selectmen. I am president of the Athol Historical Society, chair of the town’s 250th Anniversary Committee and past president of Friends of Athol Council on Aging. I grew up watching both my mom and my grandmother be volunteers. They had full-time jobs, but found time to assist their community (Red Cross, Athol Hospital Oncology Clinic, Salvation Army and many others). Some of the earliest memories I have with my grandmother are tagging along to shelters, clinics, and church suppers to lend a hand. I feel it is important to give back and I spend much of my free time trying to make my community a better place to live.

    I grew up in Athol. I own Whipps, Inc. with my siblings. My father started the company in 1977. In recent years, during some of the most trying economic times this country has experienced, we have grown over 100%. Whipps, Inc. has doubled its production space and more than doubled its number of fulltime employees. We continue to work to become a leader in the water and wastewater industries. I have spent several months preparing our team to handle my day to day responsibilities. I plan on being a full-time state representative while serving the district.

    Through my work at Whipps, Inc., and as a selectman, I have developed knowledge of municipal projects and the processes necessary to complete a project on time and within budget. Our legislature needs more members who have business knowledge and a proven history of success.

    Ronald Regan said it best, “The best social program is a job.” Many towns in this district are in desperate need of good paying jobs. Athol and Orange have incredibly high unemployment and under-employment rates. Jobs bring hope and pride to people. We deserve that kind of hope.
    I believe there are towns in the district with much greater needs than others in this Commonwealth. I will work towards bringing more local aid to those communities and work to increase incentives to attract business and industry to the communities which need it the most.

    Growing up in a home with a competitive pistol shooter and hunters, I am an ardent support of the 2nd Amendment and have a 100% rating from GOAL (Gun Owners Action League).

    I am available to speak with anyone about any issues. I respectfully request you research me a bit. Ask your friends and family who live in Athol about the kind of person I am. Ken Vaidulas, former principal in your schools, is a lifelong democrat and vocal supporter of my candidacy. He understands that one Republican on Beacon Hill won’t make a huge difference state-wide, but one Susannah on Beacon Hill could make a difference for the 2nd Franklin District.

    Please email me or give me a call 978-249-4342. My campaign office, located at 464 Main St in Athol is usually staffed between 10 am – 2 pm on weekdays.

  22. I see a lot of "recall" people supporting Ms Lee. Sorry but seeing those Lee signs on Skeltons lawn makes me want to vote for Denise Andrews. I would never ever trust someone that GS supported.

  23. So if GS buys Ford, you will buy Chevy? What if he chooses to not jump off a bridge? Would you jump just to spite him? No wonder this town is a laughing stock. Look at what both candidates have to offer and make a rational decision. Like she said above, do some research. Small town, smaller minds.

  24. Will she help us with an investigation of this town by the AG to look into the Cassella issue or the american tissue issue or the other wrongdoings in this town. No not if she is in JS pocket- Denise ANdrews has been trying to get us help. I drive dodge lol

  25. What difference does it make WHEN Denise was exposed? If Susannah had truly wanted to damage her campaign she could have had this information out there before the primary which would have cost Denise the nomination.

    Where is came from and when is much less relevant than the subject at hand. An unfounded accusation of a very serious crime against and innocent citizens. It's disgusting what Denise did and for people like Beverly to say it isn't a big deal - that is mind-numbing to me. Beverly, do us a favor and don't run for politics - ever - if you think this is acceptable behavior. Your comments regarding Susannah are just as ignorant as Denise's actions.

    The restructure of the 5th District cost Phillipston & Templeton the great representation of Anne Gobi. I believe that Susannah can fill that void and offer your towns a true leader for all residents, Republican and Democrat. I am hopeful that some of you who have harshly judged her (especially those who hide behind the cowardice of "anonymity") will at least take her up on her offer to discuss the issues that are of a concern to you.

    I voted for Denise in 2010 mostly because she was a Democrat, like myself. I had high hopes but ended up with huge letdowns.

    Instead of REPRESENTING, she found her work with Novartis to be her priority, spending 50+ hours a week in New Jersey and being barely visible in her district. Oh sure, now she is everywhere, trying to lull us into a false sense of security.

    The dollar figure next to the representative’s name represents the total amount of per diem money the state has paid him or her in 2012. The number in parentheses shows the number of days the representative certified he or she was at the State- house during that same period.

    Rep. Denise Andrews —$0 (0 days);
    Rep. Richard Bastien —$2,655 (59 days);
    Rep. Kimberly Ferguson— $1,836 (51 days);
    Rep. Anne Gobi — $3,510 (78 days);
    Rep. Stephen Kulik —$2,368 (32 days)

    When exactly did she "represent"?

    1. In all fairness to Denise, there is a possibility that she was among the Reps who chose to forgo the Per Diem pay. It's a good question to ask, however.
