Saturday, September 8, 2012

from Pete

Hi Paul:
Hope you are feeling better soon. This blog will be posted on Templeton Times if it is to controversial for the readership. Thanks Pete.

The Eleventh Marble
Templeton residents who have lost their homes due to foreclosure in the latest Ponzi scheme from Wall Street may be interested in learning about what has become known as “The Eleventh Marble”. Some residents may have lost their homes due to a lost job or health reasons but some also lost their homes due to variable rate mortgages that moved upwards and became unpayable, it is the latter group that has become victim to “The Eleventh Marble.”

The Eleventh Marble is a concept that involves usury or interest on a loan. The explanation to this concept involves putting ten marbles in a can and somehow expecting to get eleven out of the can. The eleventh marble is the interest on the ten marbles. Because there are only ten marbles and eleven are owed some portion of the loan must be paid with something else of value, someone, somewhere, is going to lose something of value to who ever loaned the marbles out in the first place. For those who could not make the increased mortgage payments they fell victim to “The Eleventh Marble” by loosing their home.
This same concept can be used on whole countries. By lending money to countries that are in need bankers can place those countries in “The Eleventh Marble”. Wars are a great way of getting countries into debt or “The Eleventh Marble.” World War One comes to mind for America.
Hypothecation is a term used to explain how bankers can actually own a country but not take possession. By following the money much can be learned about our current situation worldwide. The following link is an excellent primer on money as debt.
By learning who is the creditor and who is the debtor much can be learned by who controls what we see, hear and read.
It would appear at this time we are all controlled by that “Eleventh Marble” or money as debt.


  1. Wow! that was scary! Pete, that was one of the best things you have put on the blog. Bev.

  2. Thanks Bev. The blogs concerning 9/11 Oil and The Brute Squad may have been scarier but this subject is right up there with that, of course both are connected in my world. Trying to answer Checkn000 we may need to go back to the future. According to In the good old days after George Washington and the boys won the war to free us from the bank of England's predatory and impoverishing practices, they set up a "revolutionary" economic system. The government created and issued all the public currency, spending it into circulation to purchase what the government needed, then after the currency circulated through society to fuel commerce, was taxed back to the government to balance the books.
    Banks existed of course, but they were kept off to one side, and use of the banks was optional for the people of the United States. It was possible to go through one's entire life without dealing with a bank if one chose to do so. This system not only reserved the choice whether to use the bank to the people but it was a stable system, because as debt increased, the people could voluntarily choose to stop borrowing from the bank! That was one of the most important freedoms won during the revolution: the freedom to say "no" to the banks. Then in 1913 a corrupt Congress and a corrupt President changed the structure of the nation's economy and stole your freedom to say "no". The economic system was reverted to a mirror of that same system the nation fought a revolution to be free of. The power to issue money was taken away from the government and given to the bankers and from that day onward, All money in circulation was created as the result of a loan at interest from the bankers to the government, to business and to the people. There is no exception. Every dollar paid in salary, spent to purchase food or gas, or paid in taxes, began as an interest bearing loan. There is no money in circulation in the United States that did not start out as a loan at interest from the bankers at the privately-owned Federal Reserve system. Welcome to the Matrix. The Matrix refers to recent movie concerning a duality existence. This has been kind of a long answer but to wrap it up, it is my opinion we need to get control of our money supply like our forefathers fought a revolution to obtain.

  3. Thankyou Baldwin Templeton. This I can understand. It urged me to go back into history for a lesson in government. I searched Woodrow Wilson, circa 1913, and found an interesting view of the man by David Greensburg. Sort of putting the above definition of him being corrupt, as a rightist opinion. Greensburg's editorial can be read on the web by entering:

    Hating Woodrow Wilson - Slate Magazine
    It was posted on 10/22/2010.

    That said, and not saying either is right or wrong, but, we've got to look at all angles when bringing history up to date. Your final statement really does wrap it up "we need to get control of our money.......", and I believe here in Templeton we are finally doing that.
