Sunday, September 23, 2012

Happy Fall

As the season turns to Fall I hope everyone is thinking of buying squash and pumpkins. Just want to let everyone know that the Yoke Farm (Terry Davis) on Old Winchendon Road has squash $1 and $2 and nice pumpkins that are real nice. Only $2 for the smaller size. Good prices. We need to buy local if we possibly can. Another place is Haley's Farm Stand on Baldwinville Road.
Henshaw Stand has great muffins. Anywhere else?


  1. another water main break maple and grove

    1. Water dept has shut the water off from Baldwinville Road to Maple and Grove Sts.
      Ron is getting double time again along with his salary. Nice work if you can get it.

    2. There are a few things for you to know about buying pumpkins. Don't buy them by the pound, if you don't have to. Buy them by the piece. If you buy them by the pound, they usually loose weight, after they have been picked for awhile. Farmers usually buy pumpkins by the bin, not by the pound. When you bring a pumpkin home, don't put it on a concreat step. Put a piece of cardboard under it first. Don't expect these pumpkins to last a long time. Everything ripened early this year, including apples. If you buy a hard winter squash, like butternut, and you want it to keep for awhile, make a solution of bleach and water in your sink. It does not have to be strong. Dunk the squash in the solution, quickley, and let it dry. This will stop the squash from going bad near the stem, and blossom end. They will last longer. All of the people that grow produce, like the stand on Baldwinville Rd, and Davis's do a super good job. Henshaw's Kitchen Garden, stands alone, they sell the kind of things my mother's family lived for , Finnish coffee bread, and Finnish rye bread. It is good to try new things. Have a happy Monday, Bev.

  2. I'm glad I got my laundry done! It might be wise for the residents of Templeton to have extra after on hand. I have large containers that I fill up and leave in the bathroom in case of a mwater main break.

    I brought one up to town offices as well just in case.

  3. Yesterday I noticed on South Main St ET in front of the 4th or 5th house before the rte 2 bridge, the pavement had been dug up. Does anyone know if this was another water main break?? Or do these only happen on the weekends and at night (OT) and as of when do salary people get OT.

    1. Yup, that was a break a few weeks ago. They worked until around 9:30-10:00 P.M. that night fixing the break.

  4. So how many water main breaks does it take to get a report from the L&W Dept at a BOS meeting?

    "How many licks does it take to get to the center of a Tootsie Pop? Let's see...uh one...uh two..." (Remember that commercial?)

  5. I received a letter from Mr. Driscoll that I could have the report . I sent an e-mail saying I would pay the $19.50 for 39 pages of documentation. I hope to pick them up after work tomorrow. I'll try to post the info to the blog when I get it scanned.

    I'm having some issues with my scanner so it may be a few days before it makes it to the blog.

    I did write my concerns in a letter to Chris. I don't know if there will be a written report addressing my concerns. I don't know what Chris did with my letter.

  6. I have a problem with a selectman being charged for copies from another town board not to mention 50cents a page. Ms Farrell is getting this info for us the taxpayer/rate payers.when will this bs end. Did you all see in the news that the AG is going to investigate the Gardner Vetinarian that put the cat down instead of giving it a flea dip (which I thing is awful) but the AG won't look at the wrong doings in this town!!!!!!

  7. When I was a TMLWP Commissioner, I had to make a public record request for MSDS (material safety data sheet) for the fluoride that is used in Templeton for water fluoridation.

    There is more than one type of fluoride. TMLWP uses fluoride from WEGO chemical. This type of fluoride is labeled sodium fluoride...not pharmaceutical grade. It comes from China and it contains heavy metals like arsenic and lead.

    WEGO Chemical & Mineral Corp
    239 Great Neck Rd
    Great Neck, NY 11021
    1-516-487-3510 phone

    As far as the AG's Office goes, there are petition sheets to ask the attorney general to investigate a number of "wrong-doings" in Templeton. They will be distributed shortly. We should have a special town meeting in November sometime.

  8. Glad I drink well water when in Templeton, as far as a selectmen requesting records, if you are requesting them as a citizen, then you must pay. Bob Columbus tried to get records from the treasurers office and put on paper that since he was a selectmen, he was exempt from the fees, well Ms Coller checked with secretary of state and apparently Mr. Columbus was wrong again, always trying to play the system. My personal view is if the regular taxpayer has to pay then I should pay as well, but that is my personal view. I did at one time propose to waive the first five dollars because for one, taxpayers already pay once to produce those records and they pay, by way of taxes for the ink, paper, salary of person making copies and the purchase / rental of the copier/printer to make the copies. Also if you collect say .75 cents for copies, that money has to be deposited in the bank and then you have someone running to the bank to deposit a very small amount of money, did not make sense to me. Besides if we put more things electronically, people could print them out at home. That was my take on public records for the town. I started posting minutes of personnel board on line but because of my "vacation" that got interupted, hopefully, the new chair of personnel board will continue that practice.

  9. Hi Jeff...

    I want to make it clear that I made my public record request as a private citizen. I will share the information electronically as soon as I can so other people interested in this information can review it as well.

    I believe the issue of the water main breaks effects the entire town. The multiple water main breaks is of concern to me as a selectman. Water customers are my constituents as well. People should not be forced to consider drilling their own well because of inaction by the TMLWP. I'm sure they are as frustrated with the situation as the water customers are. I was reviewing the vendor warrant and I believe the water department has purchased a wrench for these water main repairs.

  10. State senator Brewer got 1.5 million dollars for Barre for water main replacement so there is apparently state money out there for these types of projects and the light & water commissioners and Mr. Driscoll should be going after it. The Chair of the select board should be going after answers as Ms Farrell just pointed out, this issue does affect many residents / taxpayers in Templeton. You can not sit on the fence or just pick the "nice issues", you have to take on all of them, I thought that is why someone would run for selectmen.

  11. I am going outside and hug my well. Good to know it has not been filled with anything but nice cold water. Our good friend Mr. Driscoll never quits! I hope the selectmen invite him and the commissioners to a meeting, so they can tell us how he is going to remidy this water main problem! Why is our other friend Ron. getting overtime, if he is a salaried person? These water main breaks are going to put that dep. in a bigger hole than it is in now. Bev.

  12. I think the 1.5 million for Barre's water main improvements was possible because Barre had shovel ready plans to fix their water mains. To my knowledge, the only shovel ready plans for water mains and drainage in Templeton is for four corners ...Otter River Rd and N Main St.

    The project at 4 corners was discussed a awhile ago. I think the Water department paid for the engineering plans....they probably still have the plans. This project did go out to bid. I think the bids came back really high ... in the order of $250,000 to fix 1200 ft. of road. This was about the same time as the Dudley Rd. debacle. Anyone remember that one?

  13. I am glad we are discussing water breaks because I have just got done reading a book on revisionist history that was very persuasive. After reading the blogs concerning Zionism and 9/11 somehow I thought to myself is it possible the holocaust was all a big hoax? The reason I asked myself such a question is because it appears 9/11 is just one big lie told to us by the powers that are and other important matters seem to be missing an element of truth. The book The Holocaust Hoax exposed by Victor Thorn explains how not a single person was gassed in any work camps in Germany and that Zyclon B was used to fumigate clothing to rid the camps of lice that caused typhus that killed many. I hope all will get a copy of this fine book and read it cover to cover so that we can cover this topic right here on the blog. This is my first time commenting here but I believe this information was to important to keep to myself.

    1. Very thought provoking to read these comments & see how there are so many views right & wrong out there regarding these absolutely horrific, man's inhumanity to man, acts of war & so on. Interesting thoughts you put forth, however, I am sure my father & mother who were a part of the greatest generation who participated in WWll would be appalled at the slap in the face ideas that are fluorishing out there in bold contrast to what really happened. My father fought in the Battle of the Bulge in the Ardennes Forest & also helped to liberate Dachau concentration camp. I can tell you from his account the Holocaust was all too real. And to ever hear these, in my mind blasphemous, theories that the holocaust did not happen chills me to the bone!! Sadly, it did happen & I can assure you the Jewish people who were victims of a callous dictator & arrogant regime are even more appalled when they hear things like this. The footage of WWll had no special effects or computer aided photoshop to make this stuff up when first aired many years ago. I am certain that the veterans of these wars can only shake their heads in disbelief with these conspiracy theories & discounting of what they went through in the name of justice & freedom. They have fought for our freedom since the founding of our country & deserve the recognition & honor of being survivors or casualties of those conflicts. These are just my thoughts & opinions. Because of those Wonderful servicemen & women, we are Free to discuss anything. Because of this, everyone is entitled to theirs. Let's stay free to continue to be able to do this. We are losing that basic privilege with the current Federal administration. Be vigilant always!! Good to read everyone's comments. I do not profess to be correct in everything I say but add my views from personal experience & not to plagerize Julie's saying but also based on facts. Appreciate everyone's comments as we are entitled to them. All my thoughts & opinions expressed here, as usual. Glad to see Pauly back!!! Hope you get better each day, Pauly :)

    2. Ann, It is good to hear from a new blogger. I am not discounting what you are saying about the fumigating theory at all. I do believe that many were killed this way, as well. However, only those who went through the tragedies in question will probably ever know the complete truth. God Bless all those souls that have been hurt by the arrogance & greed of man. No matter how it happens it is tragic. The good & evil in this world is a constant battle in & of itself. My opinion once again.

    3. Some things never go away, that is the fact with lead and arsenic. Both are naturally occuring minerals, that does not make them any less dangerous. A poison is a poison, man made or not. Bev.

  14. Thank you Isteach for your opinion on the subject of the Jewish holocaust. According to Mr. Thorn's book The Holocaust Hoax Exposed, the final solution did not involve gassing anyone but instead was a relocation of certain ethnic groups out of Europe and into what at the time was known as Palestine or anywhere else that was not Europe. In Nazi Germany between 1933 and 1939 there was only one other recognized political party in Germany and this was the Zionist Party. Through the Haavara or Transfer Agreement plans were made to move many of Germany citizen's to what in 1948 would be known as Israel this was done by training people to take on work roles that would be needed in the new zionist state.
    It is true that when allied troops liberated Germany there was much death and destruction but according to the book and even Jewish authors agreed there were no gas chambers in Germany used to execute undesirables. I am sorry if this subject offends anyone but we need to start questioning just about everything that has been taught to us. Mr. Thorn states that Ann Frank's Diary was not written by Ann but instead by her father after her death and a professional writer who had to go to court to get paid by Mr. Frank.
    An author and historian by the name of David Irving has spent time in jail in Europe because he questioned what happened during the Jewish holocaust. Many of us forget what happened to 66 million Russians when that country was taken over by the Communists in 1917 or what happened to the between 50-100 million Chinese that lost their lives after the Communists took over China. I thank the lord for allowing me the privilege of freedom of speech and in no way wish to abuse this freedom but when people are jailed for just questioning the jewish holocaust this set alarms off in my mind. Thanks for allowing a new person in town a chance to vent on what is and has always been a very uncomfortable subject. I hope there are those who will question all the dogmatic statements of the past and present.

    1. Hi "Ann". You sound just like Pete.

  15. I was going to say the same thing myself. It looks like a kindred soul exists out here in the cloud. I hope Ann does not get labeled an anti semite so as to end discussion on issues that enslave us all. We may not agree what Ann or Pete have to say but we should be willing to defend to the death their right to say what it is they believe and then back up with facts the reason we believe they are wrong instead of ending topics of conversations with dogma and slogans. If we are not going to look for the truth to our problems we are not going to find any answers.

  16. I jus think that his blog should be for Pauly's original intent: Templeton issues. There are thousands of places online to discuss 9-11, zionism, holocaust, lies of the government. But there is only a couple places to discuss life in Templeton, MA. And Pauly's blog is one of them. So, please understand that the people reading are more focused on solving the issues here on a local level and exposing lies and deception within the borders of our little town. Maybe once these issues are dealt with, we can expand into other areas. I know one would say that these issues may effect us too. But with so many problems in life, you have to compartmentalize your issues and deal with them one by one. We are a broke town that got that way by bad management of the past decade. Let's focus on rebuilding our local government and get healthy first before solving the rest of the world's problems.

  17. Pete & "Anne" I don't want to discuss this on Pauly's blog, but I will say this. A crusade against "Zionism" is just not applicable to this blog. This is a perfect venue for discussions of issues in Templeton and what people think Templeton should do next. A global conspiracy linking fluoride to the gnomes of zurich, and a New World Order to Templeton's problems is a bit of a stretch. There are countless forums out there for discussing these issues with like-minded people. How can a thread start out discussing pumpkins and squash end up with another "the-Holocaust-is-a-hoax" rant?

  18. Bah, I bet this talk of $2 pumpkins and $1 squash is all a big lie, like the Holocaust.

  19. It is going to be difficult to tie in the American Jewish Committee to Zionism to our past Town Attorney and the loss of from 10 to 30 million dollars if no one wishes to discuss this matter. Here is the tie in with the AJC and past town attorney. Google AJC Boston 12th Annual Diplomats Deder: Journey to Freedom... Look to see if you see familiar names. This in my opinion is the reason we are so broke in the first place. Paulys blog was also meant to root out fraud right here in our little old town. What think ye?


    You should find the Honorable Leonard Kopelman our past town attorney at the above link. Learn the history of the AJC.

  21. AJC Global Jewish Advocacy,
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    AJC Boston 12th Annual Diplomats Seder: Journey to Freedom
    Boston Regional Office > AJC Boston 12th Annual Diplomats Seder: Journey to Freedom


    Due to the potential federal government shutdown this weekend, the JFK Library (a federal government institution) may be closed. Anticipating this possibility, AJC has decided to relocate the AJC Boston 12th Annual Diplomats Seder.

    Whether or not the government shutdown takes place, the AJC Boston Diplomats Seder will now be held at a new, terrific location (it actually has views that rival those at the JFK Library!) this Sunday, April 10th at 5:30 p.m. The location is:

    Granite Links Golf Club, Rotunda Room

    100 Quarry Hills Dr, Quincy, MA 02169

    Directions may be accessed by clicking HERE.

    Please remember to bring photo ID for security purposes for check-in. Also, please note that dress is business attire. Thank you for your understanding. We look forward to seeing you Sunday for a fabulous event!

    Share the Passover Seder and its timeless story of the triumph of liberty and religious freedom with AJC and members of the Boston Diplomatic Corps.

    Sunday, April 10, 2011 5:30 p.m.

    RSVP online at

    The Passover Seder highlights timeless aspirations that often guide modern diplomatic discourse. These include: the struggle to rise from slavery to freedom; the urgent need to advance religious freedom around the world; the effort to expand human rights and overcome base prejudices; and, most importantly, the need to develop a common language with which to advance understanding.

    Host Committee (in formation)

    Amy and Norm Gorin, Amanda and Campe Goodman, Co-Chairs

    Susan and Aron Ain - David Alschuler - Ellen Banash -Peggy Lowenstein and Steven Berez - Janey Bishoff and David Blumenthal - Carol and Carl Chudnofsky - Donna and Jeff Cymrot -Alan Dana - Anne Blumberg and Jonathan Dorfman - Josh Fialkoff - Nancy and Peter Finn - Renee and Steven Finn - Margo and Sidney Friedman - Laure and Hal Garnick - Michelle and Marc Gary - Barbara Glazerman - Charles Glick - Susan and Bruce A. Gold - Sara and Mark Goldman - Alicia Goldstein - Lynne and Joseph Goodman - Julie-Hume and Philip Gordon - Barry Hoffman, Consul General of Pakistan - Louisa Kasdon and Michael Hynes - Daniel Katzman - Lisa and Jim Kaufman - Laurie and Henry Kay - Mindy and Irv Kempner - Hon. Leonard Kopelman, Consul General of Finland and Dean of Consular Corps - B. Minde Kornfeld - Linda Kaplan and Jeffrey Kraines - Regina Goldman and Richard Krumholz - Charley and Kenneth Levine - Toby Sloan and Daniel Lewin - Pauline Gerson and Larry Lowenthal - Sophie and Rick Mann - Cynthia and William Marcus - Eliane and Gary Markoff - Jean Nganji - Colette Phillips - Susan Portin - Barbara and Frank Resnek - Joanne and Jeff Robbins - Alan Ronkin - Albert Schram - Suzi and David Schuller - Mimi and Jim Segel - Nancy and Ron Shaich - Sue and Joel Sherman - Steven Shulman - Robin and Mel Shuman - Gabrielle and Benjamin Sigel - Mary Ann and Stanley Snider - Betsy and Bert Snyder - Marjorie and Paul Stanzler - Joshua Steirman - Karen and Michael Tichnor - Millie and Harold Tubman - Tal Unrad - Jennifer Slifka-Vidal and Luis Vidal - David C. Weinstein - Eleanor White

    AJC Boston Steering Committee: Michael Tichnor, President - Rob Leikind, Director - Kenneth R. Levine, Immediate Past President - Jim Kaufman - Steven Levy - Peggy Lowenstein - Gary Markoff - Susan Portin - Mel Shuman - Eleanor White


  22. You actually think that stuff will convince anyone?

    Pete - you're in fine company with your theories on "World Zionism" and the "Holocaust Hoax". Mahmoud Ahmadinejad addresses these very issues every chance he gets. You and he are on the same page.

    I have a reading suggestion for you. "Hitler's Willing Executioners". You should be able to find it in the library. It is a very serious work, about how any society can be attracted by a very dark idea. The people who killed Jews, or that assisted in killing Jews, were not only Germans.

    I have another book you should consider reading if you wish to educate yourself on this topic. "Babi Yar". It's the story of Jews in the Ukraine suffering under Soviet brutality. These people welcomed the Germans as liberators, only to find out that the Germans also hated them. In the most heinous massacre of WWII, the Germans executed over 30,000 men, women and children, their crime being they were Jews. The victims were machine-gunned in a ravine outside of Kiev. The bodies were eventually set afire, the remains reduced to bone fragments, and scattered in nearby fields. Not only Jews were executed at Babi Yar. Gypsies and other easy-to-hate groups were also victims.

    You're not doing Templeton any favors. Any new reader of these posts will judge this entire blog on your posts detailing wild conspiracies. That is the only reason I am responding. I do not agree with your posts which ATTEMPT to link "world zionism" with Templeton's problems. You're way off track, demonizing "Zionists". You have many valid concerns. I wish you would find a way to express them without blaming the Jews.

  23. Dear Mark. I think you may have missed the point. As an elected official I watched as our Judicial System in Massachusetts was manipulated in such a way that in my opinion certain people were placed above the law. These individuals shared the same heritage. After contacting all State Agencies that were recommended to me and writing up complaints I noticed that nothing was going to be done and wondered to myself is their any group with enough power that they are above the law? The pieces started to come together after reading the book The Israel Lobby and U.S. Foreign Policy by Mearsheimer and Walt. This book is not a "wild conspiracy" but rather a disturbing look at Jewish influence in politics and the judicial system. If people want a real conspiracy one needs only look at the work of Michael Chertoff and Judge Hellerstein and the justice given to the victims of 9/11 in the Federal Court Systems of NY. Not one of the 96 cases involving the victims of 9/11 ever went to court, were these gentlemen all Irish who denied justice to the victims? If you don't look Mark you will not find. Look at the coverup that sixteen hundred architects and engineers are now trying to expose with the demolition of the World Trade Center. Explosives were found in the dust by Steve Jones of Brigham Young University and other scientists and the most likely reason for the collapse of the three towers (demolition)was never even considered by the official 9/11 Commission. It is no secret what the most powerful lobby group is in America it is believed to be AIPAC. It is estimated that 50% of political contributions at the Federal level may come from those friendly to Israel. I find it hard to ignore such a huge Jewish influence especially when it reaches down to my hometown. I won't even get into the atrocities showered on the Palestinians by blaming the Jews. A bully is a bully no matter what his background happens to be. In parting may I suggest The Other Israel with Michael Pike on Youtube for your viewing pleasure.
