Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Hello all

Ok so here I am, still recovering. My friends have been stopping by to give me updates on town issues. I haven’t made the last few selectmen’s meetings but people have filled me in. 
I’m lucky because not one of the water main breaks hit my house. But what is with Driscoll’s attitude – hey bucko we pay your salary!!!  Who’s up for L&W commissioner this May, maybe I’ll run. Woo boy!!! Would that be something. Accountability that is what is needed at the light department, the water department and In all the  departments. Plain and simple and don’t give me any sect 168 or what ever bul-----. Your department is part of this town us taxpayers and rate payers pay your salaries and your expenses.
It’s not like we have a choice in this and you treat us like sh----. What say Dana B. and Chris S and Gregg E. Hey Chris I watched the meeting on cable tonight – I’m a little confused – when Julie asked you about her letter to J Driscoll you said that you discussed it at the L&W meeting, woo boy! Were you lying. I checked with several people who were at the last L&W meeting and they said that they never heard you discuss Julie’s letter. Soooo what say Mr. Stewart. Are you another Board member who was just there for the money.  And what was with the comment to Pete K about “you people” where you referring to us taxpayers – the ones that elected you.
Now Bud – you know me – my question is why a top of the line Volvo. Hey I bought my Doosan for $65,000. And it works real hard for me.  I move a lot of snow with it in the winter and a lot of junk cars too. You know this town is broke why ask for the most expensive thing on the menu! And there was Chris S ready to have the town go into debt again. Julie said what do you do when you are broke – you cut back. And I hate to agree with a Moschetti – hee-hee-hee but Kirk said it – the people voted NO.
So come on people I need a list of all the water main breaks so we can ask Driscoll some hard questions at the next Light and Water meeting.
I’ve heard water main breaks were at-
South Main St – before the bridge
Patriots Rd in front Lemier’s old house
Rt 202 near Bill Harris’ shop
Patriot Rd – near Bruce Moschetti’s diveway
Patriots Rd – near Glenwood Kitchen
Come on people help me out here. 
Thanks for reading my opinions – Pauly (tuff’in in up)
Did anyone attend the last Concom meeting heard George Andrews was slamin me and Mr Ritter. Hey George say it to my face, hee hee hee.  Now there’s a person who should not be chairman much less on a commission. Right Pat Meunier. 


  1. Baldwinville Rd. near Resevoir St. (July)
    Corner of Memorial & Summer St. (July)

    1. No water main breaks on my end of South Road, now or ever, Hee,Hee, as Pauly says. Ok, you people that read but do not comment, You can be anonymous, its ok with us. If you have any thoughts, go ahead and contribute them. If you need help go find a kid, they will show you how. {My granddaughter helps me}. George Andrews would not dare to bad mouth you to your face, Pauly. George, you only wish you had as many brains as Mr.Ritter. You don't, so don't run your mouth, you may find your foot in it.My opinion, as always, Bev.

  2. It's good to hear from you, Pauly!

    I attended the last Light & water meeting and I don't remember any conversation taking place about the letter I had just written to Chris after the BOS meeting on September 10th. Light and Water meeting was the next night - Sept. 11th

    God knows, you go to enough meetings and they all start to blend together. I'll keep you posted if I ever get anything in writing from John Driscoll.
