Saturday, September 15, 2012

Interesting items from the State House News Service SHNS

Interesting items from the State House News Service SHNS

Before Mr. Bennett was activated, he mentioned the State House News Service. 
He used to read the SHNS regularly to keep up with state-wide issues.  I thought I
 would share some of the best from this week’s articles. 

Ballot Question 3  (This is just too funny )
Vote No on Question 3this situation underscores the necessity to teach people
 information literacy skills.

Links to Secretary of Commonwealth with the ballot wording as it will appear 
on the ballot. (Probably should have placed Question 3 before Question 2)

My opinions…supported by FACTS ! !

Julie Farrell

1 comment:

  1. That's a pretty funny "oops". These are all good ballot questions. All are based on a person's right to choose what's right for them. I'm sure there will be they naysayers that will point out reasons to say these choices are bad. I'm sure the big auto makers would not want to make this info available as it undermines their bottom line potential. I'm sure big liquor corps will be against question 3 as they are against anything that is an alternative to people choosing alcohol to ease their pain. And I'm sure Big Pharma will be against question 2 as they won't be able to sell their over priced, ineffective medicine to dead people. People claim they want less government, but when less government bills come up for a vote, said people vote them down. You can't pick and choose who gets freedom to choose. Either you're for less government or you're not. The point is, take the time to know what you're voting for. Listen to both sides. Then vote for what is best for ALL, not just what is best for you.
