Saturday, September 22, 2012

Open Letter

Here is a link to an open letter to Mr Driscoll. Please feel free to print it out and sign your name to it. Maybe he'll get the hint. (click on the word link.) How many times have we heard Mr. Driscoll say "I don't work for the Templeton Taxpayers, I work for the Light and Water Department."


  1. So, I guess the question is, who does the Light & Water Dept work for?

  2. You got it. So, maybe Mr. Driscoll should rethink his comment. Maybe the two previous Managers felt they were above accountability and clouded Mr. Driscoll's view of the position. But those good ole days are over. The job he holds today will come with more demands and public awareness. Unfortunately, he's left holding the bag of previous decisions made and will have to address the numerous questions from customers and shareholders. The longer he refuses to answer simple questions posed at public L&W meetings from citizens, the worse it will be. The questions are not going to stop. So, I hope he is working hard to answer those questions. And, the L&W commissioners need to step up as well and make sure these questions are answered. Otherwise, what is their purpose? Are they not appointed to oversee the operations and make sure everything is done properly? How does everyone feel about the BOS Chair being a commissioner? To me, it seems he holds even more responsibility as he oversees not only L&W, but all town operations. We should feel assured that our best interests are his top priority in looking into current questions from citizens because of the dual role. Its a lot of work. Do you feel assured? You know, the majority of all the discontent in town would go away if the long list of questions that citizens have would be answered. The lack of resolution is what is fueling the fire of people's attitude and opinions of ALL town business. It is our right to ask question of any town business. It is our right to attend any public meeting. Why treat us like we're being obnoxious or rude? Its our freaking money! Never have I seen a town where public officials don't answer questions as standard business practice!

  3. As shareholders we should all get a report of the tl+w for our records. Then when they cry the rates have been to low we would have had the warning in our face. If like the stock market crash, we will as shareholders be on the hook for the loss not the managers of the sheareholder investment.
    The TMLWP is a Templeton investment from and for the shareholders, To better Templeton's future WE need to get them to treat it like that,For us not just them.
    I think the best thing to do now is to print and pass out copy after copy to your neighbor fellow shareholders and get the desk of driscoil filled with them,everyone print and hand out 10 and he'll get the hint!
    Shareholder's rule

  4. Agreed. The trust has been lost and needs to be built up again. Just like one would pay attention to a investment banker managing their money, one has to pay attention to how their tax money as well as their customer charges are being handled. Otherwise, your money could walk away in the pocket of someone like Bernie Madeoff. These days, taxpayers need to do more research on who they vote for than they had to in the past. And this is why it is so important to go to meetings and see and hear for yourself what is going on. Because, you can't trust that the secondhand info you get in the paper or from your neighbor is the truth. If the town officials will continue to drag their feet in seeking answers, then it is up to us to go to these meetings and demand answers to our questions. After all, it will be us paying for both the improvements and mistakes of our town dept managers. And seeing its hard enough to make a living these days, every dollar better be going toward something necessary and not wasted.
