Sunday, October 14, 2012

BOS Meeting October 15, 2012

BOS Meeting October 15, 2012

Please make every effort to attend the BOS meeting on Monday October 15th. The agenda lists a few items in addition to the interviews for treasurer.

So, if you are interested in the options available to repay 252 Baldwinville Rd ( The Boondoggle)… as in how much the town will need to cough up to pay for this blunder. I’ve heard of suggestions to knock down the building and put that property into conservation. (We need to have a contest to name this property).

If you could write a letter asking for information from TMLWP, what would you want to ask or know?

Hope to see you in the KIVA on Monday!


  1. Lets make it a town dog park and name it the GS Dog Park where the dogs can freely go and fertilize the land.

  2. I say leave it in its dilapidated state and let Dennis Stupid O'Brien enjoy looking at it, AFTER he sells his house, then would be the time to beautify the land.

  3. Can someone fully explain how we spent $700k on 252 Baldwinville Rd property? I don't understand the details too well. Did we borrow $400k to purchase the property? And then $300k was for design? I'm shocked that this much money was wasted on a dump. I cannot believe this was allowed to happen under our noses. Isn't this why we have town counsel? To protect the town's best interest? Oh wait, I remember that it was pointed out that our previous town counsel acted against their own guidelines for purchasing property for municipal use. So, why did they do that? If they're supposed to be such great attorneys, why act against their own advice and policies? Should we not be holding them responsible for their poor guidance? And while I'm on the subject on K&P, how come Templeton is still listed as their client on their website? One would think as as profession of accuracy they would keep their own website up to date and accurate. What's it going to take to get some real information regarding this boondoggle?

    1. I thought it would be a nice gesture to have a 24hr. Duncan Doughnuts open there. That would make the "stupid" man across the street happy. Just kidding, we would not be so mean. We could give the land a name. How about "Skeltons Folly"? a part of Pauly's investigation will look at this action, for the citizens of Templeton. This is what I have promised Pauly, and I plan to keep that promise, come hell or high water. Bev.

    2. If you want factual information about 252 Baldwinville Rd, go to the Citizens4templeton website "Important documents" :

      This page is still under construction. More information will be added about the other items listed on the Citizens petition.

  4. There is a citizens petition which requests the state to investigate several questionable acts in Templeton such as the purchase of 252 Baldwinville Road. Yes, the attorneys at the time had specific guidelines for purchase property for town purposes. It is even posted on their website. And for some reason, they did not follow their own guidelines. Signing this petition will have the state investigate the actions of that purchase. There were also blatant ethical violations that occurred in the purchase of that property by town officials. And because of that, the BOS will not give their permission for a state investigation. So, its going to take the citizens to force their hand to get someone in here to make a judgement on what happened. Also, there are still questions regarding the American Tissue Mills lien that the previous town attorneys were actually monitoring the WRONG company. We're talking about millions of dollars that could have gone to the town if the business was handled properly. Again, town attorneys failed to give us proper service as well as yet another allegation of town officials interfering with a lawsuit and other unethical behavior. Since this town is so cash strapped, it only makes sense for the citizens to sign the petition and seek a state investigation into all these questionable acts. We may be able to recoup some of the money owed us and ease our personal strain on our wallets. If we seek an investigation, and we recoup some of this money, it may help move the elementary school project along faster. It may help build a new police station. It may help pay town employees what they deserve. It may help fix our roads and give Highway Dept better equipment. If we could collect this money, it would benefit everyone that lives or works in Templeton. So, in theory, everyone should sign this petition. To me, it only makes sense to investigate. If no wrong doing is found, then maybe some of the infighting will be put to rest. If wrong doing IS found, then it may put money back in the town's pocket. And I believe everyone would agree that is a good thing.

    1. This Anonymous person has it right. We need to go to the state as a united front. This petition will put this to rest. We have much more to loose if we do not sign this petition. Mr. Spring has said, but not officially, that town finances are not looking good for the next year. That may mean more cuts, that no one wants, it is too hard on town workers. If this petition is delivered to the state officials, they will have to take this seriously. They will not be able to humor us or set it aside, or to have it get lost, like alot of Jeff and Pauly's complaints to the AG did. Please talk to your friends and neighbors, about this important petition. The time has come to do this right, for once and for all. Bev.

  5. How many water main breaks have happened this year? It seems there's at least one a week! And why are these breaks not reported on the town website? What's the big deal in reporting this information? I don't get the lack of sharing information. Why is it that the chair of the BOS IS a LW commissioner and he doesn't answer these questions directly? You'd think the info would come naturally if there is a direct link to LW dept? What the hell is going on in this town?

  6. We need to start looking to May - Greg Edwards is up on the L&W in May we need to find someone who will question and get us ratepayers answers.
    Julie can you tell us where those petitions are so we can sign them.
    As far as 252 Baldwinville Rd goes, can we sue GS BC and DoB for doing this deal and K&P too. Class action suit. DoB violated ethics with the property being across the street but of course Ethics Dept has done nothing dispite numerous complaints
    Other than that I say we try to sell it to a Factory type business, it is zoned commercial/industrial, bring jobs and taxes, right off of rt 2.

  7. Its all about the money, other than the retirements!What did the american tissue mills of mass screw templeton out of?
    electric?water?sewer?taxes?Are all these bills outstanding or still getting bigger from intrest, or paid?Is the answer of this possible?
    any liens on the properties?

  8. Where is the petition for the investigation? I'll sign. I have a pen all ready. As far as selling the building/property, I can't imagine that any "for profit" organization would be interested in it, for the same reasons the town doesn't want it. But you never know. Like I said before, it wouldn't be a bad place for the highway dept. to store equipment in during the off-season. We have it now. Let's use it.

  9. I think Anonymous 9:14 a.m.'s post should be printed out and left ALL OVER TOWN, especially to reach people that don't have a clue, like the Lion Club members.

    1. One of the things Citizens 4 Templeton will talk about very soon is starting a news letter. I called George Barnes the other day and asked him if he reads the blog. He said, once in a while. I then asked him how did he know what was going on in town? He said "doesn' the Gsnoos, cover the meetings?" Oh yah, I just said," George, you don't know what is going on in town". End of story. The Gsnoos never gives any of us a ounce of credit for anything, thats ok, one of these days people will get sick of paying for nothing, and they will go under, and wonder why. This is my opinion, Bev.

    2. Doesn't George Barnes write for the Telegram? I'd think he'd be eager to get people to read the Telegram instead of the Snooze and would present another side of Templeton issues. It would be a great asset to our community to have a secondary source of news. I hope he will read this blog more and pay attention to the unreported issues more. If he chooses not to, then a newsletter would be great to start. Maybe we can even have local ads in it.

    3. Have you noticed that the Telegram does not have us listed as one of its" Towns"? It has been this way for over a year. Why this happened, I have no clue. So in reality, we have no one to give us a voice. I wrote the editor of the T&G about 9 months ago and told her we needed coverage. I got no response! As things stand we have no honest coverage, we have no voice! This is not a good position to be in. George can only cover what he is allowed to..At this point, he is out of touch with what is goig on in his own town. Like everyone else he is busy. As far as I can see, we will just have to do it our selves. Bev.
