Sunday, October 28, 2012


Citizens4Templeton members Sally, Theresa, Carol and Will sorting food to be donated to the Templeton Food Pantry.
Thanks C4T for your commitment to our town!


  1. "Those who now call for an end to dissent, moreover seem not to under stand what this country is all about. For debate and dissent are the very heart of the American process. We have followed the wisdom of ancient Greece; All things are to be examined and brought into question. There is no limit set to thought... How else is error to be corrected, if not by informed reason of dissent..."...We dissent not because it is comforting, but because it is not--because it sharply reminds us of our true purpose...So if we are uneasy about our country today, perhaps it is because we are truer to our principles than we realize..." We say with Camus, I should like to be able to love my country and still love justice...Our country is in danger , not just from foreign enemies, but above all from our own misguided policies... This is a contest, not for the rule of America, but for the heart of America..." And as this contest continues, the stakes have never been higher than they are right now. Robert Kennedy 1968

    1. It is interesting, we have people who get agrivated when things are questioned! It is our right to question what we think may be wrong. In some countries people die, even today, to have the right to speak out. Just because someone with authority has made a decision, or has done something, that does not make it right, especially, if it hurts the community in the long run. We the members of Citizens 4 Templeton, have decided to stand up against the "misguided policies" of our previous selectmen, whom have used their positions to make decisions that were not in the best interest of the community. Every family in our town, is going to be impacted by these decisions. Ok, you may ask, what are you talking about? WE CAN START WITH THE DECISION TO PURCHASE 252 BALDWINVILLE RD. THIS VOTE WAS TAKEN ON THE 3RD. NIGHT OF TOWN MEETING, {LATE, SMALL AMT. OF PEOPLE PRESENT.} THIS MOTION WAS PASSED,AND WRITTEN SO THE MONEY HAD TO COME UNDER THE DEBT LIMIT. THAT MEANS, YOU THE VOTER, DID NOT HAVE THE CHANCE TO VOTE ON THIS ISSUE. MONEY TO PAY THIS BILL HAS TO COME FROM THE BUDGET.{A BUDGET THAT WAS ALREADY CUT TO THE BONE} TO THIS DATE THE TOWN HAS SPENT $4000,OO. ON PURCHASING THIS BUILDING. THE AMOUNT OF $3000,00 WAS SPENT ON DESIGN AND TO PAY THE OPM. MR. SKELTON TOOK OUT A ONE.NINE MILLION DOLLAR LOAN,{with no authorization} THAT WE HAVE TO START PAYING NOW. THERE ARE MANY THINGS WRONG WITH THIS WHOLE DEAL. WE ARE A TOWN THAT IS HANGING ON BY A THREAD, DECISIONS MADE BY PEOPLE THAT DID NOT HAVE YOUR BEST INTEREST IN MIND, WHEN THEY DID THESE THINGS, ARE WHAT WE AS TAX PAYERS, ARE GOING TO HAVE TO DEAL WITH NOW. ANY HOPE OF GIVING THE WORKERS OF OUT TOWN BACK THE HOURS THAT WERE CUT, IS NOT LOOKING GOOD.Because we have taken a stand, does not make us wrong. We have the facts to prove we are right. Please give us your support and attend the town meeting we are having in November. This is the most important meeting of the year. Pass the word around. Templeton gives you the taxpayer the information you need to make good decisions. Bev.Miganowicz Bartolomeo
