Friday, October 19, 2012

Elementary School Update

The Templeton Elementary School Building Committee met last night. We discussed which piece of land at the Templeton Developmental Center would suit our needs for a new elementary school.

After a site walk on the parcel on Crow Hill, we decided that parcel would be suitable for an elementary school. There are some issues that will need to be considered. The site will need a septic system and a well. This site is setback from the road (Rt 202) on the opposite side of Rt 202 as the TDC.

We will need to work with many state agencies in order for this project to complete a feasibility study. Senator Brewer’s office has taken the lead in coordinating the necessary steps to file legislation to make this project a reality.

There are maps of the property at the Assessor’s office and the BOS office. These maps of the TDC were given to the town by DCAM.

One of the obstacles this committee will need to overcome is money. The Town originally approved $550,000 to complete the feasibility study. There is $319,000 left in that account. Over $200,000 was spent on this project for a Templeton elementary school with nothing to show for it.

Maybe that’s too harsh. After repeated requests for proposals, we now know Templeton has lots of very, wet land. We also know that Gerald P Skelton, in his capacity as BOS chairman (former), signed a contract with the OPM(Strategic Building Solutions) for an additional, unfunded $400,000 over the $550,000 that was approved by the voters.

This committee is working hard to correct past mistakes and provide the oversight this project needs to contain costs. The next meeting is scheduled for Monday October 29, 2012 at 6:00 p.m. We have a lot of work to do!

My opinions…supported by FACTS ! !

Julie Farrell


  1. Is there any project in town that this man didn't have his hand in? I guess that would be the senior center. Probably why that project is the only one about to be completed. Thank you for the information. I hope the committee can work with what money is left and our state reps will actually follow through on their promises and help us out. If anyone needs attention from the state, its Templeton. Maybe with the money grabbing people out of the picture, this project will be a reality.

  2. What!?! More UNFUNDED money was signed off by Skelton, $400,000 on top of $550,000 for a feasibility study? How on earth did this guy get to spend, spend, spend without going through the proper procedures? Okay, I am behind a new school idea. But really, it took these outrageous actions by Skelton to get something moving? By my calculations, between 252 and the school, this megalomaniac has committed the town to over 2.3 MILLION dollars without a vote at the Annual Town meeting. How is this possible? AND he had NO plan in place to pay for it all? Thanks buddy, for nothing – except unbelievable debt. I wonder how far $950,000 would have gone to renovating our existing schools that we already own. Well, we can only now move forward and deal with the aftermath. Let’s keep a watchful eye out there people. Spring elections are coming, let’s evolve not regress.

    1. A closer look at the alleged financial damage by the Skelton's (besides the 2.3 million mentioned above) might include the ten to thirty million dollars lost due to alleged obstruction of justice the Skelton's may have been involved with concerning Kopelman and Paige's handling of case 02-2424C. I have written extensively on this subject but apparently nobody has the time for reading. It is difficult to fit the information of the eighteen year legal saga of the wastewater treatment plant contract into a five second time bite.

    2. We've read it, its just hard to swallow. I totally believe you are correct. Its just hard to know what to do about it. If people would understand this, they would sign the petition and get state officials to investigate. 20-30 million would be a great stabilization account balance. But if people aren't going to open their eyes to understand this, what do we do? Its just so frustrating.

  3. Yes it appears that the Skelton's agenda and the town's agenda may have differed (purchase of Templewoods comes to mind). It is refreshing to see people in Templeton get involved and question the screwing they have been taking for so long. The citizen's petition for upcoming Special Town Meeting on Nov 15 asking the state to look into wrongdoings that have occurred right here in Templeton may be a step in the right direction to sort out just how illegal activities have been here is our little town. Please offer to get signatures or sign the petition. Remember talk is cheap. Thanks.

  4. From a "Stupid Taxpayer" I believe that now is the time for all the GS followers/believers to step up to the plate and sign the petition to look in to the alleged "wrongdoings" of the GS gang(is that anything like the Winter Hill Gang). It would be with their support that the truth would be found and that perhaps GS and gang would be given a "not guilty as alleged" finding. This would also convince all the fence perchers that Pauly is truly imagining all that he has seen and has on paper. What say!!

  5. Baldwin Templeton Why are you not attending every meeting? You have a wealth of information to share.

  6. Dear Anonymous my wealth of information is not always appreciated, a case in point is my current article on Templeton Times "The USS Liberty and The Caiaphas Complex." This article will most likely not be posted here because of possibly offensive content. Eventually I will try to tie all of these complex thoughts into our past legal representation of K&P and why we may wish to spend some time learning about worldly events and how they effect Templeton.

  7. Hello Pete - you do have some good points, but tying K&P (as they served Templeton) to the Global Zionist Conspiracy is not one of them.

    I hope that they keep such articles off this blog. They are not helpful to the cause, in my opinion. Some people might dismiss the blog as one of those black-helicopter, foil-hat websites. That's one way to drive potential supporters to the other side of the debate.

  8. Hello Mark-It would appear that Mr. Kopelman takes an interest in the American Jewish Committee. Commentary is that committee's magazine and that magazine appears to be more interested in Israeli and World Zionist events than the good old USA. It is my opinion that K&P did not represent the Town of Templeton well in case 02-2424C. It is my belief Mr. Hausen has close relatives living in Israel. When the town meeting of 1/26/74 clearly shows the town entering into a contract with Ervng Paper Mills and the Federal Judges agree Erving was a party to the WWTP contract (information omitted from case 02-2424C) it make one wonder who K&P were serving. You speak of a debate, could you define of what you speak of?

    1. The Citizens 4 Templeton are holding a meeting on Sunday October 28, at 1:00, at the Templeton Fish and Game Club. As a group we have been working to get the town on the right track. We also have been doing community projects, along the way. Every one is welcome to attend. We do not have dues. All that you need to do, is be willing to work to make Templeton a better place to live. Anonymous, 10:34, It would be nice if these folk would be open enough to get this issue resolved, for once and for all. Bev.

  9. There are TV's at the club so we can watch the game as well as hold a meeting!
