Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Selectmen Meeting Tonight

Selectmen Meeting Tonight

It looks as if the BOS meeting will take place tonight. The agenda has been posted.

There is an agenda item for the Templeton 250th Anniversary Committee

The warrant articles for the Special Town Meeting on November 15th need to be approved and then posted.

The agenda item is discussion on the town’s snow and ice policy.

Hope to see you there

Julie Farrell


  1. I guess Trick or Treating started early today in Templeton. A bunch of people dressed as Whipps-Lee and her supporters came to my door. They weren't asking for candy. Instead they were asking for money and tried to bribe me by giving me a pen to use while signing a check to her campaign. Not impressed.

    1. Campaigns will typically leave literature, pens, donation cards etc.
      At least the Candidate took the time to seek out your vote.
      The real question is: What did the Incumbent "bribe" you with to write such a foolish comment?

  2. are you serious -

  3. I have a question…When is the Tax Collector going to post on templeton1.org the names of and amounts due by delinquent taxpayers? I do not get the Gardner News, I will not support that bias “newspaper”. But I hear that the town spent big bucks for a full page ad with these names on it. How about costing us nothing and posting it on the website? What is the delay? Click, click…and its there. Not rocket science people. If the tax collector is worried about the people who owe reaction, well they are the ones in the wrong. Do your job and collect the money already, embarrass them into paying! -#484
