Tuesday, November 20, 2012

As Templeton Turns…number?

 The BOS meeting last night went well. There was a full agenda. We’ve adopted three new policies: The Emergency Medical Dispatch Policy; The WorkZone Safety Policy for the Highway department and the BOS policies and procedures proposed by Selectman Bennett a long time ago!

Under the Police department agenda, Pat Mullins mentioned reverse 911. The Chief mentioned that Reverse 911 is defunct. Code Red is a different system, which we will be using to notify people in emergency situations. This is a different service then the one used by the school system. Code Red works with both landlines and cell phones. People have the ability to opt out if they do not want the messages.

The Highway department has received the bucket truck from the Light and Water department. The old bucket truck is stored at 252 Baldwinville Rd. There was some discussion about what to do with the 1986 bucket truck. We will place the bucket truck on MiniciBid and see what we can get for it.

The BOS discussed compensation for the highway superintendent for snow plowing operations. After much discussion it was agreed to compensate the highway superintendent for plowing when the department is shorthanded. We need to work on adopting the FEMA policy in order to compensate other department heads in the case of a declared state of emergency.

There was discussion about the Fuelmaster system for the highway department. The new system may not be installed and operational until February.

The contract for the FY 2013 CDBG grant writer was awarded to COG. The decision was made to proceed to apply for the CDBG grant to complete the Back Bay project. The design and engineering costs will be paid for out of Chapter 90. It would be nice to complete one project in town.

Budget discussions will take place soon. The BOS came to consensus that aiming for an overall budget reduction of 2% would be the best course of action at this point. The governor may be forced to use 9C cuts to keep the FY13 budget on track. Revenue collections have not met the state projections, which will create a shortfall. On the Federal level, the fiscal cliff or automatic budget cuts will begin in January unless some major agreement takes place. Whatever happens on the state and federal level will have an impact on Templeton. Stay tuned…

Residents from Michael’s Lane were in attendance to discuss the future uses of Gilman Waite field and the impact on the neighborhood. Chris Stewart commented on the addition of the playground is scheduled to be completed next. Parking issues will need to be resolved.

The BOS appointed Dan Keeney as Treasurer from 11/05/12- 6/30/2013. Dan was in attendance and mentioned that he is getting off to a good start.

The BOS approved many licenses last night pending inspections. There are only 2 BOS meetings scheduled in December – December 3rd and December 17th. If you know of anyone who owns an establishment that sells adult beverages, please let them know if they want extended hours for a certain occasion (like New Years Eve) they may want to make the request sooner rather than later to the Selectmen’s Office… we are closed on Fridays!!

The winter parking ban is in effect until April 15, 2013. The Christmas Tree Lighting has been set for Sunday December 2. It will start at 4:30 in Otter River. 

Meetings This Week

11/20/12 Elementary School Meeting  6:00 p.m.

11/21/12 Advisory Board CANCELLED


Have a safe and happy Thanksgiving         

Julie Farrell

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