Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Back toTempleton

here are a few interesting links for you all to read

Letter from the Inspector General

Pilot program information

Special Town Meeting Article 8 information

Congratulations to all the winners - Denise now about that meeting with the AG........ 

I did hear a few complaints about the school parking lot not being lit up enough last night. seems that people thought that they had to park in the upper lot and walk down to the gym - with no lights to light up the side walk. What do we pay the school to have the elections there. and can they afford to to turn the lights on? hee hee hee

Reminder The ADvisory Board/pretown meeting is tonight at 6:30PM in the NRMS cafeteria

I have never deleted any comments on this blog, I have always supported free speech- But I am asking people to think before you comment.  sooo if you want to talk about Zionism please go to Pete's blog at 


  1. They had cones up to direct traffic into the lower parking lot and then out past the Middle School. I parked right in front of the HS gym.

    Yes, more lighting would have been better.

  2. Those documents are very interesting. I hope it will help expedite the requested info from L&W to get into the BOS's hands sooner. Then its one step closer to making a PILOT agreement that is the appropriate amount.

  3. I have set up Templeton Times to discuss world events because it is my opinion that local politics and World politics are two sides of the same coin. When much larger influences (Zionism) control just about every facet in our lives this in turn effects local politics. If you have no control of your money system then you as a country are not sovereign. If your constitution has been shoved aside for a Unified Commercial Code your legal rights have been manipulated to favor someone else. When your environment is being manipulated with material (Chemtrails) being sprayed in the air such as Aluminum, Barium and Strontium and people don't even think it odd these streaks are present something is wrong. When your drinking water is used as a waste disposal system for big business and carcinogens are being added to your food supply this may need to be addressed. Feel free to visit this blog and give your opinion on world events after reading these well documented articles. You certainly don't have to agree with me, in fact it is encouraged that you don't. Life is short and getting shorter.
