Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Happy Thanksgiving

What are you thankful for?


  1. Glad you are back, Pauly! Stay well & have a Happy Thanksgiving!! I am thankful I live here despite the unpopular politics of the moment. Seems fixable (even though it may take a while) At least we don't live in Israel that is constantly being attacked or one of the Arab emirates where you have no say, esp. if you are a woman!! My God those people will never come out of the Dark Ages! We better stay very vigilant in this country, as well, because we are headed down a slippery slope when our govt. disregards our sacred Constitution & does not identify terrorism for what & where it is. Pray for our leaders to open their eyes & get back to our founding principles or we will end up like the Middle East or some dictatorship with no rights. Everyone needs to be a watchdog. I am also thankful to the brave watchdogs here such as Pauly (thanks for this blogspot), Julie, Jeff, Bev, Sue, Bob M. & a few others who are getting us back to sounder ground. I am thankful for my wonderful family, friends & peaceful home most of all. Love each other dearly everyday. And that goes for the selfish hill gang. I say to them, count your blessings & be thankful for what you have, even if you took a little too much from us without asking. Remember, you are still "free" to enjoy this holiday & not be in some prison somewhere. To everyone else, have a safe, Happy Thanksgiving!!

  2. I am thankful for Pauly's Blog! I got to know my town from the words of the people and not through filters of government or media bias. Basically, I can make up my own mind on issues based on what is written. Its a dangerous thing to have a monopoly on local news. Because you do not get multiple viewpoints or info. This blog is like a modern day town common where people gather and discuss life and town issues. I am thankful for all the unique and quirky people I've met here. There are a lot of truly "good people" that live here. We all have one thing in common...this shared experience of living in Templeton together and being the stewards in this moment of history. Even if we don't like each other, lets respect the town we live in and treat it with sensible hands.

  3. I am thankful the service men and women (and Jeff) who serve our country.
    I am thankful for Citizens4Templeton
    I am thankful for all the people who care about Templeton
    I am thankful that Pauly is out of the hospital
    I am thankful for my family and my friends

    1. First I am thankful that Pauly stood up for what was true, and what was right. I am thankful that the good people in this town had the good sence to back him, when he needed it. I am thankful for the friendships that Bart and I have been able to make, with the best people you could ever ask for, the Citizens 4 Templeton. I am thankful to be home. Living in Leominster was the hardest thing I have ever done. I am home, and will not leave until they bring me out in a box. I am thankful that Mr. Ritter had the guts to hang in with this poor town. What more could a girl ask for, good friends, good family and living in a wonderful town!! Bev.
