Friday, November 9, 2012

Chris Stuart??

In my opinion Chris Stuart you should read the Gardner News. I do, 2 or 3 times. Hey Chris are you afraid of an investigation? You should be – The Attorney General is already go all the complaints of mine – certified, get it – certified. Even the police department and the DVD’s. Your statement in the Nov 9th Gardner News by Mark Harranas is a cheap shot to all taxpayers that don’t have the information about what has been going on with you five selectmen, Julie Farrell can’t do it alone and I know who is helping you try to stop the investigation. Why do you keep avoiding this investigation? I will tell you why. You and VW and Mullins with others are part of this Big, Big conspiracy because I have too many “facts” to prove it.
Why don’t you save your family some embarrassment in the coming weeks and Chris – who told you the Attorney Generals office found my bonafide complaints  to her office? Not true whoever told you that is a liar and you said it on the front page of TGN on Nov 9th. Myself and others were present when “we” personally talked to that office – ask newly re-elected Denise Andrews. What about Tim Cahill who borrowed a few bucks (1000’s) from the lottery. Hee-hee-hee. He said a couple of months ago that he was innocent well he is on trial right now. Is Cahill going to say like you say, that is a lie. You should watch those DVD’s a couple of times  so you can keep track of the lies you say. I want to see you get out of those statements and I have not stopped asking Rep Andrews for some continued help. She only works about 100 ft from the Attorney General’s office. I hope Denise don’t let all us people that voted for her down. I am following this very closely with her. How about it Bev. So is Jim White and Whipps. Someone did something wrong and us “stupid” taxpayers are going to find out. Right Dennis O’Brien and don’t forget I have my “bonafide” complaints, recorded with your police dept and the Atty Generals office.
Sooo Chris Stuart smarten up and be honest in the scope of being a selectman. Don’t you have any pride for your family? The previous statements are all my opinions and I am always right. Give me a comment especially if you are new to the blog. I PHC Sr have been sick for a while but Stuarts statement got me on the “move” and Bev you got to keep pushing these lying bast---- until they take a hike. Oh by the way Stuart- I guess it’s ok to violate a bylaw? Is that true? I am going to ask you a couple of interesting questions at the next Selectmen’s meeting. So be ready and don’t studder and I hope more and more people show up at these meetings for our taxpayer support. I, PHC sr can’t understand why I don’t get many comments from my blog from the people I hammer on – Truth Hurt?
Thanks for reading my opinions Pauly
PS don’t forget Chris Stuart’s statement about “credibility” making the town look bad, and the Atty General office too  (what a laugh)


  1. Chris Stewart's "can't we all get along" routine is wearing a little thin. I seem to remember a former Selectman, Bob Columbus, frequently cite the need to "move forward" with town business. Look how well that turned out for Bubba! Not only did he break a town bylaw by settling with Jeff Ritter and bringing Old Lady Skelton Back, but he lost his seat on the Board! Chris Stewart is doing as little as possible because he's not being paid, and as a result, he wants to avoid any conflict or actual leadership. Don't forget, he's got "if it ain't broke don't fix it" Paul Q. in the family, and of course "Auntie" Carol Skelton. His comments about the credibility of the town and the town looking bad just show how uninformed he is. Maybe he hasn't had time to read through all of these documents. He's very busy sitting on his ass all day reading other magazines at the social security office.

  2. My friend Pauly, I can not even begin to tell you how glad I am that you have fanned the fire, in time for the BIG EVENT. This is no kidding, I am so sick of the Gsnooz, and the Telegram. They bend, fold and mutilate the truth, and what the spit out is what people know. Our old friend Chris has a HUGE CONFLICT OF INTEREST!!!He should have excused himself from this issue, and more that than this ISSUE AT THAT. I had better not hear Paul Q. stand up to tell me "IF IT AIN'T BROKEN". I have heard enough from that man. Our freedoms, the ones guys like you Pauly, my dad, Jeff. and the good people, in our country, have died for have been stompped into the ever lovin ground. One of the last things Gladys told me, before she died, was that the mill, owed us alot of money. I know she would tell us, julie is right. You know Tommy J., this is a fight worth fighting,{the right for us to ask, that the crap that has been stuffed up our ass, needs to be looked at.} What are our options? Do we ask every family with a house payment, every older person who is trying to live in their home, to pay???What for, so that K&P can worm out of the things they did to us? Oh yes, Sue, please figure out roughly what it is goig to cost a family, if we the tax payer has to asorb the money for 252 Bald. Rd, then give back the money for the feasability study at the same time. I think that was 200,000, with nothing to show for it. WHO WAS ON THAT COMMITTEE? JUST BECAUSE YOU ARE ON A COMMITTEE, DOES NOT MEAN YOU LEAVE YOUR BRAINS AT HOME. It seems to me we have some nasty forces at work, and we need to fight back. Tell the DOR, NO!!. Sorry guys, we do not have it. We have senators and representatives, we need to use these people to help us. That is how things work, in the real world. If we pay back this money, we have a problem...First off, no family will make it in our town. We can kiss a large percentage of our young and old people good bye. I was told Orange has 200 empty homes. They are empty because people simply walked away. We need to make people accountable. IT MAY NOT HAPPEN TOMORROW, BUT SOONER OR LATER WE WILL LEARN THE TRUTH. IF WE DO NOT GET PAULY'S INVESTIGATION, THE ELEPHANT IN THE ROOM WILL KILL US ALL, AND THE BAD GUY WILL SIMPLY WALK AWAY. BEV. OH PAULY, DENISE IS AT OUR SIDE! {Her support is more than likely why some people did not want her to win.}

  3. Well, look at who was on the select board when Carol Skelton was hired back in 2004. Look back at who spoke against a town administrator position, I believe you may find the name Paul Q, father-in-law to Chris Stuart. If there is nothing wrong, nothing to hide, everyone should welcome an investigation. The attorney general office just let the town know that the open meeting complaint filed against myself and other members of the board of selectmen was no violation. K&P attorney tried to get me on a phone conference with the AG and K&P, I refused, I had already spoken to them once and had /have a written explanantion on file, I was not doing anything over the phone. Columbus was unhappy with the change on the board, he did not even want to reorganize even though the board changed (after the recount loss by GS) I asked for an agenda item in open session for a future meeting date of the select board. The credibility of the town is not at risk but some of the people in town may be forced to answer some questions in front of a judge. I did not file an ethics violation against the chief of police for no reason, listen to the tape of the meeting when Paul Cosentino sr was banned from town offices and see who was leading the charge (and an open meeting violation (filed by myself) A leftover from the vote to completely disregard the DOR report. Go back and look at the minutes and ask yourself why the Skeltons and Columbus voted against it. Look at the merger of the light and water, everything is there, all the indicators are there, someone just has to read them, as in the AG, and maybe a trail leads back to employees of the Gardner news. Again, a selectmen signing off on pay increases for his wife is all the red flags I need.

  4. Socrates, the Greek philosopher, taught his students that the pursuit of truth can only begin once they start to question and analyze every belief they ever held dear. If a certain belief passes the tests of evidence, deduction, and logic, it should be kept. If it does not, the belief should not only be discarded, but the thinker must also then question why he was led to believe the erroneous information in the first place, and for what purpose. Not surprisingly, this type of teaching didn't sit well with the ruling elite of Greece. Many political leaders throughout history have sought to sway the masses for reasons both "good" and "bad". Socrates was tried for "subversion" and for "corrupting the youth." He was then forced to take his own life by drinking poison. It has never been easy to be an independent thinker! Albert D. Pastore.

  5. News flash to Paul Q.2 military drive!
    Its broken and may need to be sold to the highest bidder.
    how do we find the money to cap the land fill,upgrade the sewer plant,water pipes and not drive the town off the cliff?maybe p.q. can ask his soninlaw to have an open mind!
    After all he will need to soon get the pilot formula out of the other office to figure out what 3.1%-5.0% will be this season and pay up. its the towns department not the light company department that get the profits.the average of the 382 other muni owned light depts give and pay a pilot or transfer to general fund a amount on sales 12.4 million divided by 382 in 2006 = over 350,000. get it a third of what they figure the amount should be/was. Time to get it correct,after all Paul Q. said it ain't broke! If it is we need to sell it and wash our hand of it,thats what our coop princeton partners in wind energy production are doing with their turbines, Quote: "we will be looking for a buyer for our 2 wind turbines" we can't be a coop with only one partner ourself! Maybe the turbine is the straw that is going to overload the town budget?I think the whole thing is a bad deal from any angle i look at it. If the coop goes our costs go up and profits go down and the transfers are at the lowest!If the gearbox blows,like the one in princeton did it cost them 1/2 million to fix it and would need to be borrowed!They are paying 5.5% intrest to the bank now and why? I just got a line of credit @ 2.87%. banks borrow at a rate of 1% or less and fees to boot!
    Did i say they would need to borrow it ? Sorry I meant to say steal it from the shareholders/ ratepayers, Well this is one shareholder they are going to hear from and they don't and won't like it,The APPA 2006 data is a good read!
    I gather the drop from 573 in 2002 to 382 in 2006 are due to the mind set that Paul Q. give us! The drop of 191 are those that sold to other private electrics!
    Were they broke,not broken, I'll bet the towns after they got sold were not broke!
    Mismanagement is what Templeton has had for some time and the time is now to fix whats broken!Now Paul Q shut up we all know now were not stupid/blind!

    1. I hope you people, who sit and read this blog, will help us Thursday night. I can't do this alone. Julie has taken alot of abuse, but she is right. We have let a few people run the town off the rails, but we can't let this go on any further. It has to stop now. The elephant is in the room, it is not going away. Where are the people who would take a stand, and say enough? My old friends, really not always! Dana and I had our differences, but there was a understanding that neither one of us would ever do anything to hurt this town. The waste water-paper mill deal is about the worst, and we have to try one more time. No interfearence, from anyone in town, with their own adjendas! WE DO NOT HAVE TO PAY FOR THIS!! WE MAY AS WELL GET SOMETHING FOR OUR TAX DOLLARS. IF THE PEOPLE IN TOWN HAVE DONE THINGS TO HURT US ALL, THOSE ARE THE BREAKS. The only thing else I want to do is stiffen the price of breaking our Town By-laws. That way no one will ever do this to our town again. Bev.

  6. To Mr. Stewart- The only thing that gives the town a bad reputation is when people put racist signs on their lawn and the town ends up on the tv evening news looking like fools. Launching an investigation into possible wrongdoing in a town DOES NOT make the town look bad. In fact, it makes the town look good. It shows that the officials of the town who are responsible for all operations and financial issues are protecting the citizens' best interest by making sure every action (past and present) have been done to the letter of the law. I want people who use my money to be certain that rules were followed in any transaction that my tax dollars are put toward.

    Hey, ever since I moved here all I have seen is people arguing and a tremendous lack of respect and ethics when addressing citizens. So, I looked into what all the arguing was about. It all boils down to the 4 subjects in question that people are seeking an investigation about. I am not related to anyone in this town. I don't care about "sides" or "groups" or "clans". All I care about is protecting my assets and the well being of my adopted hometown. So, take it from an "outsider"...things do not seem to have been handled professionally here for many years. Let's get some other outsiders to look into the matter and put all this to rest. If the town is owed millions of dollars, how wonderful would that be to help in rebuilding this sweet little town!? Why in the world would you actively pass up an opportunity to look into securing that money if it was legally owed to us? The conflict of interest has spread like a disease in Templeton politics...this person is that person's aunt and this person is that person's cousin...this is not professional. If you wanted to keep your insular inbred form of local politics going, then you should have put gates up to keep the outsiders away from moving in. But you didn't. So, be prepared for people who aren't related to demand accountability in their town government.

    The new guy

    1. Hey new guy, thank you for your thoughts. There are many people in our town who have no clue, as to what is going on. Alot of the older people do not have a computer. The area news papers are not in the least bit fair. We as a group C4T, are trying to help, protect, and inform the people who need to know, so they can make good decisions. This has been one of the most diffficutl times of my life. I love my town, and the people in it. It will be a cold day in hell, before I will sit back and let this go any further than it has already. Please help by talking to your neighbors. This is their investment too. See you Thursday night! Bev

  7. Anyone that does not support an investigation is either a guilty party or stupid. Plain and simple. Do you want decisions about how your money is used made by either of these people? This is an opportunity to get some answers without having to PAY a dime! And the only reason not to request an investigation that I've heard so far is it will be embarrassing? That's the only "con" they can come up with? Clearly there is no valid "con" in a situation like this. If the parents want a school built, then vote for the investigation. If the town workers want new facilities (police station, fire station, town hall), then vote for the investigation. If you want your tax money to be used wisely and not literally flushed down the toilet, then vote for the investigation. And, one more thing, you HAVE to listen to your seniors. They are wiser than we are. They have paid attention longer than we have. They've lived through more experiences than we have. People like Pauly and Mr. Kasper know what they are talking about. If you stop and listen to them, you'll learn a thing or two. They have more credibility in their words and actions that 100 other men have in this town combined. Many cultures throughout the world treat their elders with such tremendous respect and seek their wisdom naturally. In our culture, we tend to wave them off as crazy and show no respect to them. Mr. Kasper has asked very important viable questions at BOS meetings and the Chair doesn't even show enough respect to respond to him! Then, when a younger person asks the same question but rephrases it, they do get a response. It is sad and shameful. THAT is what makes this town look bad, Chris Stewart. Your lack of respect for the seniors on camera. Our seniors have been pushing for an investigation for years and years. Its about time us young whipper snappers paid attention to them and grant their request.

  8. My dear Pauly if you are interested in an investigation so badly then why dont you dig up some of the oil barrels and find the old cans full of blueberry money put you wallet where you mouth is and pay for the investigation yourself. Bev you talk about sue why doesnt she figure out what it will cost each town family for 252 baldwinville road, when will she have time in her very busy schedule between making house calls to Pauly, and lookikng up the next property that the two of them will steal from the honest hard worker that is trying hard and barely getting by. If you feel that some many have stolen from town and wish to pursue that is great, but the money will never be replaced what will you ever get back nothing,just waste more of the towns money and probably make the town more bankrupt then it is. I agree with Chris and think you all need to back off of him, he is doing the right thing, move on and you all need to grow up, and move on, digging through the past will never solve any present day issues.

    1. Chris is doing as little as possible, as usual. Anything to avoid more work or a situation in which he'd have to exercise some leadership. If you can't stand the heat, get out out of the kitchen.

    2. Hey Bonehead anonymous 3:29pm and you are a bonehead a misinformed morron I dug up all my blueberry money If you attended meetings when I ask the 5 selectmen - Bennett and Julie said yes the rest said no - I offered to pay for the investigation and still do. You don't even know what is going on by this comment - you are stupid and I PHC sr am calling you stupid. Can I get your name so I can take you to Worcester court for slander or are you one of the ones that will be found guilty when this investigation is done, Hee-hee-hee

    3. One more thing don't overrun your mouth with your big fanny hmmmm "my dear Pauly" now who does that sound like- Hee-hee-hee

  9. The new people in town need to mind their own business and stay home and forget about all this confusing town corruption. I'm sure there will be a sports program on or perhaps Dancing with the Stars or maybe some porn on the computer to occupy your time while the regulars at this Special Town Meeting sweep these misunderstandings under the proverbial rug. Just because something is free (Investigation) doesn't mean we have to be interested in it.

    1. And just because some people want to "move on" and not look back doesn't mean that it is the right thing to do. Why in the world would a town NOT want to make the company that had agreed to do something and pay for something actually stand by that agreement? Instead, the town wants to make all of us pay for it? Does that sound logical? No. It sounds tremendously suspect. I do not think anyone agrees that paying a bill that someone else is supposed to pay for is moving on. And as far as 252 Bald. Rd. was a bad deal right from the start. People knew it. And because of that, the transaction was mishandled. So, enjoy reduced services, enjoy your taxes going up for no viable reason. And enjoy drinking your fluoridated water. Seems to be making you wicked smahter!

    2. Anonymous 3:57, Way to go, new people stay home and eat a gallon of ice cream. That will go along way toward making sure you keep the value in your home, and inprove the quality of life in this town. Unless you live in a tent, on someone elses land, and really don't care?. They say "all nuts don't grow on trees",{got that anonymous3:29}, and unfortunately they do not lock people up any more! DAM, 250 YEARS, AND WE STILL DO NOT HAVE A JAIL! BEV

  10. Hey anonymous 3:29 pm An investigation by the AG's office is what is being asked for - No cost to the taxpayers. get it? Or should we just keep on getting screwed. The waste of money $700,000. on 252 Baldwinville rd is going to cost us all in tax dollars and take money from all town services. All that is being asked is for the AG's office to do their job and investigate!!!!

  11. I hope Leonard Kopelman did not write the rules for the Attorney Generals Office like he did for the Ethics Commission. Its like one great big family down there in Boston.

  12. Pauly the money that you offered to pay for the investigation is that the same blueberry money that you offered to the 250th celebration when certain people were elected? What was the number 10k? then you changed you mind and only gave 250 bucks, is that also the same blueberry money that you offered Ritter when the conversation went I know how you can make extra money, it seems that if anyone needs to be investigated it would be you and your underhanded dealings with Farrell, Bennett, Ritter, Salame lets look into some of your underhanded deals, let investigate them I am speaking and I am just a concerned Citizen. And whats the porn show gonna be called Sue under Paulys desk, Or Bev reaching under the blankets, bet it will be a hit.

    1. Boy it gets close to the Special Town meeting, Things are HEATING up for the crooks who robbed this town, and NOW we finally hear from some of the Echo Hill Gang, back to their same old crazy pass the blame routine, Just wonder what they are going to put into the gardner news this week.
      Problem is, even many of your previous supporters are now aware of your dealings, AND IT'S ALL ON PAPER

    2. When the heat is turned up, these people are getting uncomfortable and have to lash out in a personal way and hit below the belt. They're just showing their true colors yet again. They can't engage in an actual discussion. They can't defend their reasoning for denying an investigation. So, they have to insult people and BULLY them. Listen, that act is getting old. And your stupidity is showing. You can hurl insults at Pauly and his loved ones all you want. He's a tough man. He can take it. It still won't prevent people from pursuing the truth and holding the offenders responsible. What, are you going to try to distract the public now with more arrest records? Make false allegations of others in order to take attention away from the issue on the table? Once again, I will ask...if anyone thinks its a bad idea to seek an investigation, please explain it in a grown up way. Otherwise, save your childish insults for your mirror.

    3. sounds like someone is very very jealous of Pauly's success.

    4. Pauly Cosentino has been the most important person in the Town of Templeton, in the past 250 years. What he has done to bring the truth to the tax payer, against all odds, is remarkable. I am proud of my friend. You can get as low as you want, it is not going to help your cause, so give it a rest, and attempt to act like a adult. Bev.

  13. I've been watchin this hole thing develop from back hear in the lower forty. Us morons out here in the country have been taken advantage of by that Kopelman fella. Skelton's and the Red Barn Gang are amatures compared to the big boys. There a pretty smooth bunch them lawyers. I'll be voting for the investigation even though the Boston mob will give us the justice delayed, justice denied rigamoroll. Welcome Back Pauly!!
