Sunday, November 18, 2012

from anonymous

TEMPLETON - New Town Counsel
Many bloggers have not seen this article on Tuesday, November 13, which follows because it was in the Gardner News. It's very impressive.
Paul DeRensis, Templeton's town counsel, was named this month as one of 2012's New England SUPER Lawyers along with two other members of his firm, Deutsch Williams Brooks DeRensis & Holland, P.C. Mr. DeRensis' practice is concentrated in the area of municipal law, and he was one of only 11 lawyers in New England- seven from Massachusetts - given recognition as a Super Lawyer in the government/cities/municipalities law area throughout the entire six state New England region. Mr. DeRensis has achieved this recognition as a "super lawyer" eight times, 2004, 2005, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011 and 2012.
If anyone had any doubts of Mr. DeRensis and his firm, this should satisfy them. . Good choice! I guess you could say "We are in Good Hands".


  1. I guess I got his name wrong, but that is all I got wrong. He is a nice man. I am not sure what he was expecting from the Special Town Meeting? Maybe that people would be running through the room with guns, or base ball bats?? He did say "that was not bad", in reference to the close of the meeting! Well after listening to the DOR people's feelings about us, I guess we are lucky he showed up at all. He told Bart "he liked his loud voice:, OMG, I can't take that man any where! In reality, Bart is deaf in one ear, and has a hard time in a big room. I think he did not understand what was going on. It got a little confusing, thats all! A town meeting is very different, if you have lived in a city, where you have a city council, and have no say, about anything. My self, I would not trade a Town Meeting for anything. It gives people a chance to ask questions, or make comments about how their money is spent. Bev.

  2. I am very glad the law firm Deutsch Williams submitted an RFP to be our town counsel. Paul DeRensis is a quality person. He is also a selectman in his hometown. He truly "gets" the dynamics of town meeting.

    This law firm will give it to you straight. Sometimes it's tough to hear things you don't want to hear. But the legal advice for the town is based on facts and not twisted to meet the needs of a personal agenda. Legal advice for the good of the town not a majority of the BOS. What a concept!

  3. Paul DeRensis does get it becaue he serves on a 3 member board of selectmen, as vice-chairman. He also pays attention to what goes on in Templeton. Since has to participate in town meetings not only as our legal counsel but as a selectmen in his town where he has to "hear it" if people do not agree with his votes, this gives Templeton a leg up I believe when we have a "situation" or as with the multiple of things concerning a town investigation, I believe Templeton gets not only a legal perspective but a selectmen perspective...from outside the town, a big plus for taxpayers, who pay the bills.

  4. If my memory serves me correct Mr. Leonard Kopelman was a Super Lawyer from 2006-2011. If Mr DeRensis is well versed in the Israeli Lobby and is willing not to do their bidding and further will uphold the Constitution of the United States and put the town first, we may at least have someone working for the town for a change. If not we are in for more of the same.

  5. One thing I'd like to point out (as long as we're talking attorneys) is the vote to pay K&P $4k+ for outstanding legal services. First of all, when they were reappointed back in Feb. The BOS Chair stated that they (K&P) would work with whatever budget the town had left for the FY2012. Secondly, if you remember the ATM in May lasted 4 nights because the warrants were so screwed up--wording changed so much that it no longer said what it was supposed to say and many substitute motions had to be made from the floor including the entire town's budget for FY2013. K&P did a disservice to the town for doing their job poorly. Much like in our personal lives, if a job is not done properly, we do not pay the person that did it. I do not feel we should pay for K&P's shoddy work on ATM. I also feel they went back on their word when they said they would work within the town's budget for legal services. I find it interesting that they would even attempt to bill the town with these 2 strikes against them. I feel since they were not reappointed as legal counsel for the town, they decided to send this bill as a "screw you". It is poor professionalism. K&P does not need a measly $4k from Templeton. Its not like they're a local contractor that needs that money to pay their bills. They are being vindictive and showing their true colors, in my opinion.

    I also hear Ginny tried to cut a deal to reduce the bill down to $2k. And wher'e that money going to come from? You no longer have an accountant who can manipulate that books for you. Oh, maybe we can take it from the hidden slush funds or from the street listing account. Or maybe K&P will accept payment in butternut squash.

    1. That is the only article that DID NOT pass at the STM.

    2. I think Mr. Ritter will gain a small mesure of satisfaction, from giving good old Len a call, and telling him the people in Templeton said no, they will not pay you. This is the stake in their heart, the final thing we need to say to these people, except, SEE YOU IN COURT. Good old Len and his band of crooks did more to hurt this town than any one else. He should have drawn the line, when GS wanted to do some of the things he did. He could have said NO, we can not do this, but he did not. He could have stopped Charlie Housen from screwing the town, but he did not. Oh how I would like to have the legal system to right these wrongs. Time will tell,and it will come out in the wash. We did the right thing when we said NO we will not pay you. They had alot of balls to even ask!! They think they are so smart, and above every one else. We will see how they look, when this is over. MY opinion, Bev

    3. on who's authority did Ginny contact K&P to try to cut a deal. Hey Ginny when will you start working for the taxpayers. We all know that the only reason you are fight against McClean Hosp is because your daughter lives in the area there. If it was across town you wouldn't care!
