Monday, November 26, 2012

Notes from the Templeton Elementary School Building Meeting (11/20/12)

Notes from the Templeton Elementary School Building Meeting (11/20/12)

The good news from the TESBC meeting held last Tuesday, was that the State ie: DCAM has been conducting soil tests on the parcel of land on southeast side of Route 202 “Crow Hill”. Now that the elections are over, we can focus on submitting a bill to request this parcel of land upon which to build a new elementary school.

The committee had requested an extension (again) from MSBA while we go through the process of obtaining the land from the TDC (Templeton Developmental Center). The extension from MSBA is important because the extension holds our place in line for funding the project. Otherwise, we go back to square one and start over. The state reimbursement for the elementary school project would be reduced from 59.84% to about 30%.

During the discussion about the extension, a document was distributed. The document is from the Mass School Building Authority (MSBA). This documents lays out a very clear timeline to accomplish the feasibility study and the schematic design. If the project does not meet these deadlines, the project is over.

As an added bonus, the contract for the feasibility study up to schematic design is in question. The Town voted $550,000 for the feasibility study to include schematic design. There is an amendment to that contract which increases the contract to $989,813. I will work on obtaining a copy of that contract amendment.

Stay tuned!

My opinions …supported by FACTS ! ! !

Julie Farrell


  1. When was that amendment made, by who, and for what reason? That's a lot of money for a feasibility study.

  2. Take a wild guess! None other than Gerald P. Skelton, the architect of this town's financial nightmare.

    1. How did good old GS do this? Was the rest of the committe aware of this? Did he have the authority to do this? It seems like he is hell bent on driving the town into ruin, with out a care in the world or who is hurt in the process. I hope all the people who had their blinders on, will begin to see what damage people can do, when they watch out for them selves, and not the town. I think the vote for a new school is going to be a hard sell, especially now that we have to dig the town out of the debt, alot of what GS has caused. Time will tell. I want the younger people to understand, the school is a part of the town. It is a limb on the tree. The town is the trunk of that tree, and for anything to be done the trunk needs to be healthy. The Light and Water Dept's are another branch. Like it or not, they need to make changes, to help out, when the town is in trouble. Only a fool would be blind enough to think they can just roll along, doing business as usual. I think they will get the message as time goes on. It would be nice if they would step up, with out a arguement. It will all come out in the wash. These are my opinions, Bev

  3. Hmmm let's see, the Municipal Building Committee headed by Gerry Skelton with Bubba and other friends and now we owe over $700,000.00 Elementary School Building Committee headed by Gerry Skelton and Bubba and friends, now we have a contract for $989,000 How much do we owe on this one to date. Oh yeah and don't kid yourselves people Chris Stewart knew all this was happening. Virginia and Scrappy you wanted (and tried your best) to keep Carol S in as Town Coordinator and keep the town going bankrupt. So there you have it folks we have 3 selectmen in office Chris, Ginny and Scappy who did their best to keep the bankruptcy going and choose to ignore what was happening. Kind of explains why neither of them want an investigation.

  4. Does anyone have copies of the invoices & contract between town of Templeton and Strategic Building Services? Sounds like EVERYTHING GS touched needs to be reviewed. Why is it EVERY project that has had problems his name is involved? Here we go again. 900k is a lot of money for a feasibility study for an elementary school.

    1. I can not believe that anyone would go along with what has been done for the past ten years. Did the people who were on these committees leave their brains at home, when they went to a meeting!! I was told that the man looking for land, was looking at twenty acres or more, in the beginning. What the hell was he thinking? We really did not need walking trails, we live in a area that has miles of cart roads, and state forests, open to the public. People who are on this committee needs to realise that this is money that has to be paid back, by you and me. Nothing is free!! Where are the Fred Bennetts when you need them? This project may die on the vine, and if it does, it is because the people in this town are not wealthy. You can not get blood out of a stone. I think it is time to look at the land John Brooks offered the town, this time with open eyes, in case something happens to the land that we are suppose to get from the state. I am sorry to come down so hard on the people who have worked so long, to get a new school, but there comes a time when you have to take a stand, when things go out of control. Oh yah, You may not be popular if you say stop, but you will be able to live with your self, when all is said and done. My opinion, Bev

  5. You can see that amount on any of the invoices. It does not have the amendment but it does have contract amount, what has been paid and how much is left. I brought this up at a selectmen meeting held at the high school cafeteria so there should be dvd and minutes. The paperwork is in the selectmens office in a file with all the school paperwork. When I asked the representative of SBS if the town had a oontract for over 900 grand he stated that the amount was to cover costs of plans and further studies but it is no longer a requirement of MSBA. He further stated that SBS would never spend or bill the town with out prior approval. I again asked Mr. Carl Weber if the town had a binding contract with SBS for $989,813.00 and he replied quietly, "yes I believe so" Former school superintendent was apparently not to happy with this being brought up. If you look at the paper work, a building project that was suppose to be a town project and not a regional school building, that is Templeton only project which according to town by-laws, selectmen are responsible for but then again with the name Skelton attached to it, it the schol paper work has narragansett regional school district. If you look at MSBA requirments for makeup of deasibilty tudy committee, it is SUGGESTED to include superintendent, member of school committee, principle, which I understand but it is not mandatory as some may try to stste. There is a paper from superintendent that tries to insinuate a mass general law that requires school committee members to be in on construction of schools. If one takes the time to read the entire mentioned law and all of the MSBA requirements, you will find the truth. You will also see that despite the creation of MSBA and all of what it was suppose to control, schools are still being built way too large and one should check the enrollment figures for the school district for the past five years, I am sure you will see enrollment on the decline. One more point, if the windmill hd not been built where it is, there may have been a chance of building a school there and sharing the resources of the middle/high school which would be a truly regionalized idea. I have not been against a new elementary school, I have just not been in favor of being involved with MSBA, money is never free as in one requirment of MSBA is to have a 4 foot by 8 foot sign on site stating this is an MSBA funded project. Wonder what that sign costs, a couple 4x4s in concrete in the ground, sheet of plywood painted and lettered. two union carpenters at say $40.00 per hour, a machine operator to dig 2 holes at $60.00 per hour, a couple of painters, a sign letterer and a couple of supervisors and lets not frget the engineer to design it and lastly the trucker to haul it to the landfill when the project is over with. yup, sounds like a good use of taxpayer money to me. Be advised MSBA does not reimburse costs of utilities legal land gyms or anyother type of "rooms" or spaces that may be or have dual uses. Yes there may be ways to get around these restrictions but they are there and people should know about them. Now back to the important issue, how did Gerry Skelton sign a binding contract with SBS fo over $900,000.00 when town meeting vote only approved $550,000.00? I believe one should chck state law to see if it is legal to spend or contract for more than was appropriated. Of course none of the amount over the voted $550,000.00 was spent but a good portion of the voted $550.000.00 was pissed away and so much for the oversight of the MSBA. We need some honest people to run for office in May and we need taxpayers to pay attention to their money.

    1. Jeff, I remember you bringing this up and was trying to remember in what month it was discussed. I will go back and watch that video. There is definitely a pattern here with all these projects and how they've been handled. With so much money involved, I just can't see how the sate can turn a blind eye to investigating all of these projects and the same names attached to them. You're so right. We need honest people to run for BOS next spring. Its time to run the town professionally. The time has passed when your relationship with your neighbor or your uncle or your buddy on the Lions Club or your dear friend is the only reason you vote for a candidate. If Mr.Mullins runs for re-election, he better show up at Candidates Night because I'd LOVE to hear how he has helped this town. Ms. Wilder at least deals with the BOS tasks and goes to meetings. Unfortunately, she lets her personal agenda cloud her judgement on many issues and therefore wipes out any good that she is attempting to do. Mr. Stewart never wanted to be on the BOS. At least that is what his attitude says. In watching that 2010 meeting with the DOR, he made a comment alluding to that fact. We need people that WANT to be on the BOS for honest reasons. The ship is sinking, all hands on deck..."what can I do to help?" That should be the mantra to every BOS member. Jeff, you and Julie have been great. So many people are grateful for all your hard work. I'm sure with two more good selectmen elected next May, we'll slowly be on the road to recovery. Thank you for continuing to look out for us.

    2. Good old Virginia puts on a good front. She spends alot of her time trying to control what goes on in the selectmans office. Just do something she does not agree with, and the true Virginia comes out. I have to admit, she gives you just enough good, to make you think, "ok, she's changed", then back to the same old Virginia. I figure it is best to sit with your back to the wall, then you have a half a chance. The girls in the selectmans office should not put up with any crap from her, now or ever. They work hard, in a difficult position, just by being in the office every day. I want them to know we have your back, if things get to tough. All you have to do is let us know. My opinion, Bev
