Monday, November 12, 2012

sgoooz article

for all of you who don't waste you money on TGN - here's the article from Friday November 9th
Remember click on the blue words.sorry can't seem to get in upright but it's there!


  1. I think the very thing that bothers me the most about everything we have gone through in the past eight months, is the impact the Gsnoos has had on what has happened in this town. The paper, the owner, Mrs.Bell, and the reporters should be ASHAMED, ASHAMED, of them selves. They have used their pens to give crediability to the Echo Hill Gang. There can be no pride in what they have done. The slanted, biased, crap they print is what the good people in this town take for news, and the truth. Thank God for this blog. This blog tells the truth, like it or not. My opinion, Bev.

  2. Thanks for sharing the article. When I moved here, I asked what the local paper was and the previous owners and realtor laughed and said TGN. I asked why they were laughing and they said because you can barely call it a newspaper. I asked if there were any other regional papers and they said no. And that was 12 years ago. I got TGN for a year and decided they were right. 80% is syndicated content (which I can read in the Globe or online) and 10% is listing of submissions (legal, obits, meetings, school, seniors) and 10% is original content. It's not worth paying that much money for 10% original writing. There were so many errors in the writing, too! And this is before I started paying attention to town political issues to know TGN was a blatantly bias propaganda machine for the powers that were. I guess to live here is to accept that you don't have a good hometown newspaper.

  3. good luck on article for the investigation .i will bet that the meeting will be packed to vote that down .

    1. The lack of a real paper, that tells the news, unfiltered, unbent, or not spit out to fit someones adjenda is what this town really needs. We are no longer 'A TELEGRAM TOWN', why I have no clue? I wrote the editor a letter and asked the lady to give us coverage, but never got a reply. Unbiased reporting, has hurt the whole town. My goal is to take the elephant out of the room, the dirt out from under the rug, so we can function as a united town again. This has to happen! We need to pass article 8, no ifs or buts about it. Why would anyone in their right mind, vote no?? Give me one reason? This is how I look at it. I sat in front of the school on election night. I watched people come and go to vote. I saw my friends who are getting toward retirement age, older people who want to stay in their house. I saw so many new famlies with a bunch of little kids, a car payment, house payment, and the hope for a good future in this town. The fact is if you take the time to look at the things we are asking to be investigated, it should not take you a long time to figure that you and I have not been protected by the people whom we have placed out trust. This is the time for a independent person, or agency to do their Job, and really see what the story is! I do not give a dam who did what! I do care that the people we chose may have cost us dearly. We signed on with the paper mill years ago, with the hope that we would both benefit. We got screwed, by the legal people, maybe? That is NOT OK. WE PAID THESE GUYS TO DO A JOB, THEIR JOB WAS TO PROTECT US, NOT STICK US WITH THE COST OF THEIR LANDFILL, OR LAGOON. THAT WAS THE AGREEMENT. WE DID NOT PUT THE PCB'S IN THE SLUDGE, THE DAM MILL DID. CAN YOU IN GOOD FAITH, LOOK AT ALL THE PEOPLE IN THIS TOWN AND TELL THEM, THAT THEY WILL HAVE TO PAY, FOOR 252 BALD RD., ALONG WITH THE REST OF THE THINGS THAT NEED TO BE TAKEN CARE OF, BECAUSE WE ARE STILL A TOWN? ARE YOU GOING TO SAY, OK YOUR TAXES ARE GOING UP, BUT SORRY WE HAVE NOTHING TO SHOW FOR IT? THAT GEE, PEOPLE WILL NOT VOTE FOR A SCHOOL, BECAUSE THEY DO NOT HAVE THE MONEY. Think about these things long and hard. I will not ask these people who I feel were betrayed, to clean up after the people who did not care who they hurt. My opinion, Bev
