Thursday, November 8, 2012

United States Marine Corps
237th Birthday Tribute

I don’t ordinarily pass on information of this sort; I thought I would make an exception in this case.

Julie Farrell

Thanks Julie

Once a Marine always a Marine -  Pauly 


  1. from one old jarhead to another, Happy Birthday Pauly, hope you are well and I know a nod will be given by you to our beloved Corps. My nephew is at Parris Island right now, carrying on a long tradition. To any and all Marines, present and FORMER, never ex, Happy Birthday Marines.

    1. Julie, thank you for putting this on the blog. It's a reminder of what our guys go through for our freedom. I think everyone needs a reminder. And, Jeff please come home safely and soon. We miss you and your knowledge.

  2. Smedley Butler perhaps the most decorated Marine in 237 years and two time winner of the Congressional Medal of Honor has this to say:
    Our Marines deserve better.

  3. No wonder he went in the Marines with a name like Smedley.
