Saturday, December 15, 2012

Newtown CT.

If you are fortunate enough to have people in your life that you love, tell them so. Please pray for the families of Newtown CT.


So if you love somebody better tell them so

'Cause you never ever, ever no when they gonna go

If they love you back, just give thanks

Can't keep love like money in the bank


Julie Farrell

1 comment:

  1. the world is not so far off as you may all feel that our time is like hell but its not think of it as when gods son came into the earth the king order all male children to be killed that is ALL the ones in the kingdom so this attack is much like that you can not image the pain of that lost however we watch it everyday as entertainment and the press in reality over over over every point o a pointless since less act of madness those thoughts can only come form evil
